Has anyone else’ child force themselves to spew ? My 1 year old has been doing it for the past week hes not sick or anything but he thinks its i dont know funny
Could be milk allergy that shows up as a sour aspiration that you can mistake as vomit. Usually accompanied by gas and maybe crying from cramps. It’s hard to spot and when you figure it out makes you feel pretty guilty. I went into adulthood sick all the time but we finally figured me out and saved my kids from it but still pretty late. We all still can’t do milk products. Just a chance and possibility to check out.
As long as there is nothing physically wrong, chances are its just a phase. At that age he might be fascinated that he can make something come out of his mouth like that. Kids do weird stuff. Lol
Apparently when I was a kid, I made myself puke if I didn’t like what I ate or even then trying to give me something to eat lol
What did they eat maybe a tummy ache
let him sit in his own vomit for about 30 min and he wont do it again. Most of the time its attention.
Maybe he feels like something is stuck in his throat? Has he choked recently or swallowed a toy?
Must be the smell of some thing…my 1 Y does the same when she smells something funny or when she or her sister has a runny nose and I go to wipe it…
Alot of questions… did she stick her finger down her throat? Possibly to get attention ? Could just be a phase so many possibilities I would pay attention to much to it
Yes. All my babies went through a weird phase where they’d stick their fingers in their mouths and make themselves gag and eventually puke. But they’d laugh. It was the WEIRDEST most ANNOYING phase I’ve experienced. Eventually it passed.
However! As someone that worked pediatrics , Small toddlers do this when their throat itches. They try to scratch the back of their throat. Or they cough until they gag/throw up because of the itching.
Keep an eye on it either way.
My oldest when he was little not quiet that little but 3-4 would make himself puke if I made him eat something he didn’t want to not because he didn’t like the food cause he’d eat it on other occasions but if he just wasn’t in the mood for a hot dog and I made him eat it anyway he’d make himself puke sooooo I just stopped making him eat stuff he didn’t want too or in the mood for. I just try to communicate with the kids about food I ask them what they want to eat or I give them a choice this or this that way they feel like they have a little control over the matter
It could just be a phase. My daughter did the same thing.