Would it be wrong to force a 7 year old on a plane?

Perhaps try and understand why he is refusing instead of forcing him on. He’ll only resent you for doing it. Trust me kids remember well into adulthood.

Have you tried just asking what the problem is??? Kids can communicate! Most airlines will allow them to see the cockpit and talk to the pilot - ASK the kid what the issue is and then solve it! Be an adult

He probably refused to eat chicken nuggets, and you made him something else. Your fault.


How about we force you.

Get him on the plane. Leave him at the airport. Tough choice.

I feel his pain. I’m taking my first plane ride in August. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it. :persevere:

You have the responsibility to explain the rules to your child…not to be under subjection to what your child wants.

Who’s the parent you or your child.


You’re the parent…act like it.


CBD gummies…??? Anyone?? I mean :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Put him on the window seat

I feel for all the other passengers. Not sure if I’d force it.

He’s getting on the damn plane :joy:

I’ve seen the YouTube videos

He does as he is told…

Tell his doctor to give him something to make him at ease probably something like melatonin

He’s not the one who is in charge.


No it’s not you have somewhere to be. You’re the parent they are the child. The fact someone Actually asked this question is so fucking ridiculous :laughing: Next question.


So many people saying “Well, you’re the boss”. How would you like being forced into doing something you don’t want to, regardless of why? Just because they are kids, doesn’t mean they don’t get to say no. And just cause you’re a parent doesn’t mean you get to make every choice. Body autonomy and being able to make choices is something they should be able to do.

You should have considered and asked this BEFORE purchasing tickets. Your child will not forget this even if you do, and I say drive. Period. Don’t force the child into something they don’t want to do, regardless of reason. You not flying isn’t going to harm you, but it could make our child fear you for the rest of their lives.


No it’s not wrong. They are the child.


Talk to them. See why they don’t want to. Are they scared? Just don’t want to go? They are people too you know. Have feelings that are valid and should feel safe to talk to you about it. Too many people act like they own a child. They are yours but they are their own person as well and should be treated as such. Of course you can’t let them do whatever and have to guide them thru the world but that’s the key word here… Guide… Teach…

If it was my child I would never make them go if they were scared. I’m 41 and never been on a plane too so I understand

My first flight I was about that age. I had a panic attack and the lady came over to my mum and gave her a cup of ice for me to chew on but my mum just tipped it down the back of my shirt and told me to shut up… My advice is to figure out what’s wrong and work through it. Maybe you could go buy a toy or colouring book that will keep his mind occupied. And I say buy instead of bring from home as its more exciting x

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Omg your his parent. He does what you say and that’s the end of that


That should be an amazing flight. Maybe try helping him work through it… Imagine your biggest fear, and someone just forcing you to face it. Just because he’s a kid does not mean he isn’t a human being. Treat him with the same respect you expect to be given to you. Because he literally deserves it.

I would think a parent could figure out a better way than force. Parents job isn’t force,it’s teaching. I had two very young children on a bus for two days. I explained and talked about before hand and did everything I could to make it seem more like an adventure and fun. Seven years old seems old enough for talking and understanding. Put yourself in your child’s place and think how you might feel and what it might take to make you more excited than afraid.

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So you’re gonna let the kid prevent you from going on airplanes? Talk to them and figure it out but kids shouldn’t control stuff like that in families unless it’s a really serious medical type of issue.

Too many scary movies out there, with a lot of them about planes being hijacked or crashing. Also, all the news about terrorists must have him scared, too. Is there a pilot in your area he can go visit? (I’m a wreck flying, too, and I’m 80!)


I mean the other option is like “Home Alone”, and that didn’t really work out great. I mean of course trying to ease them into it in a nice peaceful understanding is ideal but im thinking the plane trip probably isn’t negotiable

Find the cause. See if it can be worked around. My daughter did the same so she stayed with grandparents while everyone went away. Only did it once, she got on every flight after that.

Your child is under your rules, unless there is a medical reason like they get clostrophobic or something then make them get on the plane.

As an adult you couldn’t pay me to fly again. If you force your child hopefully they remember it when you’re old .

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Damn, you are the adults. . . Get that child on that plane! What are you raising? Put that child in its place!

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Any chance you live near a general aviation airport? I made sure both of my kids had their first flight in small Cessnas. They got to see what actual flying is like, so flying commercially wasn’t as big a deal. The GA airport near where I used to live in PA did a Fathers Day fly in every year. You could go up in a 172 four seater for $30/person. Maybe you can find a pilot’s club near you.

I see a lot of future lonely nursing home patients in the comments. Most of you seem unfit to parent let alone have a pet. Hopefully your kids let you rot .

I can’t believe this an actual question but like my kid these kids gone be running the world by ten :joy::joy::joy:me and the mom split…if we weren’t none of this going back and fourth with a seven year old would even be a question…

Give him like a baby xan and tell him when he wakes up Disney world is near and quit being a pansy

When you are about to board give him a child’s dose of melatonin. He will wake up when you land

I would also refuse.

Give him a xanax… lmao jk

There may be something else that he is terrified. I had a friend whose sister at age 7 was thought to be anorexic. They couldn’t get her to eat. She was in the hospital dying. A child psychologist found the true cause. She had just learned about germs and bacteria. Once they explained the details of microbiology, she recovered.

Ask The Proclaimers!

Put him on a greyhound then… He will want to fly everywhere after that

You’re the parent. He better get that ass on the plane

A seven year old is telling YOU what HE will do? Really?

Beat their butt, and leave them at the airport.

Jeez hes frightened​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Benadryl, Benadryl, Benadryl!

Who’s in charge there???

Really?? Your asking that question,you obviously made a mistake! SMFH

A 7 year old? Good lord. This is what happens when we baby children. The future of this country is absolutely screwed.



Lisa a la mode I’m curious what your opinion would be in this situation.

It would be bad to let a 7 year old make decisions that you should be making.

Everyone else on the plane will hate you

He may have pretty good intuition

get the kid pased out drunk. i am not gonna be sorry fro this. no kid dictates ya vaca plans \

My prayers to you !!!

Oh dear. Hard to say.

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Well Who’s the boss?


My pop was a private pilot so I was used to flying try a small plane first and I’m sure the pilot will explained what’s happening. Might help.