Why does my boyfriend constantly have an attitude with me?

Sounds like you have an 8th child :see_no_evil: one you’d be better off without taking care of x

Your supposed. to be his partner not his mother. 7 kids. If your feeling red flags go with your gut.
They don’t change. You can’t change him

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If I was you I would quit having kids. That’s a lot of stress right there. But don’t let him treat you like a rug. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn’t want to change then leave him. This is not showing anything good to your kids. He wants a waitress not a girlfriend. Know your worth. He will only do this because you allow it


I couldn’t deal w a man like that, you got a man child. So you really have 8 kids, it sounds like. Having the wrong partner in life makes for a miserable life. Life is too short girl. How long can you deal with that, is the question…

This post has to be a fake post, right? Clearly someone isn’t adding things up.

Also, I have been through something similar. You are being abused and you can’t see it. Leave him or find someone to help you leave. It will only escalate from here and your kids will be riddled with trauma!

You got seven kids that tells it all

Normal for anyone who is stressed out. You did not state if you work or are a stay at home mom, I am assuming you are a stay at home. That is a lot of stress providing for 9 people financially. Talk to him about why he is grumpy. Ask how you can help him ease the stress.


Not normal. It will become an abusive situation. Also are all of those kids his or not, may have something to do with it.

Dam you got 8 kids! Stop doing all that and tell him to man up!!

Either his cheating or do t wanna b in the relationship anymore

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No, honey. Not normal. You might want to consider leaving this situation. Seems hateful, violent, toxic.


You are in a toxic relationship that is not good for you or for the kids to witness it. What he is doing to you is psychological abuse. Tell him to pack his bags and get out. Better still when he is at work put all of his stuff on the side of the road and change the locks whilst he is out

Sounds like he wants a mother not a partner, send him on his way

What the heck? My husband never does any of that. I would run! Sorry but he sounds like an ass who don’t appreciate you and only wants a maid. Don’t take any of that. :running_woman:

This is exactly like my partner. He talks to me in the most disrespectful ways imaginable… even in front of people and in public he doesn’t care who’s around, can’t even help with the kids. Making breakfast or even changing the kids is too hard for him. Doesn’t help with chores around the house. Can’t cook makes me do it, can’t get up to get him a glass of water. When he shaves he leaves his hair everywhere for me to clean. So annoying. And says I’m useless or tells me to get up and clean, when I’m the one cleaning his mess. So lazy

because he’s a piece of crap and you allow it. You don’t want to know where he’d find his vape if he woke ME up in the middle of the night….

You need to get out now.trust me ,I know.He won’t change.Just get worse. I speak from experience on this.dont waste your life being unhappy and being treated like a slave

And if you’re dealing with CPS now, what more do you need to dump this dude? He’s not normal…and any man that brings CPS up into the house needs to be a man you separate yourself from permanently, and swiftly. They’ll take them kids girl, don’t you think for one second they won’t.

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The fact that he is waking you up to go get him something to drink…kick him to the curb…that is ridiculous. That man has two legs that can walk himself into the kitchen…like other have said, he is doing it because you allow him to. He knows what he can get away with and he is just thr boyfriend not even your husband…ladies don’t be afraid to be single…do not stay with an abusive man, period!

7 kids. I’d be biting his head off too! Lawd!!! And I wish somebody would wake me up to get them something after I cared for 7 humans all day !!! Omg!!! I don’t care how many hours he works. Not much compares to 7 whole people!!!

My question is
Why have you been putting up with it
By the way stop having kids

No it’s absolutely not normal for you to put up with that load of crap. Get a grip girl, have some self respect.

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Please don’t normalize this behavior.

My bf had an attitude for a while. I didn’t ask the internet about it I asked him. Turns out he actually has anxiety and didn’t know it. We started a natural remedy for it and he’s a lot better.


With 7 kids he’d be fending for himself, fr. I would dare this mf to wake me up to find his crap. He is 100% right he can do without lunch…and if it were me he’d be doing without dinner and breakfast until he learned to tend to himself or he unalived from starvation!

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Oh honey…you have 8 children

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Are you honestly asking if this is normal? Girl, check yourself. None if this is NORMAL. If you’re already dealing with CPS. Id get the hell out of there. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Don’t EVER allow a MAN or ANYONE to treat you like that. Your kids learn from their parents. Toxic. Toxic. Toxic. Get the hell out of there


Baby. None of this is normal… :exploding_head:

He’s stressed. You’re stressed. Everyone is stressed.

I would be damned if a man would treat me like that get rid of it Nobody needs to be treated like that its verbal abuse which will turn into you having depression Then you will think its your fault Next will be physical Sounds like he needs anger mangement Dealing with cps is stressful but that’s no excuse I would run and run now and fast But if you stay stand up for yourself you don’t need to get up to cook There’s cereal My grabs something on the way makes his own bucket and makes his coffee I’m not his mom I do enough for him a relationship is 50 50 Good luck

He Sounds like a narccist to me. RUN :running_woman:

Kick his butt to the curb PERIOD.

Did you adopt an 8th child? Kick that big baby to the curb!

Waking you up in the middle of the night for a vape or to get him something to drink?…you have 7 children to worry about,never mind CPS.You need to leave now.

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Oh wow he doesn’t treat you with any respect at all. I will make my gf a coffee as I leave for work, I would never expect her to get up and make my anything …… it’s me that has to get up for work not her. I don’t know why women put up with men like this …. If you did it out of love and devotion for him then fine but never should it be expected

Seems to me when dealing with MEN it is perfectly normal, because they all seem to think women are put on earth to cater to them. Just kick him to the curb. I would not even disguss it with him. It is not your job to train him or raise him… it should have happened before he got into a relationship with you… but out of curiosity… is the 7 kids his?

He wakes you up to get him a drink? What is he, 5? None of this is ok. None. Of. It.

Talk to him about maybe going to therapy. He may have unresolved issues or have mental health issues

Oh hell no…he would wake me up one time and it would be his last…run while u can…u DESERVE MUCH BETTER

You’re dealing with CPS and worried about your bf being mean??? Priorities girl….hope everything goes well tho


Boyfriend… not husband! You do boyfriend things for a boyfriend not husband things! And your HUSBAND should never treat you like that… EVER! And on top of that, the cps case of for WHAT? Abuse? Unfit environment? more on that part could be helpful as well!

He is an adult not your child. Stop doing things for him ( making his breakfast, lunch, laundry etc) he’s a grown ass man he can do these things himself. 7 kids is a lot of stress and responsibility to care for you don’t need or deserve an adult man child who treats you like you’re his mom and doesn’t respect you.

Far from normal your not his mother your supposed to be his equal. Stop doing things for him you’ve 7 children, SEVEN

What the hell are u doing with him?!?!
Ur not his mother or maid… he is not ur child…
Get rid pronto …
ur literally wasting ur life!!

He can’t make himself food and help out? What year is it? I’m sorry but girl please consider leaving.


You aren’t his mama or a maid. Def not normal

Stop doing wife duties with a girlfriend title


Waking u up in the night is not normal no… he is adult not a child tell he he needs to be helping you more especially when you have 7 kids to be looking after your tired as well yes he works but he still has to help u with kids and around the house either ke looks after himself and you the kids your his partner not his slave or maid tell him from now on you need your sleep and if something needs doing he cab do it himself for work etc he got arms and legs

Not normal girl… His ass need to help too. You do you and kids. Let him do him. And if he can’t help with kids and show you he care about you too… I think you know what’s up… a couple is just that… it take two…

#1 deal with cps. You cant loose your kids. Take whatever recommendations they have. If you need to leave now would be a great time as cps will show they resources to get away

Uh no. He’s an adult he can find his own vape and get his own drink, do his own laundry and make his own breakfast and pack his own damn lunch. Ur taking care of 7 kids at home that’s a full time job in itself. Let him learn how to be an independent adult and maybe he will appreciate how much is done for him

Kick him out. Ungrateful a…hole

How much is he paying you for cooking, cleaning, etc? Does he share the work that comes from 7 kids?? You deserve better.

Get rid, he not helping you

I get taking care of your man or whatever, but this is insane, tell him you are not his freaking mother. What’s going on with CPS?

Surely this is a piss take??? If that’s not the baby daddy, even then, call his mum and tell her to take him back… your boyfriend is a bi**h

Has he always been an ass or is this new?

So, what I read is that you have 8 children, not 7!

Tell that man baby to take care of himself! He isn’t a child. Not only should he be handling his own shit, but he should be helping you with everything else!

This sounds so toxic :flushed: lose the BF and focus on your children……… like yesterday.

Have you thought of leaving the selfish pig

Ain’t no way. It takes one time of being disrespected to be finished completely. I’m going on 30 years with my husband and as mean as I can be at times (not proud of that) I would be hard pressed to think of one time in 31 years together that hes even raised his voice. He can work up to 90 hours in one week and we had 4 boys and now have so many rescue animals I feel like Elle May Clampett, yet he handles everything so gracefully. Maybe I’m just blessed and that’s why I could never imagine putting up with it. Sounds like things need to be evened up and he needs to respect your hard work, if not why would you respect his. Just because you get paid to do something it doesn’t make it more important

Get rid of him. He sounds terrible and like a entitled jerk

Because he’s an asshole and you should leave him immediately.