Let her go to school. Stop living in fear.
Please read the new study released by Ireland may help you.
My daughter will be a senior this year and she is going online.
8th and 4th grader online at NCCA
All 3 of my daughters are attending school with no mask and just fine!!! If you’re uncomfortable don’t send them , if not send them.
my grandson is has been doing on line school for 2 years and his gradesare up there and he seems to be really enjoying it,
I feel the same way . Online learning isn’t a option for me this year . I really don’t want to send my child to school . I’m trying to figure the laws in my state and what I can do . With maybe home schooling or something .
I’m doing home school until this nonsense is under control the life of my little ones is far more important to us not to mention less exposure for her siblings as well
If she’s young, don’t give the government schools your student dollars. If you are willing to do online, you can do private, charter or homeschool. Don’t give the teacher’s unions your money.
Our school used graduation acadamy out of California. We did not have to deal with the school at all. Thank the Lord! The classes were all online (not zoom) & you had meet ups at like McDonald’s for exams. My daughter graduated at 16 with a public school diploma before the kids from that class even graduated!
Did you send them to school during the horrible deadly flu outbreak of 2018? They will be fine. Slap a mask on them and send them back for mental health and social development
You’re gonna hear both “your child needs to be in school”
And “do what is best for you and your family” - I do what is best for my family and don’t care what other people think. You do what you feel is the best thing for you and your child- no one is living your life but you so don’t take anyone’s bullshit. You’re gonna hear it no matter what you do so do what’s best for you and to hell with what anyone else thinks.
Why are u worried? There will always be variants. It is a virus. There will always be covid around. Always. Like ALL other viruses, there is no cure. The jab won’t cure anyone. It is not a cure. Healthy children don’t die from cOvId. There has not been one case of that. Over 300 children with co-morbidities, like leukemia, have died from it. Not one healthy child. If ur that worried, then I guess keep ur child(ren) home.
Send her to school! Do NOT let this government scare you! They ant you scared so you are easier to control!
12 or over, fully vaccinated and wear a proper mask properly.
Under 12, wear a proper mask properly until the under 12 crowd will be able to get vaccinated, meanwhile mask and cross your fingers.
The Pfizer vaccine should have full approval by the end of this month. The under 12 going to be approved by the end of the year?
The only rational reason I have for being careful is the J&J in pudgy women of reproductive age. Even then, it is only one in 1 1/2 million chance of getting blood clots.
It’s a 99.7 survival flu , stop with the hysteria
Your child will be fine at school? I mean my sisters had it and it’s a cold… within a week she was back to her normal self. My eldest who is 4 has been going to school throughout the whole thing, I don’t understand your issue at all?
A lot of parents are in the same dilema. I would lean towards keeping her home, especially if she is a younger child. With the new highly contagious variant, more children are getting hit hard. You also have a new child at home to protect. Depending on where you are also consider if the school district is mandating masks as some are not. It’s been rough on kids but I think where safety and peace of mind is concerned keeping her home this year is a good choice.
We don’t have the option I wish we did
I’m not sending my child to school until the vaccine is available for her age group I just don’t think it’s worth the worry and stress of the “what if’s”
I have a baby born in lockdown and a teenager. I live in the UK in the north west with the highest rates in England. I was worried sending my boy back to school thinking my baby will catch it but it doesnt effect kids like it does adults. None of us have caught it yet and we have the delta variant. Hes been back at school for months and not brought it home. Unless you have really sick people at home, let your child go back to school. They need it. Need their friends.
I would let her go maybe have her wear a mask and have her change her clothes and wash her hands as soon as she gets home.
I think all kids need to go back to school in person.
Me personally my son is going to be in person. We also don’t have the option of online schooling this year either or hybrid learning either so he has to be in person. I’ll say this tho the way things are looking they may do another shutdown but who knows honestly.
We’re her grades ok with online schooling? One of my boys did fine but the other failed 2 of his classes and had to go to online summer school.
You don’t say an age which makes a difference in my opinion. Also I would consider their feelings.
My 11 year old niece decided that she wanted to go to school in person rather than virtual. She said she wanted to see her friends. I don’t blame her
It’s definitely a personal decision. I guess I would start with your list of concerns and then contact school to see if you’re comfortable with the health and safety provisions and how they plan to address your concerns.
That might help ease your mind or definitively help you decide to do online.
Let her go! My children have been in person since last year. They will be in person this year as well. It will be so much easier for your children to go to school.
I is scary mine are grown but I have grands.
Lift her up in prayer. Give all your concerns to God. Ask him to take away your anxieties. He’s faithful and he’s got you all in his protective hands.
My 3 will remain virtual this year. Idk where yall are from but im in Florida and the numbers are crazy high just at the children’s hospital the have over 100 kids in there with covid and 21 are in icu. Nobody cares here hardly anyone wearing masks. Im gonna do what i think is best fir my children. My grandson started kindergarten and im terrified for him. Im a rn here and what im seeing with all this is frightening.
My opinion is if your child is not immunocompromised and other members of your household are fully vaccinated by Sept, then send your child to school. The biggest risk to healthy children is spreading to unvaccinated family members. My kids went last year in JK and SK whenever school was open, and to emergency daycare in April. It was harder on them I think because of their ages to do online. If you’re really not comfortable, try online and switch to in person when ready. My hubby and I had Covid but our kids didn’t get it. At the end of the day you gotta do what feels right in your gut. And if you need to change your decision then do that. The fall is still kind of unknown right now and that also depends on where you live. We are in Ontario.
I would let her go. Hopefully she can mask up.
Its a personal decision. For us we pulled our kids out of public school this year because of cases and they were only offering virtual to a select number.
My littles went back mid year last year, (kindergarten and 1st grade at the time) I was super nervous about sending them too and went back and forth for months, they were not enjoying virtual school at all. Before I sent them back I heavily went over proper hand washing, keeping their distance, mask staying on, etc.
It went great for them and they’re excited to go back in a couple of weeks!
I say make a list of pros and cons first and go from there
Put it in gods hands we can’t keep living in fear. Practice hand washing and sanitizer on book bag. Your baby will be fine.
I would definitely keep her home. Cases are rising, hospitals are becoming crowded, and with masks not being mandatory, it’s scary!
My vaccinated senior in high school is in the in person classes. (Masks are mandatory in our school system)
My other two are virtual. Benefits just do not outweigh the risk for my youngest who is not old enough to be vaccinated yet and my middle child decided on her own she wanted to stay virtual.
I was going to sent my 4 yr old to 1/2 day pre k but we’re skipping it this year. He will have to attend pre k next year because of where his birthday falls so I don’t feel so bad.
We were going to go face to face but I just made the decision to withdraw and go with a public charter school for our area that is doing optional E learning. We got accepted and just have to finish paper work tomorrow to be enrolled it took so much weight off my shoulders. Our county gave a virtual option with very limited seat and only for grades 3-12’so my incoming 2nd grader had no option at his home school
Idk covid can be really bad. My sons school doesn’t have the option for remote this year. I guess we will see how things go and his doctor said for now if they all mask she thinks it’s ok for him to go. We will see how things progress as the year goes.
Mine (prek and 1st last year) went almost all year in person! They did great washed hands often kept mask on with little to no complaints and loved it. Neither one got sick and we didn’t have any close contacts in their classroom either. Our school was great about communicating every week with updates and case numbers. I totally get keeping them home still but are you as the parent able to put in the time to help teach and take care of new sibling too and work(if you do)?
There hasn’t been one healthy child that has died from covid. However if your daughter is immune compromised I definitely would keep her home. If not send her I can tell you from experience there are so many children having mental issues because of isolation. Talk to your pediatrician for some insight
I don’t like this ! And I don’t like we don’t have a choice either ! Under 12 can’t get vaccinated. But all the numbers are going up . But yet we are going in person . I have a feeling we will be shut down again though.
If I had a kid under 12 that couldn’t get the vaccine there’s no way in hell they’d be going back to school right now
Healthy socialization at school and the happiness it brought my kids the end of last year after being home for so long with school closures made my decision. Masks and proper hand washing and sanitizing has been ok for us. I even have an immunocompromised 12 year old that begged to go back to school when they reopened. He did not get sick once. So we will be in person the start of this year with all of the same precautions. I have 3 boys 6th, 7th, and freshmen this year. Personally my kids want to go and I don’t want to take that away from them.
My children’s school is not giving us an option for virtual this year unless they have a medical condition which my kids don’t. So I have to send them to school and I am nervous my kids are 5, 10, and almost 14. My oldest is vaccinated.
I had a hard time debating it too but with as much as my kids struggled and me not being able to help them I know it’s best for them at this point. I would see where your numbers are and keep an eye on them. Decide how high you are willing to let them go up and if it gets to that point see if you can do online. Some schools will. Then she gets to have the joy of being there at least for a bit. My kids fought it at first last year but know that we were doing what we felt was best.
If I had an option I would NOT send my unvaccinated child to school until they can be vaccinated. I think the country should wait for the unvaccinated children to return.
If your child goes back to in person make sure they know to wash their hands a lot and use sanitizer. Keep on a mask and don’t share anything with anyone
Keep your child safe no matter what. Too many young kids are in the hospital right now.
This variant is deadly and attacking young children. I would not risk my child’s life!!
Don’t be so hard on yourself keeping them home keeping them safe only because that outbreak is climbing and what next it’s going to be our children you’re going to pay the price I don’t think keeping the kids home one more year to homeschooling or via I’m a computers it’s such a bad thing would you rather have them here with us or not wake up people they should have still have everybody wear a mask they were too fast so that everybody have their guard down I have covid with ammonia it was terrible I was hospitalized for 9 days then quarantine for 5… I made it but unfortunately my mother did not we were in the same hospital at the same time
Mine Are going back super excited we don’t have to wear masks so they definitely ready
We did a good part of last year doing online study. It is horrible. The kids don’t pay as much attention to you as they do a teacher. There is no social interaction which the kids need. No learning to share or help another student. Not good at all
I don’t want my kid to go either, I been sad and worried. Didn’t have a choice either.
What grade is she in? Social contact is important, however the teacher can see her face with virtual learning signaling learning cues. I would keep her home but arrange organized social contacts through church or after school programs.
We pulled ours from public school this year and keeping them home. We just don’t feel safe enough or trust sending them
The government wants to keep control of what we do and when we can do it. Let’s just do what we can do and live life like it supposed to be
I’ve got 7 in school . We home schooled last year and it was horrible for my kids . I’ve got health issues which is why we did it . This year I got the vaccine and loaded up on mask and Lysol for home n class . I’m praying I did the right thing,
We did virtual learning with my daughter last year and it was horrible. My son is starting kindergarten in a few weeks and they will both be going in person. If i have to put them in a hazmat suit, im sending them.
If you are really that worried then why not home school her?
The woman who said no healthy children have gotten sick wi ty h the Delta variant was wrong, very, very wrong!!!
You do what you believe is tight for your child. If she gets sick do not point the finger at the people on this site as the reason you let her go back to school when you knew there was a deadly variant of the virus that was particularly harmful to children running rampant through our country.
It is your choice. You and you alone make the decision of whether she goes back to school or not.
Whether my child would go or not has nothing to do with whether your should.
Healthy diet, multi vitamin, wash hands. Kids get all kinds of germs at school. They have great immune systems. Let them be kids
The vaccine still isn’t fda approved! Why would you want your child to a experiment rat! People are dying from it, having strokes ! Please do more research before just listening to the media!
I’m in the same situation… and I think I decided on not sending her to school. It makes me sad because she’s so excited to go but I can’t risk it. Not with my child. My husband and I were going back and forth about it but last night his uncle unfortunately passed away from covid & his younger brother who’s 15 has it and is debating about going to the hospital. right then we knew we weren’t sending her. It was just too close to home & i don’t feel comfortable at all with her going. Her school also has other things that make me uncomfortable… has no mask mandate or social distancing, and no one is allowed to walk their child to their classroom which for me was hard because my baby is 3 in pre-school. We both did not like that.
My son is 18 and has a year left and I think he’s going online as well.
My 17yr old nonverbal Autistic twins have been home since Covid started.In Alabama in the early days of Covid if you needed to be on a ventilator per Alabama’s check list if you were disabled be it physically or cognitively and had other medical conditions you were considered having “No quality of life” and therefore were sent home to die…A Disability Advocacy group took it to the Federal courts and it deemed Violation of a persons Constitutional and Civil Rights.My twins are vaccinated so they are going back to school.I figure they will get Covid inevitability whether I like it or not. They have been home long enough.They need more than I as one person can provide.But I understand other parents hesitancy in getting their child vaccinated or sending their child back to school.
My child is going to in school. I talked to someone last night about some things and they told me currently there are no inhouse cases of covid for children. But rsv is on the rise as well
My grandson in 7th this year is back to school. My grand daughter is in 6th is also back to school. No home schooling for them. We tried but they said the kids would have to transfer to another school just to stay home. So we had no choice but to let them go back. At least in our area. Good luck!
Thank goodness my children are over 12 and have been vaccinated. If they were younger, I don’t think I’d send them to school until they could be vaccinated. I know chicken pox is a virus and can cause shingles as an adult. This is virus also…so who knows what the long term effects may be. It’s hard making the right decision when all of this is so new. People saying you’re living in fear if you keep them home just aren’t thinking about the long term effects, I personally think it’s being careful… Good Luck!
Send her. Don’t take that away from her because of your fear.
God gave us our immune, Trust it!!!
I think it’s very important to have social interaction. Boost you and your kids immune system with the proper foods to give them nutritional foods and high does of vitamin c and zinc. No mask as it will not do anything for stopping nor spreading a virus. Wash hands often and keep some distance from people as much as possible. Vaccines are still experimental and will not stop your kids from getting sick again.
Socialising is very important too
If you have a younger one at home, they are vulnerable & have an undeveloped immune system.
Until there is a child approved Vaccine, I would hold back & wait. Is there an extra curricular activity you can put her in to interact with some kids her age, for a limited time?
Check with the school system. Our school system requires students a-l on certain days m-z on others, virtual learning on the other days,Wednesday was sanitizing, wear mask, stay in one classroom in their seat, the teachers rotate, and the classroom size became smaller with six feet between each student. Students were also taught how to properly was hands (school used a song or counting method). We are also in a smaller school district which might not work for all.
Unless locking you and your family away from any other human is the answer I fear for your mental health and mental torment to get you to this stage. Whether one wants to debate if an adult should need one, you’ve been told follow the science, numbers and nurses testimony for vax or against, the rates in children 12 and below are very low and majority of cases are showing no symptoms. With a 99.7% survival rate and plenty of data of reactions to the vaccine. You also have cases of children with compromised immune systems. your worry as a mother is Understanding but you have to include the other cons to keeping children from school. Keeping them from their environment and opening up to more problems. With the current restrictions in place the numbers on jabs and procedures in schools aswell as the ones they have to adapt in home settings we need to give the children basic essential life environment
I have decided to keep mine home. I did not vaccinate against covid and neither will my children. We have not have covid either. Multiple family members have had it and no death. We don’t want the virus obviously but this isn’t my main reason for keeping them home. The world is ugly out there now days and to me… its just to much stress to send them out. They don’t wanna go anyways. Most people now days don’t know how to discipline their kids properly and take it to school causing problems. I don’t deal well with people causing problems for my child whether adult or child, so I just assumed to remove them. They have benefited so much better at home and personally home school is so much easier! If in Texas there is awesome programs for them! Other states… I’m not sure. If you are having doubts then I would say don’t send them! Don’t second guess yourself. I see all the pictures of the kids first days and stuff posted on my Facebook and yes it makes me a little sad my kids can’t enjoy it like I used to when I went to school… but I’m making the decision that is best for me and my family! I encourage you to do the same and not listen to either side of the fence when it comes to covid! Your family and your choice. Hate to be blunt but believe me when I say they ain’t missing much in these schools now days let alone in this big world!
I can just tell you that online learning did not work out well. Grades dropped considerably and my daughter really wanted to go to school so I’m going to send her
My child’s mental health was so compromised when she was on the computer doing school, that we decided to take the risk but she willingly wears a mask herself
Depends on her age . If she’s 12 or older vaccinate , have her wear a mask , wash hands often and distance … hand sanitizer … if she’s younger and you can keep her home don’t risk her health or her life .
Child is going into grade one and was previously at a Montessori daycare with very strict cleaning and infection control. She is not immunocompromised but she’s too young to be vaccinated as she has a newborn sibling at home.
My kids went to in person school all year last year and it was fine. They closed for a week if numbers got too high but thankfully that was only 3 times. Sending them to in person school again this year. They do so much better in school then what they ever did in virtual. Virtual sucked for everyone involved. Just do what is best for your family.
My kids school (age 13 & 16) is offering online again this year. My oldest has chosen to be in person while my youngest has chosen online and this works for us given their different learning styles. At this point I don’t think anyone is safe, so enforce hand washing, distancing, etc
Our children were completely virtual all last school year and they did well with support from me and their teachers. I think it is unfair that we no longer have a virtual option since masks are optional. This is the worst decision they could’ve have made since children under 12 can’t get vaccinated yet. I hope the decision changes before the 23rd of August.
I’d keep her home. Seriously her health and the health of your family is more important than in person learning.
We are in ga and have been doing in school classes. They have been fine and are loving meeting new friends and being back in school! Let them go!
We went all last year without masks and started again today for the year no masks…no issues whatsoever
She’s probably feeling trapped in the house poor kid. It’s been like that for a lot of kids. Honestly you can get covid from the store or going to work so it’s all about how you protect yourself. I work in janitorial and have cleaned rooms, labs and offices that had covid exposure and didn’t bring it home but the babysitter gave it to my daughter. I was careful myself but others weren’t.
I’d send her and mask. Education is 100% worth the risk. The virus is here to stay. We will see spikes every flu season, your child will still need their education.
My son was in person last year & they are in person this year with no masks. No issues.
My granddaughter goes to public school. She drops her book bag and lunch box and shoes at door We spray the down and she gets her bath as soon as she gets home.plus takes a water bottle too. I think this helps alot
Send her to school in faith We have to find a way to let our children get the most of their precious childhoods because theres so few years they get to be kids and the loss of that can never be replaced and even if there ever was a worst case scenario (due to Covid or all the other endless possibilities/threats out there in the world), at least you will always know you did everything you could to make sure she had a rich and fulfilling life experience, which includes the opportunity to connect with other children her age. Living matters most. Wish you best of luck