Why should newborns wear hats?

Why are newborn babies supposed to maintain a hat on? Is it to retain heat? Also what’s the average months for baby to stop wearing hat?


They can’t regulate their own body heat very well. My son wore one until he was able to pull it off

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When my granddaughter was born she didnt hardly wear those hats.

If baby is inside and it’s not cold, she shouldn’t need a hat. Dress baby like you’d dress yourself.

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They may get cold but mine never kept them on and whenever it’s not cold

Yeah, my daughter refused to keep hats or socks on, after picking up the sock 13 times in various different locations, I gave up. :joy: She’s 6 almost 7 weeks now, she’s just fine and only wears a hat when I feel like putting one on her multiple times throughout the day. But yes, I think it’s for heat retention.

They put it on in the hospital because hospitals are usually cold. It’s not needed at home as your body heat will keep baby warm enougj

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They keep it on first few days until they can effectively sustain body temperature without it.

My baby hated them screamed until it was off never wore one & always took it off once he learned how

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They only need a hat if there is a chill, or a lot of sunlight. A good rule of thumb is for every layer YOU have on, your baby needs at least one more. They feel a chill much more than adults do. A hat also protects little ones from too much direct sunlight. Vitamin D is good, but too much UV rays are harmful.


My baby hated wearing it she would cry until it was off

My almost 1 year old son never wore a hat

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They lose heat really quick through the head. I quit putting one on my kids around 3-4 months old

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Newborns dont need hats on inside. Or in the summer at all.

Move never wore one. My pediatrician told me to always dress the baby one step above what I’m wearing…so if I’m in sweat pants and shirt sleeve, they are in sweat pants and long sleeve so that’s what I went with

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Where I live it isn’t recommended by sids for a baby to wear a hat/beanie unless outside. They regulate their heat through the head


They said they don’t need them at home but I always used one because they are just so cute!

It’s because they lose all their heat from their head. I only put one on my son when we went outside

They need to wear a hat because babies can not regulate their own body temperature. We all lose most of our heat through our heads and babies generally don’t have a lot of hair so hats help them maintain their body temperature

i used to hear about the head forming neve rheard about the heat lol. but my kids would never keep it on or mittens

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My 5 babies never kept their hats on. I dont believe they actually need it. If your baby can’t keep their body temp up on their own they bring them to the NICU until they can

My son never keeps his on and he is 2 months so he doesnt wear any

All 3 of mine did not wear hats

Mine never ware them not even my son that was born in February not even now they hate them

Babies shouldn’t wear a hat unless outside in cold weather after 24hours of age. They should be able to maintain their body temperature

I never put one on unless it came with the outfit. Then id take a pic n take it off cuz theyd overheat

It’s to prevent ear infections or sensitivity due to sudden chills outside…you generally keep your house warm so a hat is not needed inside but outside is more unpredictable…hats are to cover their ears.

I was told not to use them unless it was cold and they don’t need them inside

I never kept a hat on any of my 7 kids

Wow. They provide hats in the hospital. You choose whether or not to use them inside/outside hospital. I’d ask your pediatrician but hats are ok in my book just watch for baby getting too hot or if it’s big that it doesn’t cover face. Same with bows/headbands.


My son was born with a head FULL of hair so I never really used hats. He wouldnt keep them on anyway.

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My kids only used a hat for a few mins after they were born just to look cute for pics then they never wore them again

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My daughter never wore a hat after we got home from the hospital… they don’t have to wear them lol

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I only kept it on for the hospital (at the nurses insistence) and when we go outside (especially if its windy or cold). Maintains body temp and less likely to get an ear infection.

In my experience/opinion hats are only needed at first in the hospital as their body adjust to being in the real world. After that you keep hats on covering head & ears in the winter outside. In the summer use a lightweight summer type hat to protect top of head while out in the sun.

I never put a hat on my babies.

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Mine baby wore a hat they day he came home, and think on 2 other occasions but it wasn’t for very long


When it’s warm out in my opinion but doctor’s would say when the child’s at least 1

After birth its to retain heat and keeping them warm until they adjust to temperature changes… And after that only if its cold… But if they are born earlier than the normal they keep them on because it uses more energy that they need for other things than than energy to keep temperature up… My daughter had a hat on at all times in the NICU due to she was born at 32 weeks…


I only put one on my kids if we were.going out and it was cold

My newborns always wore a hat…
Even my 2 summer babies. I stopped it when they were about 2 weeks old. They never over heated. I even put a thin hat on my son at bedtime because he was born in August and we had our central air on and it was cool at night. He was always fine. You have to remember they’re used to being inside your body cozy and warm. As long as baby isn’t over hearing then they should have a hat on esp when going outside. Also always wore the same sleep and plays on them for the 1st month or so.

All 4 of my kids wore hats only in the hospital once we were home the hats were gone they never keep them on anyways

Yes its to retain heat because theyre typically bald but I really never kept one on my kids heads. They always fell off so I just kept the house slightly warmer and only put them on em when we went out.

Hats are never a must hospitals just put them on to keep them warm cuz think about it they are going from your womb which is extremely warm into the world in a hospital which is cold and to them it’s very cold coming from a very warm environment. Hats are not a must though however if you have a premie it’s probably best to keep a hat on because they tend to get colder.

I didn’t even know that was a thing. Grey only wore a hat when he was in the pool or hiking with me

Only out side til they got old enough to RIP it off and throw it and chew on it lol

What are you even talking about? That’s not a thing at all.
Who the hell told you this nonsense and where was common sense at the time?

My kiddos only wear hats in extreme cold…

Mine never wore a hat

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Your body looses heat thru your head & your feet, OMG that rhymed lol. Anyway when we were younger I could play in the snow forever until my feet got cold, then I was done.

My winter baby wore a hat till it got warmer out
My summer baby rarely wore on unless we wete going to be out in the sun

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My daughter didn’t wear a hat past 2 months. She hate ANYTHING touching her head. My mom is so disappointed because she got her all these nice bows and headbands to wear and she just rips them off.

I only used them to hide my kid’s oblong head :joy: after we left the hospital, he rarely wore hats…but then again, we live in the south and he was born in September…so he spent a lot of time in a diaper with a receiving blanket.

My son has never worn a hat. I could barely keep mitts on him from scratching his face lol btw if you live in Florida, your newborn doesn’t need a hat. It is NEVER cold enough down here for babies to have to wear hats, it would be more hot for them rather than beneficial…

Our daughter wore one the 2 days she was in the hospital and if we were going outside since she was born in November. Never wore one once we got home.

I put a hat on my 6 month old when we go outside bc it’s still cold and babies dont have much hair. Plus if its windy where you live a hat helps keep the wind out of their ears, but I live at the beach so it’s very windy here pretty frequently.

Mine never wore hats, only when we went outside when it was cold.

Babies and children in general should usually always wear a hat ojtside the home to protect from cold, rain, high wind (ears), sun etc. My two ALWAYS wear a hat when they step out if the house. Inside i dont rhink itvreally matters,but babies and kids should be wearing hats when outdoors.