Why is it painful when my milk comes in?

I’m a month in to breastfeeding exclusively, and everytime my milk comes in its very painful, I have to actually hold my chest as I don’t know how to handle the pain. I have only been feeding her when she’s actually hungry, and trying to not let her nurse just to soothe. My letdown is very strong. Is this pain normal in the first 6 weeks? It makes me want to formula feed


It’s pretty normal and usually regulates more after about 6 weeks so hang in there!

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Had this with my second child. Felt like a razor blade was slicing my breast. I would cry when and scream when she was nursing. Lasted about 3 weeks then stopped suddenly. Out of my three children, it only happened with my second. Stay strong momma!

Unfortunately I felt constant pain for the first 3 months until it finally got easier. :pleading_face: Breastfeeding is sooo painful for most women but please don’t feel less than if you switch to formula because it’s perfectly okay! :mending_heart:

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My let down was always strong too. It will get easier though. I’ve 5 kids fed all til 18month
.currently pregnant 10 Yr on and plan ebf like rest. My thing I’d think is atleast I’m feeling that so I know babies are getting goodness

It’s normal for most. Warm compresses, tylenol/advil all help eliminate some of the pain. For me I also had to pump some in between nursing to keep from so much milk trying to come out at one time. This also helped.

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Make sure you look for signs of Mastitis!


Yes my let down was really strong too. Once the let down would calm down I would zone out a bit in relief and shock. It did seem to only be the first 2 months unless it’s mastitis which is agony and can happen at anytime while breastfeeding. Really warm compresses sitting on top of the breasts while starting a breastfeed helped a bit with the pain

Put something cold on your breasts

Let her nurse when she wants to . Nursing soothes just like a pacifier . It’s suppose to . Babies have an instinct to suck and they need to do so . Your breasts should be tender when the milk comes
In but not painful . Ask your doctor. You may be getting them too full and need to release some of the milk

A baby that young isn’t nursing for comfort. You should be feeding her on demand to better regulate your supply to HER needs. Also in the beginning there will be lots of cluster feeding that shouldn’t be ignored if you want to be successful. Let down can be uncomfortable especially in the beginning until your supply regulates.

I would feed more. Cluster feeding is definitely a thing. So you wouldn’t always be sure if baby is just nursing to soothe or if they are cluster feeding. The first 6 weeks for me was baby on boob felt like 24/7. My breast were never really full except in Morning which was painful. Not sure why I was full then since he didn’t sleep but maybe a hour at a time.

Yeah - I BF all 3 of my boys until 1yr - No one prepared me for how painful it would be in those first 6 weeks (for all 3 babies) - the let down and cracked nipples was excruciating :disappointed::disappointed: I can’t tell you what day but just one day soon it will be oh wow that was pretty good - then the next a bit easier- …… so much better than cleaning bottles 24:7 :rofl::rofl: hang in there mama- the worst is nearly over :+1::+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It starts to ease up at about six weeks when your milk regulates itself. Are you sure you’re feeding enough? It should be every 3-4 hours. I made this mistake. You can also pump any excess when you get a letdown. Your little one will still get fed and you can use the milk as back up. I also froze it and used it for weaning but I can’t remember how long it keeps. But it really does get so much easier after about six weeks.