Would i be wrong to have another baby shower?

I just gave birth 6 months ago and foudn out Oi am pregnant again…would I be in the wrong to have another baby shower so soon?


You should celebrate this baby too. :heart:

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I had a baby shower for my first and second because they were different genders but only a diaper party for the third.


I had a baby shower for both mine, I don’t think the time difference between them should matter…

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I don’t think so, every baby deserves to be celebrate plus you’ll have two close on age so you made need double the things. I would do a small sprinkle just so baby gets some fresh, new stuff and whatever else is needed.

Personally, I wouldn’t. I think it’s a little close together, maybe have a little celebration and tell your guests that you don’t really need presents as you’re pretty much already set up. But that said, I’ve had two baby showers. I had a shower for my first baby and my last baby (not my middle child). Mind you those baby showers were 15 years apart! I figured if I was going to have a baby at 42, I damn well deserved another baby shower! Honestly, it’s up to you, do what you think is best! And congratulations! :confetti_ball:


I was given one for both of mine.

… but my first was a boy and my second was a girl. And they were 9 years apart. :sweat_smile:


Have a shower for your new sweet baby!@


Where I come from every baby is celebrated :woman_shrugging:t2: doesn’t mean people HAVE to bring gifts, just a celebration for another baby and if people wanna bring gifts that’s up to them.


That’s a very personal decision. I personally believe that everyone should only have one baby shower and that being for the first born.


A Baby shower is to Shower the baby with Gifts

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Definitely not in the wrong. Every baby deserves to be celebrated!


Why do you need another baby shower so close? I’d get if it was a different gender, but you should already have everything needed from the first kid. Obviously there’s no actual issue with having another baby shower, but it’s usually for people who have kids far apart or something.


Better to just make a registry for new baby. FYI you don’t need to have a baby shower to celebrate a new baby. There are many other way to do so.


If your worried they are two close together wait until the second baby is born then it’s more of an opportunity for people yo meet the babe


Go for it. I had a baby shower for my first and 3 years later I had a gender reveal for my 2nd instead as I had stuff from my first still.

It’s called a sprinkle with each additional child but yes you should have a shower for the new baby. It may be a different gender and if it’s the same gender it will need some new items bit not as many. Think my diapers, wipes, bottles things of that nature.


I thought someone else throws the showers not yourself. So it would just depend if someone wants to throw u a shower if you got one or not


No. Every baby deserves a celebration.


No… you can do a sprinkle if you want instead, requesting no gifts or smaller gifts like just diapers and clothes. Baby showers are fun. I didn’t have one but I love going to them.

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Have you a baby shower! All babies deserve one!

I wouldn’t have a shower, more like a sprinkle and besides that’s totally up to you


If it’s the opposite sex from the one you have now then a full shower is fine, if not you could do a diaper and wipe shower…

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Celebrate how you want. Gifts aren’t a necessity. If you need something specific register for that. I personally would show up for any and all showers; with diapers!
People on here acting like it’s a burden to them. SMH.

No not at all…every child deserves one imo


It used to be only for the first baby. Ijs


most women don’t unless it’s a different gender than what you had the first time.

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No, not wrong. Plenty of people have baby showers for each baby. That baby will need it’s own stuff too. I would suggest wait until you’re around 7 months or so tho. Gives you time to find out the gender of the new baby as well as widen the time gap.


Ok so here’s my opinion. Do you want another baby shower? If so, then no. You aren’t wrong to have one. It isn’t about what I think, or the other keyboard warriors trying to judge you or make you feel bad. If YOU want to celebrate YOUR baby and have people that will come…celebrate! You only get this one chance at life. Who the hell cares how many times you want to celebrate your excitement? Do it. Stop letting other people dictate your own happiness.

Also congratulations

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You should already have all the basics from first baby.

I think many different things go in to considering this. Is it a baby of the same sex? Does someone want to throw you the baby shower, or are you throwing it yourself? Do both babies have the same father or different fathers? It all depends on the situation in my opinion.


Every baby gets a baby shower if u choose to do so.

Perhaps after birth a meet and greet with no requests for gifts?

Every baby deserves to be celebrated If you can use items that the six month old isn’t going to need then just don’t put them on your registry. You might be having a different gender. If not, if you need new things just add that or just add diapers and stuff for gifts.

No. All babies deserve to be celebrated. If people have an issue, that’s on them, you do whatever you want to do. :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s rude u just had one 6 months ago


I Had a baby shower with my first and a shower which was just a BBQ and games for my second we never asked anyone to bring things to the showers we just wanted to celebrate with our friends who were there for us

Have a diaper party .some will bring gifts too…every baby deserves new things IMO just have a fun party not a traditional shower

ABSOLUTELY have another baby shower!!!

I did baby shower with my 1st, gender reveal with my 2nd. Family still helped out with needed things and it made them both different

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No. But don’t expect gifts or everyone to come


I had 3 boys over a 17 year period. Never had a baby shower for any of them!

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We look at baby showers as a celebration of the baby…not as a way to get things. Sure people brought gifts but it was more so just a big family/friend gathering

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I had a shower for each baby, but mine were all 5 years apart and went twin girls, boy, girl, and the last two pregnancies weren’t supposed to happen, so I saved nothing.

With yours being so close in age, I would save what you can from the first and have either a Sprinkle, a diaper party (depending on the gender of both) or a Meet The Baby Party.


personally i only had baby showers for my 1st & 2nd kids bc they were diffrent genders.

No, each baby deserves a celebration. Here baby showers are thrown for every single baby, 1st or 7th

People will bring/send gifts as a welcome present when the baby arrives - another baby shower so close to the last one is a bit much

Ultimately it’s your decision. However, it’s annoying when people expect you to continue buying things for them because they keep getting pregnant. Yes, every baby should be celebrated, but there’s ways to do that without a full baby shower


Each baby deserves celebrating xx

Every baby is celebrated…… if it’s the same sex I’d do a sprinkle which is what I did I had two boys back to back but give them all the same love

I got so much for my first son I honestly would felt rude doing it again I had another boy 2 years later but to each their own


It’s 2024- leave the “one and done” baby shower idea behind. Most have. Every baby deserves a celebration, even if you don’t get as many gifts. And I wouldn’t expect gifts, but a baby shower is still a fun gathering. The old people will say it’s “rude.” And if it’s rude to them, they don’t have to come.


Yes. Tacky. Greedy. Attention seeking. Don’t allow it. I hope you didn’t give yourself a baby shower the 1st time around

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A baby shower is to help you get started when you have your first child. By the time the second one comes along you should pretty much have what you need. Other than some clothes if the child is a different gender. You do not have a baby shower everytime you give birth :roll_eyes:
Perhaps you can have a gender reveal party if you want to have a way to celebrate the new baby.

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Whatever happened to the days where you had a shower for only the first baby?

6 months later and u want another baby shower… I wouldn’t. But each to their own. If it was me I’d probably just have a bbq or go out for lunch requesting no gifts. Or you could have a nappy party? Instead of gifts ask for varied sized packs of nappies…

I just had my second baby in 2022 which was a boy, I’ll have having my 3rd in June which is a girl! I haven’t had a girl in 9 years. Every baby deserves to be celebrated. I’m having a full blown shower!


Dam u waste no time…lol but having 1 is the norm. …unless their different sex babies then u obviously need different things but usually just 1 celebration is usually the way to go being that close…if ppl just drop off a gift here & there that’s fine or have a cook out & let ppl hang & if they choose to bring something that’s fine too

I think so. That close? Yes.
I had.my twin boys 13 months before my youngest, a girl… I did not have a shower for her.

Shoot, they took away Roe vs. Wade. So I see it as “If every life matters, you go ahead and throw that baby shower without any shame.”

You don’t give yourself a shower. Someone is supposed to throw one for you.

Do a meet the baby party. And ask that ppl gift diapers/wipes or if it’s opposite sex clothes.

I think it’s good to celebrate each child, but I wouldn’t do a full shower since they are so close together. Maybe a sprinkle/diaper party or even a meet the baby party after they are born

If the babies are going to be different sexes, then yes, I think a second shower is reasonable. If not, you still should be able to use what you already have. I had six showers lol (one for family and one at work with each kid), my kids are g/b/g and my oldest is 6 & 7 years older than her siblings so I had gotten rid of many things by the time I started having babies again after my firstborn.

New baby entails new baby shower. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

I like the idea of a celebration for baby , but I hate baby showers. I hate that people expect others to supply things for there baby , I have never had one for that reason I chose to have kids setting up for them is my responsibility. Personally I think it’s even tackier to have more than one and expect people to supply even more but that’s my opinion


You can shower each of your babies but I wouldn’t expect a lot of gifts unless it’s a different gender.

Call it a sprinkle instead.
That is a bit close to have another shower. Unless opposite sex. Otherwise you can celebrate with coffee, tea, deserts and ask for diapers

What could you possibly need? You just had a baby

Yeah. That’s super selfish. It’s not like u need baby stuff

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Not really, the arrival of a new baby should be celebrated

We never had of them baby showers. I think they are very silly really. Wouldn’t it be terrible if something went wrong before the baby was born or even after the birth or a still birth. These things do happen unfortunately. We were always told don’t ever count your chickens before they are hatched and its a true saying. Having them showers and all them gifts got and for something to happen then would be devastating.

You should still have all the stuff from the first. Baby showers are usually for a first child in my opinion

Your family throws a baby shower for your first baby. After that you’re responsible for providing for your own children. Friends and family may bring you a gift for the baby after it’s born but don’t count on it.


That’s just tacky and trashy

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I wouldn’t do a full shower

I would say do a “sprinkle” just to celebrate the baby don’t do a registry or anything since you already have everything. Unless you have a different gender then maybe if people wanted they could bring you some clothes or something idk lol it’s up to y’all. I think every baby should at least be celebrated. Even if you wait till after the baby is born and do a little meet and greet party (if you want everybody around your baby, that is.)

If you have a baby of the opposite sex I’d say there’s nothing wrong with having a small sprinkle but if you’re having the same as what you already have and so close together I think that sounds greedy because by the time this baby is here your already little one will be grown out of a swing and bouncer and all that so why ask for all new if you already have what you need.

If it’s the same sex just do a Baby Sprinkle… Opposite sex have another baby shower! Nothing wrong with celebrating each baby :baby:

You can have a “sprinkle”, not a shower as you should already have all of the big things that are needed for a baby. If the baby is the same sex as your first, people can bring diapers & wipes

very. it also makes you look stingy/greedy.

have “celebration” after the baby gets here.

Unless the baby is the opposite sex or there is a 5+ year gap, you don’t have another shower.

No not wrong. Some women have multiple showers for 1 baby. Just be prepared for people to be judgemental & give you crap. This pregnancy deserves to be celebrated too.

Ask for diapers. Having 2 in diapers at the same time is going to expensive.