Anyone else grossed out by animal fur? I do not want it around my baby at all. my in laws have so many dogs…and while they clean as much as they can…they still have so much hair in their house and I dont want my kid on their floor…and I am almost to the point where i do not want them coming to my house anymore because their clothes are always covered in dog hair. I just think animals are gross…would it be wrong if we only met in public palces from now on?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong of me to only meet my in-laws in public?
So much wrong.
I cant even words all that is wrong with you
If ur a germaphobe why be a parent??
Wow that’s really messed up .
I see this post then the post under it had me
Yes it’s very wrong. Do you want to completely ruin your marriage and the relationship the in laws have with your child? Actually, you probably don’t even care. Sounds like you have serious issues.
I’m sure they had these dogs before you married your husband so why is it an issue now… weirdo
I think animals are gross too but I think you are being unreasonable.
Yes. Please get help. I have a thing for hair, too… you cannot let it control your life.
Life is way too short. And you are worried about someone that owns pets to come into your home. You’re really reaching here and I’m not sure you’re going to get the answer you are looking for here. I feel bad for your in laws for having you as a daughter in law.
I understand where you’re coming from, I also don’t like the shedding from cats or dogs and think it’s kinda nasty but it’s mostly a fear thing because I’m always scared I’m going going get hair in my eyes or mouth🤣 I would take baby there but maybe just hold him.
You lost me at “I just think animals are gross”
Have you met children?
Very wrong. Just clean up when they leave. Dog or cat hair isn’t going to hurt it just irritating. These are you babies grandparents for Pete sake.
While I don’t think fur is a big deal, have some compassion, we all have shit we don’t want getting on our babies or us… hers is fur…
That’s ridiculous honestly. Sad sad sad.
Oh your one of those…….just don’t visit, their dogs are their family if you don’t accept them then you shouldn’t even come in the house in the first place. Bye
Do you let your baby go outside? Because…dirt is everywhere.
wow you’re absolutely disgusting
The Public is far more filled with germs, just saying…
I used to be, then i now own to dogs. A german shepherd and a husky shepherd mix. And just know, that i have to be one with the hair🤣
Maybe seek counseling.
Dogs are more loyal then any human and your post makes me love my 3 hairy huskies even more.
You don’t seem fun to be around
Get help…sounds like you’re borderline OCD with SUCH an aversion to a lil bit of fur…
I wish my kids had grandparents and there are people out here worried about pet hair?!
Just take own baby blanket to put baby on
If that’s how you feel, then that’s how you feel! I absolutely hate animal hair all over the place! They probably have poop and pee everywhere too!! Gross, just gross! You should maybe just accept them coming over tho, you can clean up after them because they are your in laws after all
Dogs are kids to! You are absolutely ridiculous!
Just invite them over.
I don’t think it’s wrong. Good luck!
Your being very rude. And YES it does matter… It’s just a bit of hair, shower and wash your clothes when you get home… Vacume after they leave…
I can’t trust a person who doesn’t like animals. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Wear ur mask… U will be ok
What are you gonna do? Wait 10 years till the dog passes away? Your a joke
I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs
Everyone that’s bashing you must not have ever been to someone’s house that have dozens of dogs and rarely ever vacuums
Those animals are more likely cleaner than …___…
I ate bugs, dirt, glue, crayons, and I’m sure my fair share of dog hair. I am allergic to tho so that’s a no go.
Rude so wrong to deprive your kid of family over animals
You’re an animal with hair as well.
This sounds like a phobia and I would look into that for your own sake. But it’s okay to hold boundaries for your comfort as well.
I think humans are gross, but here I am being one while raising my own gtfo
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your baby clean.
I don’t like dog or cat hair either but you can’t do that. So yes it’s not right.
My mother in law has a cat and has hair everywhere, but I’m genuinely allergic to cats. So when I go over she makes sure to clean as best as possible but it’s hard with her age so I take 2 allergy pills before I go over and once my allergies start getting bad then we all go enjoy the rest of the day sitting outside in the front yard and will even have lunch or dinner there. I’d be a total asshole if I didn’t let her see her granddaughters because of cat hair.
They can come over to your place
Don’t let animal lovers shame you. Do what makes you feel comfortable. How would people react if you said they smoke inside their home. Not everyone likes animals or animal hair.
Guess I’d never have to worry about you visiting me, 6 dogs and 5 cats. My kids are fine and have no issues.
If dogs gross you out, just wait until your child is older.
Sounds like ocd and you need some therapy.
I wouldn’t want you at my house either as your hair my touch my furniture or even worse a strand of hair could fall out and wow. That would just be the end of it.
Omg get over it…are u gonna keep yo baby away for ever…good lord
Maybe you can take a blanket to put down at your in-laws. Maybe you can just change the baby’s outfit before you leave.
You’re talking about “animals are gross” yet you have a child who is 50 times more gross than an animal such as a dog
Dogs are better than most humans, this post proves it. Public has more germs than dog hair… And if they clean then its clean but long haired dogs hair is harder to get all cleaned up. I feel bad for your kid husband and in-laws. Please seek help with this “issue”.
It’s actually good for babies/kids to be around animals.
Having animals is good for your immune system too
Yeah, it would be wrong. It’s good for your kids to be exposed to animals. Look at the research.
I think it’s good for kids to be exposed to allergens early on……
Coming from the point of view of someone that cannot stand loose hair I totally feel this. Butttt it’s something we must tolerate for our loved ones. If it’s not hurting your health and just causing a little extra cleaning then is it really worth causing a whole deal over? Probably not. It will be ok.
Wow! I can understand about the animal hair but to say they are gross??? There are people that are more gross than animals
1st child right?? You are gonna loose your mind. I feel sorry for the child
Nothing wrong with it. In-laws are gross anyway, without the animal hair.
I have 5 dogs and agree it is gross, I vaccume twice a day and clean constantly. I see nothing wrong with meeting in public. It’s your kiddo and you as their mamma knows best for your child. You do you best of luck!
I’m not a fan of animal hair either! I have a dog but he doesn’t shed as much as others. Other family members have dogs and I’ll never forget being at one’s house, sitting on the couch eating kfc and seeing dog hair fly up when I sat my drink down.
I would just deal with it the best you could. If any of you have allergies, then I just wouldn’t go.
It’s kind of impersonal and a bit rude. Fur babies aren’t gross, but I understand about your baby crawling on the floor. Maybe take a pack and play with you.
I’m not sure what public places would be cleaner. Have you seen public places?
You don’t like animals,there’s something wrong with you.
Some of y’all ignorants for real…. She have all the rights to feel some type a way. Some people are nasty with their animals. If she wasn’t raise with animals, what’s the problem? It’s her choice!
He house, her rules she can meet everyone in public if she wants to.
I’m a animal lover but I don’t like hair all over the place. Sooo…. Is all about preference.
Animals aren’t gross. You seem low maintenance and super chill by the way. Good luck.
Kid will still get animal hair on them via hugging/being held etc. Keep a lint roller handy and a blanket for kiddo to sit on, you’ll live.
Then don’t put your kid on the floor?
Didn’t you know how they were before now you have a complete
Yeah, it’s gross, but i don’t think it’s worth jeopardizing a child’s relationship with his/her grandparents over.
Now, if it’s to the point of being unsanitary or your kid has allergies, that’s a definite “no, my kid isn’t going there”
Did you know that children that are raised around pets have fewer allergies than children that have no pets? Put down a blanket for the baby to lay or crawl on. I wouldn’t worry about it. Go home & bathe the child when you go home! Children that play in the mud are healthier also.
I get it. You don’t have to go to their house, have them come to yours. I know you said you didn’t want them at your place…but it is about the grandchild…a little give and take
Actually a little dirt and hair is good for the immune system it probably why my kids never have allergies if you don’t believe than look into studies
Can they not come to your house?
Dogs can actually help babies build immune systems, if you keep your kid in a bubble he/she will get sick OFTEN. Those dogs are part of their family, a family you chose when you had a baby with their son. It’s not hard to clean up, and unless you have a allergy (which they make meds for) then it’s unfair to your baby and the in laws to keep them away or only meet certain places. The entire world is covered in germs, pet hair should be the least of your worries
If you hate animals and you don’t allow your children to have a puppy in life, you need help.
Yes you have every right to feel the way you do- Perhaps buy a lint roller for when they visit, I too think dogs are gross!
A lot of animal owners would think babies are gross. Should they basically tell people they don’t want to be around them because babies are gross? They might be covered in baby fluids? Come on now, this is a bit much. I’ve got two kids, 3 cats and a dog. Two of my cats are long haired. My kids are perfectly healthy and happy and being around animals has helped them develop empathy and emotional intelligence.
It sounds more like you have a hang up and are depriving your kids of something that will benefit them in the long run. Get over it for yourself and for your kids’ sake. Also, in-laws are also very important for kids to be around. You’re being selfish. Full stop.
I’m guessing first kid. Expose your child to the animals. Good for them in many ways including reducing the chance of allergies to animals. Also, chill.
You have every right. Animal hair grosses me out. We don’t have pets. I don’t mind them but no hair please
Are you a serial killer? Sociopath? What person hates all animals
Your baby has to be exposed to things to strengthen his immune system, you can’t be “too clean.” You’re extreme you need to loosen up!!
No you’re not wrong. your boundaries are valid… If you wanted to deal with dog fur you would have dogs. People just expect you to suck it up because of their own personal views. I say do whatever makes you happy and screw everyone else good luck
Let’s see…rob your kids of the full grandparent experience because you are grossed out by dog hair…???…petty. I feel bad for your kid.
To be honest those kids are more feral then animals
I really don’t blame you, I think it’s gross
Wouldn’t the dog hair be on them whether in public or at your house? At least at your house you can make sure your floor is clean and nobody picks up other germs you’d be risking.
Or you could have lint brushes for them to use when they are over…if your child is covered in major hair when you are over there then i would find it hard to be there because little ones tend to put everything in their mouths
I have five dogs a cat and a rabbit inside my home, I clean my house EVERYDAY… from dusting to sweeping to mopping… everyday… you seem a little to uptight :-/ take a lint roller with you and you’ll be fine
I’m sure it’s not going to hurt your child, it’s good for their immune system to be exposed to a few germs, however a broken relationship with your in laws might impact your family and this will hurt your child in the future! Please think carefully before doing this, just remember they are your husbands parents and this is going to hurt peoples feelings, I feel you are being a bit selfish! You said they are quite clean so what’s your issue?
That’s a bit dramatic don’t you think? if they’re so covered in hair meeting in a public place won’t change anything. Your hubby and in-laws will be pissed when they find out the reasoning. There won’t be anyway to come back from that either. If you have a decent relationship with them now prepare to flush that down the toilet.
One day that kid will eat poop or dirt lol dog hair is nothing.
God made dirt and dirt don’t hurt , to not let them be grandparents over them having dogs is petty and childish . They make lent rollers and bathtubs for a reason .
You’re just a bad person.
Oh come on no one likes animal hair on them but it’s not the end of the world would u tell ur own parents the same thing ?
Your over reacting. Remember one day you too will be a grand parent. Hold kids from grandparents you one day will answer for it.
Imagine this conversation
“Um hi,
Can we please meet in public with 100’s of people and their germs so I don’t have to expose my baby to YOUR germs? Kthx”