Why would I get a notice of my childs father filing bankruptcy?

Why would I get notice of my child’s father filing bankruptcy? We have never been married and only thing we share is the child and have a child support case open. No visitations or custody through the courts. My name isn’t on the paperwork I received at all it’s all his information and only thing I can think about is the child support but everything I’m researching says it doesn’t stop child support payments or wipe the debt. It’s chapter 7 bankruptcy he’s filing for.


Ask him about it and also contact who sent you that

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Because of the child support.

it may be since this is a debt he owes, they may be required to notify you of his intent. as you have mentioned it don’t eliminate the debt-- child support is something that is not dischargeable (as i understand it)


Contact a bankruptcy trustee and ask them. Information is free

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Child support is a domestic support obligation (DMO) . It must be disclosed on chapter 7 paperwork filed with the court. All
DMO are notified by the court. Or so Google says anyway.

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I think you just have to be notified because he claimed his child support as debt, but I don’t believe it will effect your child support at all because I’m pretty sure that only the courts can change support or past due support amounts and only for certain situations, which bankruptcy wouldn’t be one.


Because of the child support! It’ll most likely affect the payments

He also could of used your residence for his businesses.

ANYONE he owes money to is notified. Even if he was keeping a debt such as a car. They are still notified

He tryna get out of the child support bc he’s a bum

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My sons father filed for bankruptcy a few years ago. I also got a letter. Nothing happened with my child support and it didn’t affect me in any way. They just have to let you know because of the child support.


He could take that to court and get lesser child support payments

If he owes you money you’re a debtor to him. Expect paper work asking for you to sign off on back child support owed. You don’t have to sign it. I was willing to if he was willing to sign his rights away since he hasn’t seen his son in 13 years but nope still owes me over 80k

Well that’s weird cause your right it doesn’t get rid of child support and some think filing it will and well it doesn’t

He owes you child support (debt) so you will be notified of him filing bankruptcy

You are getting paperwork because child support is considered a priority debt and is not eliminated by bankruptcy and in the eyes of the law, you are seen as a “creditor” because they pay you monthly. Courts require your information for a couple of reasons. With it being a nondischargeable debt, if they are not current, they can be denied bankruptcy.

You got it because of the child support

Bankruptcy has to do with his money & his owed debts.
He is currently paying you money (child support) so he is a debtor to you.
They’re alerting you that your debtor is doing something that could possibly affect his money and in turn his debt to you…

I got the same notice before as well. It dis nothing to his child support or his obligation. It is basically telling you that he filed.