He’s probably cheating tbh. If you talk to him and ask him about it 99.9% of the time he’ll deny it…just stay vigilant and you’ll find out. Like others said you could check his phone
Cheating for sure! Check his phone. If you have to go get the phones records also.
Maybe he’s working extra to support all those kids and is exhausted don’t jump the gun investigate and be sure you know what’s going on
Going through the same ATM and pregnant all over me to before I fell nothing from 4 weeks pregnant
Listen to ur gut girlie that’s all I will say
You’re not crazy, trust your gut!
You have a gut feeling for a reason
Sometimes men resent you when you’re pregnant but at the same time if you feel a certain way let him know! If he doesn’t answer you then you’ll know what to do. Trust yourself.
Why do people resort to saying he’s cheating. He could have an addiction he’s hiding. And no, doesn’t have to be drugs or alcohol. But something serious is definitely up. Just tell him straight up, you know something isn’t right & he needs to tell you now & don’t let him say nothing is wrong.
He is cheating and feel guilty that he is cheating while you are pregnant
Regardless of what he could be doing behind your back, how he’s making you feel is what matters. If you haven’t you should talk to him about how you feel. If he doesn’t give you the time and attention needed to help you feel better then he doesn’t actually care. So his actions behind your back don’t actually matter. It’s what he’s doing to your face that hurts. You’re not crazy and even if it is your hormones making you more emotional he should support you through it.
Could he be having a medical issue? This is very difficult for many men to discuss. Is it possible something happened?
Maybe he’s trying to wrap his mind around another baby and even though you’re pregnant he knows what causes pregnancy and he’s off put by it and don’t know how to express that without you feeling like it’s you
Sounds like the Seven Year Itch to me. You and the kids are going to have to win him back, if you still want him. Make him his favorite meal or bake him something special. Let him know what he would be giving up if he lost you.
I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s cheating … When you got pregnant with this baby was it planned ?? Because if it wasn’t he could be upset about it and not wanting to say anything because that would make him look like a complete ass hole… if he was all over you before you got pregnant he clearly still attracted to you and having a baby means starting a over late nights exhausted which will make you grouchy and irritable I know that doesn’t make the situation any better but I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s cheating
I’ve seen way to many shows… something is up. Private Investigator time!
He could be severely depressed but from what u describe I do think something is occupying his time and mind… Does he pay attention and attend to your children u already have?
From my experience, he may be feeling smothered. Not that it’s an excuse, since he has helped make all of these babies. But men aren’t built like women and can’t hang like we can. He probably had a realization that he’s really having another kid and is most likely distancing himself so he can have a break. (Its not okay, but men do this more often than not)
He’s cheating on u!!!
He’s not smothered he found someone else
Or have you slept with anyone else? Be honest… maybe he secretly got a vasectomy and there is no way you could be pregnant with his baby so hes distancing himself.
red flags all around. Sounds sketch af to me.
My gut says he is cheating. He won’t even sit on the same couch as you?!?! WTF is up with that. He may be super upset about having another baby and totally blames you for it. I would come out with it and be like “since you seem to have found another woman you can find another place to live” and see how he reacts.
No you need to confront him
Hes cheating, you need to decide IF you wanna know and what you are gonna do when you get the ugly confirmation to your suspicions. Keep the ball in your court and do whats best for you and your children.
Follow him one day have a friend take care of your children or have a friend follow him. Maybe he is afraid you’ll get pregnant again. Maybe you should think about permanent birth control.
There are so many cheating flags here and I feel like you should always listen to your gut. I think he’s cheating or about to leave you.
Wow. If you have to snoop on his phone or get a tracker then its time to move on.
He could be depressed talk to him