Why does my burp taste like egg?

Hey mamas! Please don’t tell me I’m the only one that has had this happen to me has anyone ever burped and it was like an egg taste all while not feeling good? Like I’m burping up like an egg taste, with a runny stomach! Anyone know what this is? Does it sound like indigestion?


Do you still have your Gall bladder? I did that a lot before my gall bladder was removed. Haven’t had it since May of 2021 unless I eat eggs.

I’ve had that before with stomach bugs.

Take probiotic! Rotten gut

Stomach bug take pepto bismal

That is a clear case of food poisoning

When that happened to me i had gasamiritis , ended up in the er with a shot in the butt . Only a dr can really diagnose you though.

I feel like you should ask a doctor. It could be as small as you need a acid reducer .

Egg burps, can get them from to much surgery foods or drinks