Would it be wrong to have another baby shower?

Need opinions. I have a daughter that is 17 months and I’m pregnant with baby #2. My daughter will be a month or less than a month from turning 2 by the time I have the baby. I’ve gotten ridden of some of my daughters stuff already because at the time I wasn’t planning on having any more anytime soon. I will find out in a month what I’m having this time. If we have a boy we will have to completely start over clothes wise. If it’s a girl we have bigger size clothes not the smaller size. Of course we will have to get diapers, nipples for bottles, bottles, etc. Is it wrong for me to want to have another baby shower with the babies being so close in age?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would it be wrong to have another baby shower?

I think every baby deserves a shower of their own! You can even do a baby registry (target/Walmart/Amazon) that way ppl can see what you really need. Congrats!:heart:


I think every baby deserves a shower. I hate that some people says you’re not suppose to! Have your shower. People will come. Those that dont or have something to say, o well. Wasnt meant for them.


Every baby deserves to be celebrated


I never had a baby shower with any of my 5 kids,I always had everything ready by 3_4 months so never needed one,but if you want one have one

HAve another! People will come! Congratulations


That’s called a sprinkle lol David rose approved

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Have a sprinkle and invite only close family and friends. Congratulations

I’d say try and pick up your bigger items yourself… maybe at yard sales or second hand stores.

Then just let folks know you don’t need bigger items… just clothes, blankets, diapers and wipes.
That way they won’t feel put off by having to buy things again so soon.

Or just wait for the birth… many people just buy/bring a gift to the hospital or to your house for the first meeting/visit with the baby.

Yes,have a baby shower indeed.

Read the vibes of the people you would invite.

Do what u want.If it’s a boy u will need boy clothes.

Here’s a novel idea, provide for you kids yourself without having parties/showers/sprinkles and relying on other people to gift out of obligation for your choices


However I wouldn’t have another one.
Sounds very like she’s anticipating gifts to cover the needs.


Every child deserves to be celebrated. If ppl have a problem with it dont invite them.


No have another and enjoy your time