Why is my toddler all of a sudden picky?

I don’t understand how my toddler is semi picky now, but used to eat everything. We haven’t done anything different lol


Because that’s the fun of toddlers.

There is sooo many reasons our senses are constantly changing. Taste buds change as we grow, could be a texture thing or maybe they just don’t like the smell of it. Toddlers are weird tbh and they can’t communicate as well as adults so the world may never know. :woman_shrugging::joy:

Because that’s just what they do…

Yep,that’s a toddler for you

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Growing into their own personality and learning what they like and don’t like.

Kids go through this phase where they find out they’re in charge of what they put in their mouth (around the same time parents tell them to stop putting shit in their mouth). It then becomes a source of independence for them and when you’re little that’s the only source you get-- so they get picky to exercise their independence. Offer them healthy options and offer them the same things even if they claim not to like it. Chances are one day they’ll forget they don’t like it and will actually eat it. That’s what my son did :sweat_smile:

My son used to eat everything, then he’d say, “I don’t like it, what is it?” :smile: Today he’s an adventurous eater. My daughter would just immediately spit out anything she didn’t like. She’s still a picky eater. Both my kids are 30+.

Just when you think you’ve got things figured out they change. Keeps life interesting. It’s said you have to introduce foods 7 times before kids will accept them (or not), and they’ll confound you every time. One little girl was extremely picky but loved pickled okra (?!) and risotto (tiny thing ate the whole potful).

I didn’t like much breakfast food but loved creamed chipped beef, and also consommé madrilene, and Roquefort dressing—kind of odd for a kid. Now I eat most anything but can’t stand hard boiled eggs or shellfish.