Why is my boyfriend so mean

So I have a question. My boyfriend hasn’t ever been the most affectionate. We’ve been together 3 years. But lastly last couple months his been nasty to me. Calling me all kinds of names when he doesn’t get his way and it hurts. He calls me fat and ugly and says I’m a bad mom. I also have a illness I can’t control and when o get sick he puts me down about it. I do love him but he just makes me cry all the time. I am unsure what would be the right thing to do. I thought things changed after we had a talk but today he was back at it because I was reading something on my phone and he wanted to watch a movie. I’m just lost

This is how it started with my ex. Being mean and cruel lowered my self-esteem (Called me fat, ugly, loser. I was trash). He separated me from family and friends. After a few years, the abuse went from verbal to physical. Everything would set him off. He ended up almost killing me by choking me. My dog is what saved me. This can get worse fast. You need to leave, you deserve better. What he is doing is not love.

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Please leave. I know you say you love him but mentally he’s abusing you. I agree with the previous comment in the fact that it won’t be long before it turns violent. You deserve to be loved not name called x

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