Will doctors do a blood gender test at 10-weeks?

I did the sneak peek gender dna test and it was absolutely right! If you ha e to pay out of pocket, definately look into it.

There’s sneak peek that was 80$.

I used sneak peak at 9 weeks. Gender was confirmed at my 20 week scan Early Baby Gender Blood Test At Home | SneakPeek®

Stop being impatient an wait n see! :rofl::heart_eyes:

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Yep. Had mine done at 10 weeks. Accurate :+1:

Yep mine was done at 10 week

Yes. That’s when I had mine done.

My dr wouldn’t even discuss gender until 18 weeks

I did at 15 weeks with my daughter, but I could have done it as early as 10 weeks. Insurance didn’t pay for it so I paid for it out of pocket. I think it cost me around $1500. It was offered to me as an option and I did it with all the other disability tests. I had a normal pregnancy so it had nothing to do with necessity. It is more accurate than an ultrasound. It was a girl and she is now 2.

I was not given this option with my boys who are now 9 and 6 so I believe it is fairly new.

You have to qualify (over 35, etc) or you pay out of pocket and it’s expensive (over 300$). We did sneak peak online and you can do it at 8 weeks! It’s an at home blood test, much cheaper (less than 100$), and easy step by step instructions. :heart:

In Aust we have a Harmony Test, it tests for downs and some other genetic conditions and can do gender, it’s an additional cost ($250) and up to the parents. Has to be done after 11.3 weeks

I think mine were at 13 weeks. I think 10 might be too early. Insurance does not always cover it. Call and ask if they cover genetic testing. Mine was covered bc of being over 35.

Someone is making u fear having a daughter arent they?

Anyway, google chinese gender chart. Its ancient. It was right for all 3 of mine.

Well I was totally out of the loop with the army obgyn and midwives when I had my daughter. Since I had a few miscarriages and a stillbirth they asked if I wanted to do genetic testing and they never mentioned gender though. I actually decided not to do the genetic blood test because I wanted that baby no matter what after I had lost so many and I didn’t care if it was healthy or disabled, I just wanted my baby alive in my arms.

I had blood work done around 16 weeks and found out the gender that way. But I know some places will do it earlier but most dr offices don’t.

12 weeks with genetic test

I had it done but I was 37, considered advanced maternal age, they did it to test for genetics. Mine was accurate on the gender

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It’s not a gender blood test it’s a genetic blood test that can tell you the gender. You can do that test or go to a place like Baby’s Debut that can tell you the gender as early as 14 weeks