Why does my 10 month old throw tantrums?

My 10 month old just recently started throwing tantrums if he’s not being held. He goes to daycare and he’s good there all day but as soon as we come home he’s a nightmare. He’ll sit in his high chair and eat right when we get home then right after that he cries until he’s picked up. I know children are worse around their mothers. I try giving him snacks, different toys, sitting on the floor to play, sitting in his chair or walker, or taking a tub. He’s not constipated he poops everyday. I know nothing is wrong because he stops the second I put my arms out to pick him up. Nothing works he just wants me to carry him while walking around. He’s 23 pounds and I have things to do around the house so I can’t hold him constantly. He’s also only ten months so he doesn’t understand anything I say obviously. The last few days I’ve just been letting him cry to see if he will calm down and just play with his toys and realize I won’t pick him up. That has not worked. He will do this until bed time which is three hours after we get home. Sometimes he will sit for five minutes then just start throwing another tantrum until I pick him up. What do I do about this? I can’t use a carrier he’s far too heavy. My back is already in rough shape. Thank you!!


It’s a phase. Just try to enjoy it, they’re only little for so long. Chores can wait. At least that’s how I look at it :heart:


Maybe try as soon as you get off work either taking him to the park or just having some one on one time for maybe 30 minutes

He’s a baby. He misses you. You’re his momma and you’re away over half the day. He goes to bed not long after you get home, so why not hold him as much as you can in those few hours? You don’t have to spoil him or have him up constantly but keep him up for a while with lots of hugs and kisses, and then do fun things with him. Read books, play with toys, sing songs, watch cartoons. I know you have other things to do when you get home after being at work all day but that can wait until he’s in bed for the night, he’s only going to want to be cuddled up with you for so long. My son is almost 6 and some days I have to beg him for a hug :unamused:

Enjoy your “needy” baby while you can girl !!


Maybe he doesnt get enough attention at daycare?

Ur baby misses u . He is having separation issues. Find a wrap or something like that to make carrying him easier. Babies cry for reason. It’s not a temper tantrum he’s begging for ur attention


My youngest is still like that at 14 months. Problem is he just wiggles too much to hold for long. If I have to wash dishes or cook, I put him in his car and bring him in the kitchen with me, safely away from the stove obviously. Or you can put his high chair in there as well. This is his little activity car thingy, he loves it, it just rocks back and forth, makes noise and has toys on it.


Just because he can’t talk doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand some words. Talk to him as you do everything. When you pick him up say it, when you’re putting him down, say it. Get down and play with him. I think he’s just missing you all day and wants your time. Sit down and read a few books and give him all your focus, as soon as he’s mobile, he will not want to be held as much so enjoy and let the house be a bit messy. You’ll never regret it I promise


Idk, at 10 months they do understand more than you think. Their could be a number of things going on. Is he tired? Is everything legit at daycare? They hold him too much? Try to bring him around you in safe ways, bouncer seats, strollers, etc

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My lil man is going threw this as well!! It’s not easy by any means but it just a phase they are only little for a short time!! So try an enjoy it!

Your child misses you & wants you to hold, love, & comfort him. Theres nothing more important than that.

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You need to ignore bad behavior. If you pick him up or play with him during that time you’re just rewarding bad behavior.


Maybe sit on the floor with him for 10 minutes or so to build with blocks or play cars, then continue to let him cry. Talk to him while you are doing what you need to (they understand words…maybe not the concept, but it’s worth talking to him) and explain what you need to do and why. Then in between, play with him a few more minutes (without holding). Then hold him on your lap for a story before bedtime routine.

Honestly this answer probably isn’t going to help much. But I think he just misses you and wants to be near you as much as possible

He wants his mommy! They grow so fast! I have 4 boys oldest is almost 13, youngest is almost 1. Enjoy these moments! one day u will look back and wish u snuggled or held him longer, I promise!

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He misses you. You’ve been gone all day.

So carry him? Or try baby wearing. He’s just a baby. He probably misses you during the day and just wants to be near you at home.

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He misses you. Chores can wait.

Or baby wear so you can hold him and do stuff around the house

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Saaaammee. Idk what to do either. :cold_sweat: I just deal and hope he grows out of it.

He probably does miss you and just want your attention but it’s not always realistic to say that you should hold him constantly. So if I were you I would keep him close by in a bouncer, walker or whatever he enjoys sitting/ playing in and keep him in the same room that you are in as you complete whatever task you are doing. Talk to him, make faces, funny noises, blow kisses, whatever. Teach him that he can have your attention without being held in your arms constantly. Also best advice given to me by a daycare teacher was “when in doubt, sing a song”. When he really gets really upset be louder than him! Dance, clap and sing! Just distract him and get his mind on something more interesting than screaming and crying. Also extra hugs, kisses and cuddles every chance you get certainly would help! I really liked what someone said about telling him what you are doing as you do it, at 10 months he understands more than you might think. Tell him, “momma will be right back” and then make sure you come back quickly, he will understand eventually! But make sure he isn’t tired, babies need lots of sleep and they play hard at daycare. He might want to be held cause he’s over tired.


He may just be very tired from daycare. My daughter is 6 and has at least one melt down per day when she comes home from school, and I know it’s because she’s exhausted.


He misses you! Hold him!


I use an Ergo puts more weight on hips and can carry 40lbs+


He might just miss you and wants you to hold, cuddle and love him up.


My 9 month old is 23+ pounds and does the same thing.

I know you said a carrier isn’t an option, but if you invest in a high quality one, it may be easier on your back.

I have the ergo 360 and it has saved my sanity

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I learned that when you give in whether its 5min in or 30. It gives kids motivation to throw a fit even longer because they know you will eventually give in. Also like others said play with him for a solid 10…20min before leaving him to play by himself.

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At 10 months he 100% understands what you are saying to him… :woman_facepalming: Why do people think children can’t comprehend what’s being said? Talk to him. Sing to him while you do dishes. Have him “help” by giving him a wooden spoon and a pot to beat on while you cook or do dishes, a towel to “fold” while you do laundry. He can understand you when you talk. Talk to him and be upbeat and excited about what you guys are doing. Talk him through the steps of everything you are doing. He misses you while you are apart all day. All he wants is your attention when you get home.


He hasn’t seen you all day and love and want you


He clearly misses you

All the baby knows is one minute your here and the next you are gone. He is clearly showing that he wants to be with you. Of course you have to work…that’s very understandable however it seems as though he’s not getting anytime to spend with you. Personally, chores cud be done after he is in bed. That way you get 3 hours to have dinner with him and then have lots of cuddles, stories and even a bath together! Chores will still be there when he is left home and going about his business but the time you could be spending together won’t be! Xx


Exersaucer or one that moves so he can follow you around?

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Obvious the baby just wants your attention and if you only have 3 hrs a day with your baby I would see why. Do what you gotta do after bedtime. Spend time with your baby!!:heart:

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So you only see your child 3 hours a day . Give your son some love

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He will only be little for a short time. Give him Your attention chores can wait till after he is in bed.
Ask him about his day and listen to what he says. Have tickle time and cuddle time with a good book.
Make memories. Show him You missed him not the chores.

My daughter was like that until she became very interactive with her toys/books and was crawling. She is now 2 1/2 and very independent…of course she has her days but usually very independent, so there is hope. Your baby just misses you…and wants your snuggles. It’s tough when you have to work & get things done around the house…but the mess will be there tomorrow, it’s not going anywhere. The other day I woke up earlier than my daughter so I could clean the floors and I still had my quality time with her…and the work got done.