I wouldn’t want my kids around gross dogs hair too but my opinion my be bias since I have no issues when it comes to cats… anyway your concern is totally valid!
Grow up! It’s called a vacuum
I’m baffled by the amount of people who do not accept when a person does not like animals. It is not a crime to not like dogs. Some of you need to grow up and stop bullying a mother who is doing what she thinks is best.
I feel you. There’s always dog hair. They can clean as much as they want but there’s always fur everywhere and to me it makes things feel gross. It is hard with family though and it might make things much more difficult on you and your husband, maybe just stick to your house and consider lint rollers and vacuum when they leave. I avoid friends houses with dogs, so we mostly meet at my house and i just vacuum after they leave.
I know the feeling. My in laws have so much pet hair on their furniture, that I don’t even want to sit down. Then, they ask my kids to watch the dogs while they are gone and it gets everywhere in my house. Luckily, they don’t stay long and I’m able to get rid of all of it. Our dog doesn’t shed and I hate dogs that do.
This is very valid. Don’t listen to the ppl who have nobody but a mutt to talk to cuz they don’t know any better unfortunately.
All of you have your heads shoved so far up animals a*ses, I’m surprised a dog hasn’t bit the other half of you yet😒
Lint roller. Vacuum. Not hard
to each in their own. My son is 2 and has been raised around 4 dogs, 2 cats, chickens and in the country around lots of dirt. Its better for their immune systems to be around all different types of allergens at young ages as it strengthens their systems. Making it harder to get sick as they get older
I have a cat and my baby kisses her all the time, has cat hair in his mouth at least once a day lol. As long as they bathe their dogs I don’t think it’s a bad thing
I don’t think animals are the gross ones here… I hope your husband takes his child around those animals so it won’t have allergies. You need a therapist.
Do what is best for you and yours. The anthropomorphism is pretty outrageous nowadays. As a dog owner, I respect people who don’t like or want to be around dogs, fur, drool etc. It’s your right. Take care of yourself and your family best of luck.
I have a dog but, I’m still with you on all the hair being gross. I keep him brushed and the furniture vacuumed. I don’t like going to people’s houses if they’re covered in hair…it makes me gag. Screw the people that have an attitude just bc you don’t like something that they like. In the end, it’s your child.
Yes, that is wrong you’re in laws shouldn’t have to suffer bc you don’t like dogs. I’m sure it upsets them feeling unwelcome.
Being around animals and getting dirty isn’t going to harm your kid. Stop being so stuck up. If it was cigarettes I would understand, but dogs. Now if the house is unsafe, you have a right to be concerned. If it’s just not up to your standard, you’re being a snob.
Some people don’t like dog fur, all you dog nuts really need to just calm down. Not everyone likes dogs, get over it.
You are not bad for this, everyone has preferences
Not a crime but I suggest getting some counseling for this OCD you don’t want to pass this on to your kids. By the way kids will survive
I don’t like big dogs slobbering on me either so I get it that you don’t want to go there. But your inlaws can come over for goodness sakes. It’s dog hair not sh*t. You’re being ridiculous
Thats pretty selfish of you to keep bubs away from a family member home
Just because they have dogs
Honestly apart from wrapping them in bubble wrap
Your kid is going to come into contact with animals at some stage
Wait till your kid starts playing in mud at home and gets totally
Pets are great for young kids
Sadly though not for people who hate pets
You can get a hairless pets
Basically you are being unreasonable
And hopefully dad will still take bubs to visit family in their homes
You’re the a**hole here. Why rob your son of people who love him just because of a preference that’s only about you and your likes.
Get a vacuum and a lint brush and breathe. It’s not going to hurt anyone.
U won’t have to worry about inlaws soon
Haha I thought you were totally going somewhere else with this! I thought you were one of those fur is murder people who throw paint on mink coats!! Haha! I am totally with you!! the only animals which aren’t completely disgusting are outside guard dogs, birds in cages, and fish in tanks! Glad all my babies would immediately start sneezing their little heads off anytime we went anywhere like that. It is the grandparents. Tell them you’ve been thinking how to break it to them, but your kid is completely allergic! Plus you’re deathly afraid fur will get in the baby’s mouth from being on the floor!
Have 2 80lbs dogs, big cat. And 3 lb bunny
They spread alot of fur. Do clean an vacuum before company. Don’t like it, don’t come.
When I was pregnant with my 1st kid my sons grandma and her sisters were telling me I need to get rid of my cats because the hair will give my baby allergies, and also told me dirt makes kids sick. I had the doctor talk to her and explained how immune systems work and how we need dirt and allergens to build a strong immune system and a tolerance to allergies. You don’t have to like dogs or there hair but your being unreasonable and unfair. This is also not your decision to make alone, this is something that needs to be agreed upon by you and the babies dad.
The dog worshiping culture has got to stop. Not everyone loves dogs. If you don’t love dogs it doesn’t mean you’re a monster. I can’t stand dog hair either.
Dogs go to public places? Animals are great for kids. You should get a dog .
I’m not a fan of animal hair either, I have two dogs & a cat. I have long hair, so does my daughter & grand daughter who live with me. I’m not a fan of our hair either. But it happens. If their house is clean then what is the problem??? And you don’t want them at your house for the same reason? Are you just using that as an excuse??? Do you not like your in-laws??? They are still your child’s grand parents & your husband’s parents. Maybe you are the one who is the problem
Wow… I’m glad I never had a mom like you. If I found out my mom kept me away from people who loved me because SHE didn’t like animals… I would have resented her. You need a reality check…
I for sure wouldn’t want a relationship with you if you cannot even bear cleaning up a bit of hair after seeing family…btw family you chose…when you accepted your husband, you accepted all that comes with him and guess what that includes a bit of animal hair…now whilst I agree, I’m not a fan of having hair everywhere…I would still make an effort to allow my family into my home and just be at peace with having to clean after, there’s many ways to avoid all the hair coming into your home.
The fact that you don’t like animals says alot about you!!!