The curious question here. I have a ten-year-old & 12 year old. When they get their period-will, my hormones sync to the time they get their period, or will they get it around the time I get it? I don’t get it at the same time every month; I do however, get it every 21 days. Just super curious about this.
It should. Mine sync with my mums every now and then.
The belief is they move together. This increases the chance of tribes to reproduce better.
I didnt got my on the same day till my daaugther started her and i synced to hers…Rasing girls is hard
Depends on if they’re around any other females. One could sync up to a friend’s or other relative and the other to yours.
There is no way to predict that or if it will ever even happen…
Honestly it depends, I was synced with my 2 girls and then kinda same issue as you with 21-25 day cycle, mine has been coming 2 weeks before theirs. One of them did start earlier this month, and the other started a couple days later.
I synced with my mom since I spent alot of time with her
Period syncing is a myth, medically speaking. If it does happen it’s only due to coincidence since the uneven days of the menstral cycle inevitably cause it to shift weeks throughout the month over time.
My daughter and her best friend synced. They were inseparable
Mine did sync with my two girls or a day or two apart each month
I always say the sync up with the Alpha Wolf!!
I sync with my co-workers…if that helps…
This is a myth. If you end up on the same cycle, it’s mostly by coincidence. I shared a house with several women for quite a while and none of us were ever on the same cycle.
my daughter (age 11) has synced with her 2 friends (they are 11 and 12)
After 3 years mine just synced to my daughters
There’s only one way to find out…wait for it to happen. We are random people on Facebook not fortune tellers
My period has always ALWAYS been irregular and having a baby didn’t change that. However working where I do now where there is an overwhelming amount of women all the time, it regulated within about half a year and is now MUCH more predictable. Call it a myth if you want, but with my experience it’s true.
I have two daughters and we are all synced about a week apart
My mom and me were usually synced up. Made that time of the month so rough lol. Good luck
Growing up I always started a week after my mom. I would know mine was coming! You could have set your watch by it it was so accurate!
There isn’t a answer to that. Your bodies are autonomous maybe you may sync sometimes others you won’t.
My daughter just turned 13 in June, she got hers 3 months before her bday. Now we both get it at the same time
I synced with my cousins . we got pregnant at the same time .our due dates were only 4 days apart . my mom’s synced with ours too . my cousin had hers 1 week me the next week and my mom’s after me . its not a myth
Well this sucks I have 4 girls
My daughter started at 8 and sync up with me.
I have irregular periods as well. At least once a month, and my daughter is always right ahead or behind me. She doesn’t get it if I get it multiple times a month though.
I guess I got lucky! I never got synced with my mom, or any other women I was frequently around. I started my first period on like the 23rd-ish and it’s always came by the 25th and I’m 21! All the other women have theirs near the first of the month🤷🏻♀️
My best friend and me in high school had the same cycles then after that me and my mom did and now me and my mom are a week apart. If hers is almost over I know mine is about to start.
My mom actually started going through menopause and didn’t have a period for four months. Once I started it jumped her back on track and she had periods for another year
My daughter has had her period for 3 years. My leriod and hers are way off. Guess we’re not close enough lol. No actually i think my health and I’ve had a baby recently and been pregnant 3 times since she started her period. And when i got pregnant with my stillbirth baby I was having some health issues that was making my period wacky. As in extra long period of 8-9 days and only going 4 days between periods instead of 28. Also, its normal for them to have irregular periods for a few years as well. My daughter still skips months sometimes.
If they do…I’ve never heard of it…unless it’s just by chance…then have multiple females on their cycle is not a place I want to be. It’s really hard to said since humans aren’t bluetooth devices
Mine synced with my daughter’s. I started a week and half early when she had her first. She skipped a month, but mine has stayed when hers would/will be.
I have never synced to anybody, even having 4 female roommates and growing up with an older sister and my mom.
Periods don’t actually “sync” they just occasionally end up on similar cycles. If you track your period it won’t happen on the same day every month and you cycle from having early month, mid month, and late month periods throughout the year. (I use a period tracking app which helps show the gradual change.)
Might be a myth… but my girls and I ended up on within a week apart.
Yes I grew up in a house with two sisters and we synced up with my mom
I get mine then my roommate gets hers. My friend also gets hers when I get mine.
I’ve been living with my mum and sister for years and ours have never synced
My 9 yo she turns 10 next week she had her 1st 2weeks ago my 13 yo just ended her 1st was a year ago and I started mine yesterday. I think in the next couple months we will be on the same week. My husband is going crazy lol
I never synced w any female not even w co workers.and I’m irregular . my daughter gets hers and now I’m synced. I get it every month. Smh. Lol
I have three daughters always within a few days of each other, so that’s a yes in my house…my husband just shakes his head at us
My dad had 3 girls. We each had our periods on separate weeks. We all lived under one roof. He had hell every single week. So this is definitely a myth
Lol it doesn’t always happen I have 3 girls and only one was at the same as mine. My youngest is actually synced to her 2 best friends.
When my girls were all home we all synced close to each other. I have pcos and mine are usually spaced way out but they made mine more regular. When I work in offices with women mine sync to theirs
If no one is on birth control the emotional stronger woman sets the sinking up. Happened when I was growing up. My mom and older sisters sinked up to me. Threw their cycles off for almost a year.
My mom had 4 girls and we rarelyw
Yes they can sync. If possible read the book The Red Tent. Amazing
My daughter and I are not
I seem to trigger everyone off
Whoever is the most fertile will pull the others to them. It is who you spend the most time with though so a kid in school may think they haven’t synced up but they have but just might not know the person they have a few classes with.
My whole life my mom would have hers, then the next week I’d have mine and then the next week it’d be my sisters lol
The first few months my daughter was at the beginning and mine was at the end, now ( almost 2 years later) we are a week apart.
When my daughter first got hers it synced with mine… Then i got pregnant and she didn’t get it for 6 months, creepy. But now it came back and it is on the same schedule as before… In the start it will be inconsistent probably but growing up my sisters and I all had it at the same time (my poor dad lol)
My daughter is the week before me. She’s on the pill to regulate but I am not.
My whole life mom would get hers and then shortly after mine would arrive too lol
My 11 year old daughter gets her’s a week before mine for the past 2 years.
My mom got hers a week after mine, that’s actually how she found out I was pregnant before I did. Her period came and went and I hadn’t noticed I hadn’t had mine. I called to tell her when I was 5 weeks and all she said was “I know” lol
My little sister though has the queen uterus as I call it. When I spend a lot of time with her i sync with her, and so does a lot of women she works with.
That’s the rumor. But everyone is different.
I have 2 daughters and are cycles are somewhat synced. My husband has one week a month with no mood swings or cranky women in the house.
Mine and mom were opposite but once mt sisters started we all started within a week.
My daughter and I are a week apart. It was the same thing when I lived with my sister.
I have twin daughters 14 and how ot works is one gets it than me than the other twin luckily my baby girl is 4 so my husband might get a small break at some point hahaha
Either or is a possibility. No certain answer to this.
Not sure how it works. But when I grew up, my cousins, my aunt and myself all were close. Not sure how long it took. (How many cycles) But it does happen.
Possible. When I lived at home me, my sister & mom all got our cycle at the same time every single month. My poor dad
My daughter and I were never the same week …
But why does it happen? So weird
I work at a child care center , there were 6 of us amd each was overlapping one after the other. Lol… someone was always pissy
Probably since they’re still developing they’ll since to yours
Usually people sinc to the stronger hormone level or meet in the middle
My mom and I was synced…One week it would be me…the next her.Now she is going thru menopause so you
Mom of 4 girls here and yes our cycles became very close together.
My cycle was super irregular. My daughter started this past Oct and my cycle has since leveled out and she usually has hers the week before mine.
My daughter started hers a week after mine and it had stayed like that for months now.
It will happen yes.
You all will sync with eachother and it will throw timing out for a few months then settle back to normal.
All 3 of you will ovulate & have periods around same time each month then.
2 daughters here. Youngest first, then oldest 2 days later, then mine 2 days after hers. And my son and bf hate those 10 days
My daughter and I have synced up. Like we are within days of each other it’s definitely real. I also work with women and we have synced up to a point too.
I had 3 female flatmates when I was younger and they were all synced at the same time. Not me though, so I spent a lot of time at the pub during that week
Whom ever alfa is lol could be you could be your daughter Haha
Me and my daughter yep a day after
My daughter synced with me. My two little sisters both are pretty much on the same schedule too.
Yep!!! Me and my daughter are 1 day apart!!
My 10 year old, 14 year old and myself all start our periods within 5 days of each other.
I have twin daughters, and we get it the same week without fail with one day in between us lol.
Not necessarily lol my daughter and I aren’t the same.
Idk abt your daughter and having them at the same time but I DO however know that when women get around each other their bodies tend to sync periods and stuff of that nature. I worked with a bunch of girls at my last job and let’s just say me and a few that were very close have gotten pregnant only a week apart with one girl and a month apart but the same day and also another girl who’s older than us has recently started getting hers the week after me! Needless to say we could never get along and were always super moody. All we had to do was say “not you too this week?” And we all knew what that meant
This has happened with my 13 year old. We sync in and out.
My daughter, sister, niece and I are all within 2 or 3 days of each other.
It took 2 years for me and my daughter to sync up, but she gets her period 2 days before I do. We overlap. My poor husband! It’s just the 3 of us…
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Me and my family would start one after the other after 4 days. I had irregular friends regulate when spending a lot of time with me.
Whoever hormones are stronger will drag the others to them
Most likely, you will sync up but it’s not necessarily who will sync with who, just that you’ll find yourselves starting within a few days of each other. My sister, mom, and I were all on the same-ish cycle until my mom got a hysterectomy, then it was just my sister and I.
My mom and us 3 girls never synced up we all had our own week different from all the rest. Poor dad never had a pms free week of a month for years. Poor mom always buying girl products. The cashier at our local walmart might have thought she had an issue
It does happen between me and my two girls that have theirs we all start within a week of each other
Mine and my daughters first period synced up. Both on the same day
Periods syncing is a myth Google it.
No matter what anecdotes you may hear, science and medical advice should always outway them.
Mine is normally every 30 days and my daughters is every 45. Ours stayed that way until these last 9 months when she started being homeschooled and is with me all the time then we kind of met in the middle and now we are both about every 5 weeks now. Off by a few days.
I have 2 daughters and we aren’t
everyones is usally a little different