Why Does My Boyfriend Get Mad Over Everything?

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"My bf gets angry so easily over things he can’t control. He slams things down. Slams doors. Throws objects through walls. Punches holes in walls. Etc… I’ve told him when he does that it scares me And I want him to get help and he just refuses to believe he has a problem. He flipped out on me for not answering my phone right away Bc I ran into the gas station and left my phone in the car … I was gone maybe 10 min if that. Any time he is mad I feel like I have to walk on eggshells just to avoid making him more mad. I just feel like I deserve better. I have absolutely nowhere to go…"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"That is literally domestic abuse."

"Get a bank account he doesn’t know about & start putting money away if you don’t have anywhere else to go."

"That’s abuse. Please create a safe exit strategy and do not tell him your plans."

"Leave before he starts hitting you! Please! Call domestic violence shelters, anywhere but there. It only gets worse"

"Get out now. You can’t fix him. It won’t get any better."

"I’d get outta there as soon as possible. I used be with someone who always got mad at me for no reason at all. Get out before it becomes physically abusive!"

"Leave…you will thank yourself later"

"Google a crisis line or shelter 24 hour hotline in your area and call when you have a safe moment to do so. Talk with those counsellors to get some info, support, for a safe space to talk, and then you can make informed decisions about what to do. Delete your internet search history and call history after."

"Contact your local domestic violence shelter and get the hell away from him ASAP."

"This will not get better. You’re in an abusive relationship. Go now."

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If we, meaning men, do that you need to run and I mean run fast.