Why does it seem like everything is going up except our wages?! Every bill I’ve gotten this month has a rate increase. I’m over it. Ugh.
Absolutely I need a legit side hustle
The only thing you can say is “ Adulting sucks - I wanna be a kid again” on the flip side of the coin -remember when we’d say “I can’t wait to be adult and do what I want , when I want.”
Try being dependent on SSDI.
Gas, electric, car insurance rates, health insurance rates, daycares rates. Everything is going up but my wage…
Just my Internet bill went up $25 just because along with most of the other bills.
Hi, you must be new to the US, welcome
The price of everything is going up, and wages aren’t. You have to just be smarter about spending and making money. And I know there’s only so much that people can do, but the government can’t let the economy completely crash. Eventually they’ll be forced to step in. The same people they screw over are the the majority vote. So keep your eyes and ears open about who will make the biggest change, and try to weather the storm until that change comes.
Because if wages go up then everything will go up is what people say… meanwhile everything is going up!
Because a handful of companies own about 60% of everything we buy. It’s greed. Inflation has been steadily going down while prices continue to increase. Companies recording record profits mean the top guys line their pockets and we get the scraps.
It’s the same in Canada
We also have a dud for a leader but I think this is happening all over the world. Inflation is insane and no one can afford to live the way we used to.
Inflation in the US is falling relatively quickly compared to all of our other peer countries, and we have the strongest growth out of the recession,” said Felicia Wong, president and CEO of the Roosevelt Institute, a progressive think tank. “But people don’t just want falling inflation numbers, they actually want deflation.”
Yes exactly what I’ve been saying. How come everything is going up in price except how much we get paid. It’s like the Government is trying to break us all.
We were doing great financially a few years ago. Getting worse every year. Making more money than ever and have less. Policies have consequences. They may sound great but few ever ask how the policies are going to affect your wallet I guess we are all seeing how affected we are now
Deflation probably isn’t in the cards (and the rub is we don’t want it to be). Higher prices might just be the sort of thing we’ve all got to get used to. The truth is we’re never going back to how things were in 2019 — we won’t be returning to the office at the same levels, we’ll never hear “corona” and only think of beer, and that night on the town is going to cost us more than it did before.
We are drowning.
Literally bare bones status. No extras. No junk food. No trips. No fun activities.
Can’t even afford my youngests speech and ot therapy now but thankfully his school has a speech therapist on site but STILL it hurts so much that such a necessity for him is not covered and we can’t afford it.
Seriously. Just my car insurance went up 50 bucks for absolutely no reason.
Yes, I understand everything is going up but don’t blame wages because wages are based off your job productivity and performance.
So many are blaming the president but it is worldwide inflation. Is Biden to be blamed for France’s inflation? Or Spain’s? We are lucky we are not in a recession since every economist had claimed it was inevitable. There was a pandemic and we are dealing with the after effects.
I received my gas bill and seriously thought I had a gas leak, I called and was informed the rate went up 44% it was higher than my lights by $175 and anyone with kids knows every.light.is.on all the time. I don’t think anyone can keep up anymore…. But hey let’s add on taxes “because we didn’t pay enough”
The government is why. The government doesn’t care about people before a certain income bracket.
This is what happens when a president prints money and sends all our tax money to Ukraine so he can launder it back to himself.
Inflation does that. You are not only one. It really sucks. Hang in there. Hugs hoping my company gives raise this year. We shall see ugh
This is what happens when words hurt your feelings. You voted Biden and now you’re paying dearly for it but I hope your feelings are all better!!!
Grocery prices remain elevated due to a mixture of labor shortages tied to the pandemic, ongoing supply chain disruptions, droughts, avian flu and other factors far beyond the administration’s control.Feb 2, 2024
Inflation is hecking horrible
The money goes to asylum seekers and Ukraine. Keep voting democrats. we gotta help foreigners.
BIDEN , Bumbling Biden economy. Man makes me sick!
Let me just say…you were warned. If you really don’t know then you’re probably part of the problem. Sorry to be so harsh but I have no patience left, or money.
Two things are true in the United States today: The economy is good, and people hate it. Poll after poll shows that many Americans think the economy is in the gutter and that it’s getting worse. That’s even though the labor market is robust, economic growth is strong, and many people say their personal financial situations are just fine. Not to mention that the recession many economists have been predicting for over a year hasn’t materialized. “Why do people say the economy is bad even when it’s good?” is a question dogging economists, journalists, and the White House, which would very much like to convince people otherwise.
Wages HAVE gone up and that’s why the cost of everything has increased.
McDonald’s is paying up to $20 hourly, this is why you used to pay $8-$10 for a meal and are now paying $13-$16 for the same meal. If companies don’t turn a profit, over time shareholders back out and companies go under. Basic business and economic courses really should be taught in school.
Yall HAVE to ask for more pay or find higher paying jobs.
Vote differently …everything will continue to become more and more unaffordable until we rely completely on the government. This is and has been the plan for the people in office…keeping the 10 % of the word richer than anyone else…you don’t see wealthy people bitching about inflation…why ? Because it doesn’t and WILL NEVER effect them…after we’re gone they will go after each other…VOTE DIFFERENTLY. If you vote for Democrats again as FAR LEFT AS THEY GOTTEN . THE LAW WONT EVEN TOUCH THEM. IF YOU VOTE FOR BIDEN/OBAMA OR ANY OTHER PERSON who HAS gotten rich in politics…YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GET.
Stop voting the same way you’ve been voting and things will change.
Coz a minority are greedy tyrants
And it’s only gonna get worse if you morons vote for Trump. 
Because all these companies are greedy. They’re making millions while everyone is struggling. Even the Thrift stores are getting in on the price gouging. It’s insane. Fast food costs as much as a diner now.
Stop voting for democrats. They are constantly handing money out to illegals and to other countries. Look at the economy before Biden
Feels sister. Feels. Middle class isn’t the middle anymore
This is what you get when you vote blue
everyone is feeling this way.
Bc that’s literally the reality.
Think of all the things the billions given to other countries could have done for American citizens. We have no tickets or violations on our driver licenses, it just increased by 600. Utilities rates, food, prescriptions, gas, EVERYTHING has/is skyrocketing. Yea how’s this build back better b.s. working?
Yeah I’m about to get another vehicle cuz mine took a sh×t & in the last year car insurance went from needing $300 up front to start a new policy to almost $550. A $150 increase in LESS THAN A YEAR. I need to pay $550 to get insurance all over again and then $250 every month. I used to pay $180 max monthly.
It’s like this in most countries right now. Thing we all have in common is Governments that screwed everyone and people who rolled over and took it.
Covid ruined everything, and still is !!
All started when asshat did all of the executive orders to undo the previous guy. Fuel shot up and since everything is delivered by a truck, it impacted everything