Why does my 2 year old eat her hair!!! I can’t get her to stop!! She is like going bald in that spot !
Chewing stim? Give her a chewy necklace (can buy on Amazon) and redirect her. Chewing hair can actually be harmful.
Prayers it’s hard I know. We have a niece who does it.
One of my four children did this. Why? I have no explanation. He was a baby. The doctor simply told me to stop him so he didnt end up with a hair ball in his belly. Thankfully, he stopped with much persistence from me. Best wishes! Much peace and love ☆
I did this when I was younger, and I did it for yearssss! I’d end up with hair in my throat and everything I couldn’t stop though then I grew out of it
My daughter did this so I cut it so it wouldn’t reach
Chewing stim? Get her a chewy necklace to replace that habit.
Pica or anxiety usually, definitely get her into her pediatrician.
My daughter did because of anxiety
When I was a child my cousin did this… the cut her hair really short and her doctor said a vitamin deficiency.
It’s called Pica my grand daughter had it. 
It’s a disorder and it’s called Trichotillomania. The eating part of it is called pica. I have it and mine is due to anxiety and stress. Some pull hair from their head some from their eyebrows legs etc.
I used to chew n the end of my hair all the time when I was younger and will do it from time to time like a nervous tic or not thinking about it if I’m reading or coloring/writing. I didn’t actually eat my hair tho
My son did this as a 1.5yr old. He had pica, and we ended up cutting his hair to stop it, but then he ate other things. Turns out he is on the spectrum and it was an anxiety and sensory coping mechanism.
It’s a medical condition get her to a Dr
this is a question for a doctor not the internet
My little cousin did bc of anxiety. Be careful bc she had to get her stomach pumped bc of it.
Trichopagia - compulsive disorder of eating/pulling out hair
Pica! I would bring it up to a ped. It could be anxiety but could also be because she has vitamin deficiency or in addition to anxiety
Possible Trichotillomania or pica? Read up on them and ask questions about it with your doctor.
Maybe try asking her pediatrician. He/she would probably know better then Facebook.
It’s called Trichotillomania. She probably pulls her hair too, I started doing that when I was two as well. It’s a stress disorder and it’s more common than you’d think. There’s not really much you can do, you can try to distract her but shaming her or getting angry with her will NOT help her, it will make it worse. My only other suggestion is to try and put it up if possible. Braids, ponytails, anything to keep it away from her face so she isn’t tempted to do it
My granddaughter did this. Her mom cut her hair really short to try to stop it. She then started pulling out the fur in her teddy bear and putting that in her mouth. Her papa made her promise to spit it out and not eat it so she wouldn’t get sick. Then. She just stopped. I guess she out grew it. She was tested for vitamin deficiency. But that was all good
Get your baby monitored by a doc. Could just be she is self soothing. Had a friend who did this when we where teens. She been doing it her whole life. She would pull eye brow hair and her hair out and eat it. Like hair balls in the stomach not a good idea! It’s a Rapunzel syndrome is linked to trichotillomania and trichophagor. It’s a obsessive disorder that could get worse life threatening or require stomach surgeries.
Carry her to a doctor. There is a condition.
I had to cut my daughters hair short short to break the habit.