Why would a guy want to be friends with benefits?

Why would a guy want a monogamous friends with benefits type relationship? Or maybe like a situationship? Like if it’s casual, why would he want to be monogamous?


A lot of people do that to ensure no stds are brought into play


He doesn’t want to be with you. He just wants to keep you around for himself to boost his ego until he finds someone he really wants to settle down with. You’re not plan A or B. You’re just the forever side dish he benefits from when he needs something. You being with someone else means he loses access to use you for for whatever he needs. So he prefers you be the faithful one to him while he can be your fwb and do what he wants.


He wants you to stay loyal while he does whatever he wants to do


To control you. I bet he doesn’t mean monogamous on his side. Otherwise, this makes NO sense. When men want to commit, they commit. Period.


Because he wants cake, but he also wants other cake and this is his way of getting around, not cheating and being committed. I do know people that have done things like this on both sides because they were too busy to commit, etc. which seems lazy to me, but at least it was a little bit more sanitary :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye:


What does that even mean?! Monogamous FWB sounds like bf and gf to me - I don’t really see a difference. He’s looking for a loophole.


Because he doesn’t want a relationship, but also doesn’t want to have to look for people to sleep with. I completely get it! I’m recently divorced & don’t want a relationship right now, but would completely be up for that!


Sometimes people do this just to keep a person around until they find someone else that they actually want to commit to & have a relationship with. So almost like a placeholder until they meet someone else.


Bc I I may want sex, but not a relationship. So someone I can be with when I need it, and they agree to it. But I don’t want to mess with a bunch of people.

Wants some loyal and healthy boundaries…doesn’t want to.be sleeping around but is to busy to truly commit …


I mean, I’m currently in this situation-ish
Mutually. Neither of us want a relationship or marriage again. We both have children from previous relationships and massive traumas. So we chose friends with benefits. It’s a comfort to know there’s stable without conditions or expectations. We have a domestic partnership so to speak. Although we have had talks about opening to poly down the road but while we establish safety and connection with one another, essentially to outsiders it looks like a relationship but to us it’s just really good friends with added benefits :slight_smile:


So he knows you’re not with someone else, but still doesn’t have to do the work of a relationship. It’s the positives of seggs and control, without having to do the emotional intimacy of a relationship.


Some people are introverted in their personal choice of living alone, if a committed FWB works for both people and theres enough trust to believe the monogamous commitment is sincere why cant peoples needs be met without entangling living arrangements


Hmm it could mean he doesn’t want to have relations with anyone else but he doesn’t see anything serious between the two of you. You’re like an in between to what he is looking for or maybe he really isn’t looking but just knows you’re not the one. Doesn’t mind having a bedroom romp with you but totally doesn’t want to be with you. That’s my take on it. I don’t like those kind of casual relationships. I’m an in it or I’m out kind of monogamous girl. But this does work for some. Not getting too close but having a “friend” That you have in bed from time to time. Definitely isn’t me and this guy could totally be playing you too meaning he could say that bc he doesn’t want you having relations with other guys while he is telling other girls he is in the sack with the same thing. He will be offish and hide a lot too in that situation and then gaslight you when you pry too hard and then will easily drop you until another girl does the same and can’t get his willy wet until he apologizes to one of you lol.

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It really depends on the man and your situation. I don’t like casual relationships because of the health risks. I’ve also been in a situation where the guy wanted me to only be with him and he was lying about who else he was sleeping with. So who knows

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Personally, I prefer my FWB situations to be monogamous to limit STD risks. :woman_shrugging:


He doesn’t want more than sex with you but he doesn’t like the thought of you being with someone else its selfish tbh if a man cant offer you more than sex he shouldn’t call shots on wether you can sleep with anyone else or not. Basically he doesn’t want you meeting anyone because he wants you available at his beck and call

So he knows your not sleeping with other people. Ideally that means he’s just sleeping only with you too but if you are in a fwb situation only you can decide if that’s what you want. They appeal to people who want sexual but don’t be any to put in the effort and emotional work like you should do in a relationship.

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Monogamous intercourse but few other obligations with the other person. Sometimes its not the monogamy thats hard, its the curfews and chores and stuff

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I’m going to go against the grain here but possibly because stds are a real thing.

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FWB and monogamous makes no sense

He wants his cake and eat it too but doesn’t have you to have any extra.

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So y’all don’t get diseases and he can stop abruptly anytime he wants

So he can still sleep with other women

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1 out of 4 women have had an std. That’s definitely not good odds.

He wants to fk you but fk others but have you not fk anyone else.


Sounds like he wants his cake and ice cream too.

He dont want to be in a relationship with u just :eggplant: duh but he dont want to catch nothing

Uhhhh why? hahah that’s every guys dream.

Bc he wants you to be only for him but him be for whoever he chooses.


HE doesn’t wanna be monogamous… he wants YOU to be…

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He wants you to be monogamous while he is not


He wants you to be monogamous. The rule doesn’t apply to him

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Because he doesn’t want u to sleep with anyone else while he sleeps with whoever he wants. Run seriously


The monogamous part of FWB is hypocritical! That reminds me of a situation in my early 20’s. I still don’t understand it 20 years later. I was in a on/off whirlwind relationship with an older man (single btw) I hadn’t heard from him in awhile He saw me out somewhere and pulled me aside and said, “just because I don’t want you being with me doesn’t mean I want you to be with someone else”. Then he left. Like…what??? That haunted me for a long time. Still can’t figure out the statement.

Cuz it’s good enough to bang but not good enough to claim

My husband and I started this way, almost 20 yrs ago.

I see that as control when your seeing someone the door is open there are no rules as you haven’t taken those steps yet

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

All the banging and no nagging

He doesn’t want to be with you but the :cat2: is :fire: and he doesn’t want to share. :joy:

STDs are running rampant right now. I would never do FWBs with anyone if I ever were to become single (which I hope and pray to God never happens).