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"Okay so I have gum disease and my teeth are horrible. I’m wanting to go get them taken out and false in so I can feel better about myself but in the process I’m terrified my husband is going to leave me. How should I go about it. I’m already upset and hurt and Terrified cause I know how high standard he is and has beautiful teeth."
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"I had mine taken out and my husband was fully supportive while I had none for months so gums would heal first, love is in the inside not outside of someone"
"I had to have my top teeth removed and a denture put in. I told my fiance about how embarrassed I was and didnt want him to see me. I had them remove all the teeth and put the denture in that day because I didnt want him to see me. To this day he still says I’m dumb for thinking that way, just talk to your husband about how your teeth bother you and how you lack the self confidence because of them."
"Maybe maybe not but you have to do what will make you happy and feel good about yourself."
"I have had some of mine taken out and wear a partial denture. My partner paid and was totally supportive to the point he forgot I even had any false teeth"
"look after number 1, which is you. dental health related to cardiac health."
"Love is unconditional, if he leaves you for that, he’s shallow and isn’t worth it"
"If he leaves, honey you are better off!"
"Teeth are fixable/replaceable/easy to fix… a shallow, stupid man is not"
"If he leaves you because you got dental work. Than good riddance!! He ain’t worth the time or effort. Why would you want to be with someone if they dont truly love who you are as a person"
"If he left because of you trying to better yourself then good riddance! Take it from someone who has been through emotional abuse and having to put yourself on the back burner… You have to take care of you and not worry about them… If he loves you, he will be happy for you and your new confidence"
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