Would it bother your if your husband ate his meals like this?

I was like this…USMC bootcamp cured me real quick lol…

Joking aside…it’s probably a texture thing for him honestly

No that’s not a big deal

Lol ng as he’s eating no big deal

Mines does this too. Eat one thing at a time. I can’t understand it personally but it doesn’t bother me. So long as he’s eating what’s the issue?

You don’t have any kids do you?

Has no affect on u and ur day what so ever why be bothered…

I don’t care how a grown man eats his food.

if that is your only problem, be very grateful. When my kids were young & I made Beef Strew, I had to separate everything, Was this a big deal.? No, that is or was the way they liked it,

Why lol it’s not your body, people can eat “how” they want as long as it isn’t harming you? SMH. :woman_facepalming:

You’re petty!!! He’s an adult and can eat his meals anyway he wants. My husband eats his food cold( even food that’s suppose to be hot). Just be glad that he’s eating at home.

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I think the fact that this upsets you shows your controlling nature. It doesn’t really affect you. How would you feel if he was upset by you eating it together? Stop trying to control your husband. GTFU!

No. Why would you care unless you’re a control freak?

No. Quit controlling him. Let that man eat.

How controlling and overbearing do u need to be? Get out of that man’s plate.

What a weird thing to try and control

Ask yourself why you care enough to make a fkn Facebook post about it

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