Would it be wrong to leave my daughter alone with her hard to wake father?

Get a REALLY LOUD OBNOXIOUS alarm clock then put it on the other side of the room so he has to get up to shut it off. I bet once he’s up he’s up and won’t go back to sleep.

Stop hovering over your husband and your child. Talk to your husband when you leave and tell your child I’m going to work daddy’s here. Why take a job if you’re still at home.:roll_eyes:


Talk to him about it

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I am what I call a dead sleeper. I am also single and have 6 kids. My youngest two are 3 and wake up all the time during the night. My older kids help out alot when the younger ones wake up. I also have a alarm on all my main entry doors and yes I have had it go off with my youngest two opening a door. No I did not hear my alarm but my oldest kids did. Also getting smoke detector that notifies police and fire station on its own will help, put up anything that she can hurt her self with. I would be devastated if someone said I can’t be home with my kids cuz of my sleeping habits.

Im confused, it is his child too, ur at work, its his responsibility to take care of her and watch her, put the monitor next to bed on high volume, tell him before hw goes to bed ur leaving to work and listen for your guys daughter. Get another one so you can hv one too. He needs to step up and hep.


When I was working and separated I used to leave my infant son with his father. His dad is certainly not a very happy person to be awaken and a deep sleeper. But so I could earn money he persevered and was very good at looking after our son. Sometimes he would put on cocomelon and go back to sleep (he slept lightly as he knew his son was in his care) but mostly stayed awake and went back to sleep when I picked up baby after work. Dads can be very good at getting the “maternal” instincts we have if put in certain situations.

Everyone saying no, but do you have another option ?

At the end of day that’s his kid and it’s his responsibility. Maybe you should have made him do a little more night feedings if he had this issue before. I’m a heavy sleeper but I definitely hear my kids.
Idk make sure he’s aware you’re leaving and go… you still need to work. And she’s not a baby and there is still an adult there.


What if there is a fire? I would not be a mile away from my child with basically zero supervision. Nope.

Absolutely not. In the event of an emergency, he will not wake up to her screaming. He needs to work on not reacting to the person waking him up. Because what if your child tries to wake him and he is mean or it is a traumatizing experience for her, thinking she can go to him for help and he explodes. Get a loud alarm clock and have serious discussions, multiple discussions on how you need to do this for your sanity but you need to be able to trust that he will step up and be the parent who will be able to attend to his daughter in the event of an emergency. Good luck momma.
From experience, as a new mom, i worked down the street for a hotel, my husband would sleep all day and leave my daughter in her pack in play for several hours at a time, they were several occasions my mother would go check on my daughter and he would be passed out, she would be soiled in her diaper, crying from hunger and he did nothing. I never want another momma to go through what i did. Good luck to you❤

I’d personally, probably hire a sitter.

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I was worried about my bf being a deep sleeper and not hearing my kids, but like Nancy said, if he knows it’s just him there with her, there’s a good chance he will sleep lighter. My bf sleeps lighter if I’m not able to get up with the kids and told me he slept a lot lighter when he was single and had his oldest at his house vs when he’d go back to his moms


Tell us you want to leave your kid home alone without telling us your thinking of leaving your kid home alone.

Wow. I can’t believe the amount of people basically bashing this man & making him out to be a shit dad because he’s a heavy sleeper. That amazes me.

Good lord, cut the cord already. And get your husband off the breast milk already. He’s a grown man (I’m assuming.) The yelling isn’t a problem. Don’t be such an overprotective pansy. But he won’t ever get accustomed to waking up for her if he doesn’t ever have to. It’s pathetic this is even still a concern at 4 yrs old.

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No do rt by your child