Needing some advice … I live in Arizona have 3 small kids and my ex husband was notified he will be paying about $1500/mo in child support and he makes 80k per year and only has the kids about 30%. He has been blowing up my phone saying he cannot afford it and will “prove” he can’t afford it cause he has “bills” I make a good chunk less than him. From what I have heard / been told (I haven’t dealt with child support like this before) that the courts don’t care about his bills they will still enforce the child support based off the formula. From anyone’s experience is that true ? Has anyone dealt with an ex like this and how did it turn out ? I’m stressing
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Will I still get $1500 a month in child support?
If your kids dad is struggling that means your kids are struggling. Your mindset is why so many dads are getting custody. He basically has them half the time bc I’m sure alot of that 30% falls on weekends yet still has to pay a full amount even though hes telling you he cannot afford it??
In Texas they do NOT care about his bills. By the way, child support is NOT YOURS, IT’S THE KIDS.
Men don’t want to pay. I think every man says they’ll fight it blah blah. Just let the court do their thing. If the court says that amount, he can afford it. My ex husband has pouted over child support for over eleven years. It’s like when the marriage is over they insist on doing less than the bare minimum. Then they act like their incredibly small payments fund your entire life and they will be mad forever that $400 a month is taken from them to support a child they created.
Idk about AZ but courts don’t care about his bills in TX.
If he ask for reduction he has to prove he can’t make it,but usually most courtssont care unless he because disabled he will still have to pay
NY has u fill out a financial affidavit for monthly expenses but also at the sametime with 3 children it’s 29% of his gross they are entitled to. They do have allotments they allow for food clothing transportation an what not so it’s not completely shut out but they will take from that to get the support as close to the amount based on his gross income as possible
Honestly, I would just tell him if he can’t afford it then ask for a review then ignore subsequent texts. In my experience, he never requested a review so the court ordered child support was never lowered. Leave the ball in his court, there’s not much you can do if he wants to fight it. Ultimately the final decision will be left up the courts.
Also, if you haven’t already, I would recommend utilizing division of child support. Keep contact between you guys strictly about your children.
He can try and get it lowered but the only bills they will care about are necessities. He likely won’t get it lowered very much. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Why stress thats alot to get monthly hell I don’t get child support and im like damn inwouldnt break him like that he got bills too.
Did he spend that much on the kids each month when you were together if so then he can probably afford it if not then maybe you need to come to some sort of arrangement with him thats less its not all about the money quality time with the kids is the most important x
I feel like that’s a lot. I don’t make that happen less than him but I couldn’t afford that.
Don’t matter about his bills. Tell him change his lifestyle
At the end of the day you shouldn’t depend on it and never count on the child support money. If they don’t pay, nothing is really done about it. Even if they get behind 30,000+. You should make sure your income alone will support you and the kids. I make close to that and wouldn’t be able to afford that. Plus he can fight for more custody/time and you may not get anything
1500 per month is happy days no wonder you’re freaking out. Haha
If u have the kids u shouldn’t need support to live or give him his kids who he can fully support our world is retarded af seriously let’s let all our kids live with there mothers even tho they don’t make a dime. And live off support kinda pathetic if u want to be considered equals do it ur self like we do or don’t do it at all ur poor kids probably go with the bare minimum even when u get support lol women disgust me these days and there are only a handful who actually do it all the right way because they knew they were taking bonding time and being there for them time. Man security is gone out the window and then we wonder why our women are no longer women
Geez, my lowlife ex won’t even pay $500 a month for our 3 kids.
$1500 a month for 3 children is not a lot.
That’s $500 per child a month.
Or $18 a day.
Oh they care about his bills. He can ask for a reduction and may even get it
Joint custody without child support… Too many working men get screwed over child support. Alot of women don’t even use the money for their kids and should have to show reciepts on what child support is used for.
In mi theirs vouchers men can fill out to have the percentage lowered based on lower income or the bills they have. I’m not sure how it is in Arizona though. You’ll still get child support it just might be lowered.
If hes making 80k a year 1500 a month shouldn’t be too bad 4 him
His bills do matter just so you know… Wouldn’t exactly count on that amount of CS, not in AZ anyway.
I think 1500 a month is too much to pay.