Worried about my kid going back to school

Many many parents feel the same way . Children do learn better in person even wearing a mask in class .

Do what you feel is the safest. It’s your child not the school districts.
Your child we ill leatm youre reasoning eventually
Love conquers all.

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Children are the least affected by the virus and should never be masked or vaccinated.


There are so many children on vents in the hospital, and in the ICU. It is spreading like wildfire. If you are able to home school, I would do it without question. I truly wish that my grandchildren could.

More children died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season then have died from COVID. I don’t remember anything being said about wearing mask then. In children, at least, the risk of serious consequences for COVID is about the same as the risk they face from the flu. But many parents seem more worried about the new and less familiar disease. That anxiety is heightened with new guidelines around mask-wearing.

Send her back to school. Children under 23 if you remember from this first round of crap were less likely to get vivid and if they fid it was very mild. So we all ho get the vaccine thinking we’re free and now they want to box us in again. I call bullshit. Send her to school it’s more important

Is the school requiring masks and that all eligible be vaccinated.

I am scared for the kids to go back to school even though I want them to go back… This virus is spreading way faster and I don’t want to get sick and I definitely don’t want my kids to either… I think they need to start shutting stuff down again I know it will make people mad but obviously this delta varient goes fast so I hope the president and governor’s make fast decisions

Well if she picks it up virus she’ll bring it home and everyone will get it. It’s really affecting children now

Good luck. The school system sucks anyway. The teachers I had to deal with are the laziest. I had to teach my kids geometry, and other subjects. I didn’t go to college to be a teach. I went to college for other majors. All the teachers do is give answers in class and the kid is stuck learning In their own. When my grandson started school, I did have hope when they opened up a brand new school with new teacher who really DID care. So there is some hope, but I wouldn’t hold my breath!