Would it be wrong of me to stop letting my son go to my MIL?

Hi! I let my mother-in- law watch my 3 month old baby boy. The thing is she never lets me know how he’s doing or if she took him out the house. Is it right of me to stop taking him over there bc of her taking him to places without telling me


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong of me to stop letting my son go to my MIL?

My theory is if I trust someone to watch my children I trust them to take them out to appropriate places and activities no need to ask permission if I didn’t trust their judgement they wouldn’t be watching my children


I mean a little communication goes a long way! Maybe you or your spouse could express that you would like to know how he’s doing periodically and if they go anywhere. Tell her it’s just for your own peace of mind and it would ease some of the anxiety of leaving him. Most reasonable people would understand that request. Then your baby can still hang with grandma and your concerns are still heard.


Dang! What is she supposed to do? Stay in the house all the time. Honestly I think you’re overreacting. If you are going to trust her to watch him you then you should trust her enough to take him places. She is probably enjoying the time she’s having with him.


3 months is a little young…. I’d want to know where my newborn is (especially for a first time mom) at all times. It’s going to be Cold ‘N Flu Season soon and as you’ve all seen/heard in the News recently… there’s an Unusually high number of infants and young children being Hospitalized with RSV!!
My grandson’s have both been hospitalized with it and it’s Serious!!
Why risk your babies health.

Not knowing who’s house he’s at, what sick children are there or have been there… just going out at this time of year, unnecessarily is not worth it.

Just have your husband tell her you’ll both feel more comfortable with him going on outings once he’s a little older. It’s YOUR Newborn… go with your gut instinct/mother’s intuition! As the Parents you set the rules/guidelines for your child’s best interest.
I agree with and know many folks that won’t even allow family members or anyone else to kiss their baby on the mouth! As cute as they are and as tempting as it may be to want to do it… it’s Not a good idea.

Don’t let anyone try to guilt you or talk you out of what your gut is telling you.

Be “that mom” if it makes you comfortable and gives you peace of mind while YOUR baby is away from you. The M.I.L. is no different than any other babysitter… when it comes to taking your newborn around other people.


What? She isn’t doing anything wrong. She’s enjoying her time with him.


You LET her? As If this arrangement is only benefiting her? Lol. Daughter in laws crack me up these days.


She should let you know what she has planned for the day and you should be able to reach her when she has your child.
If you feel a certain way after communicating then you should definitely find someone else you trust to take care of him.
I would voice these concerns to the father. Maybe he can reach out to her also.


Set her down and lay out the rules for her to watch the kiddo. If she doesn’t want to follow them then she doesn’t watch kiddo. If you cannot trust your carer with your child then it’s not worth it. I don’t care if it’s family or not.

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YOU should be calling or messaging to check in and see how he’s doing, YOU should let her know you’d like communication if she’s taking him somewhere.


You are absolutely RIGHT!!! Of course you trust her and that’s why you allow her to take care of your baby but you have the right to ask for updates of how he is doing during the date , and she definitely should ask you if she is planning to take your baby somewhere , what if something happens and you have not idea where they are because she refuse communication with you. Im so sorry but I will not take my baby not even to my own mom if she doesn’t communicate appropriately with me

When my grandson was a month old I watched him overnight. I didn’t ask permission to take him anywhere. If you trust me to take care of your baby then you should trust me to take him somewhere and be safe. Shoot your SO grew up alright so why would you worry?

I trust my mom to watch and take care of my child. So I dont need her to call or text me every place they go while she has my child. If something is wrong with my child my mom will let me know. I dont need updates. Sounds like you dont trust her because if you did you wouldnt need to know everytime she left the house.

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I guess y’all didn’t see that is a 3 month old baby… not 3 years old. MIL needs to tell mom where she is bringing her 3 month old little baby. You are not in the wrong mama!!

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I would just ask her what her plans are for that day. Talk to her and ask.

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When you go pick him up, ask how was his day. You evidently trust her to leave your baby with her so you need to communicate with her.

just ask for more communication. my mom will take my boys out of she needs to. she’s grown she has errands to do and bills to pay like she’s got to go out?

I’m curious as to what you expect her to do while watching the baby, is she not allowed to go out? If not, why not?

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You don’t message her asking how your Child is doing or what they are up to?!

She should ask if she is taking him out. Esp at 3 months. Talk to her.

Then sit down and ask her how he’s doing

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If she’s good enough to babysit when it suits you then you’re just finding things to complain about with this.
Grow up

It’s your baby and you get to decide not the mother in law. I dunno wtf all these people commenting think she has a right to do what she wants because they trust them. You have a right to know where your baby is at all times no matter who is watching them.