Would it bother your if your husband ate his meals like this?

Question: if your husband eat his meals separately, would it bother you? For example, if you made pasta with salmon, and he eats the pasta completely then eat the salmon, would it bother you if he does this with every single meal because he doesn’t believe in mixing food together??


No? wtf? Lol I probably wouldn’t even notice the pattern honestly. Are you okay?


Literally what bearing does it have on your life? Let the man eat how he wants to eat, jfc


Hahahahahaa what? I thought you ment sat in different rooms or something at the start and was like yea id be alittle annoyed to eat alone every night then read it was the food he eats separately and burst out laughing :joy: :rofl:

How exactly does this effect you? It doesn’t. Leave it alone. He is allowed to have preferences, and that seems to be one.

Why is it your issue if he wants to eat his food that way? It doesn’t affect you in any way really.


I don’t see how him eating his food in a certain way can bother you. Only thing that bothers me is the way my partner slurps his noodles . I have misophonia so I can’t deal with the smacking lips, crunching, slurping. Gulping affects me but how he eats it doesn’t bother me infact I don’t think iv noticed if he separates food or not tbh


Nope. As long as the food is eaten, then who cares how
Just don’t watch him eat


It shouldn’t but if it does keep your head down and try not to notice. Sounds like you both have a little ocd

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This would not bother me. What bothers me is a complete lack of table manners. Chewing with his mouth open, eating so fast you would think the food is about to run away, complaining about the meal or bringing up how his mother would have prepared it…things like that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hell no that wouldn’t bother me one bit. I’d be bothered if he refused to eat my cooking but not how he eats it

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No I don’t like my food touching either, it’s a texture thing for me. As long as he’s eating, oh well


No you need to pick your battles


No? Why should it matter how someone eats their food?

Growing up we had a rule that we had to eat our veggies before our meat. Maybe he had the same rule and it’s now a habit

No it wouldn’t bother me. What bothers me is wasting my time making a meal and he rather eat a box dinner or some bs instead of my good home cooked meals. :sob::rofl:

I can’t eat mixed for either. It’s not that big a deal.


No. I’ve got bigger things to worry about than how my fella eats his meals.

I’d say you have more things to concentrate on with yourself than how he eats …

Ffs let the man eat his dinner how he likes, lots people have diff preferences for eating

Why are you policing his plate?

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I don’t like mixing foods together

No I don’t mix my food together either

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No let him it how he likes to. Mind ya own business!

My husband and kids are like this it doesn’t bother me .

Not sure why this bothers you. He’s the one who’s eating it, not you.

Let him eat the way he wants to.

Nope! I don’t give a :poop: how he eats it

That would not bother me.

No. My sister in-law only eats one thing at a time and her food can’t be touching. https://eatingdisorderresources.com/why-do-some-people-separate-their-food/

Wtf lol what a stupid question. Leave the man alone

No it wouldn’t matter to me

:woman_shrugging:t2: as long as he chews both with his mouth shut, I wouldn’t care!

No. It’s weird to care about something so petty.

People can eat their food how they wish lol. But if they make a noise like a bush :pig2:, that’s another story

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Why would that bother me? How he eats his food doesn’t change anything about the meal.

No . Everyone has there certain personal way, they like food …

The fuck is wrong with you ?
Let your husband eat in peace and the way he wants :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

why. tf. would the way SOMEONE ELSE is eating bug YOU? Grow up :person_facepalming:

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No, I’m not a control freak.

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WTF! Do you like to be told how to eat?? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Why would it bother you? Lol… He’s eating it :joy:

There’s plenty of things my husband does that annoy me. This would not make the list.:joy:

Being bothered by something like this… says more about you than him.

He’s not hurting anyone or anything.
He’s not refusing to eat the things you make or being ungrateful.
He’s simply eating his food differently from how you do.
There’s nothing wrong with it.

There is however something wrong with trying to control how someone else puts food in their body.


No lol. Because I don’t care…people eat how they eat…I was always told unless someone is chomping up their food loudly - leave them be. You don’t criticize over that or what people like and don’t like :woman_shrugging: whooooo cares lol


I think the more important question here is: why does the way he eats bother you?

Personally, I don’t pay any attention to how my husband eats.

No, because I eat my food differently than my husband and our kids each eat their meals how they want, which is much differently than us. The question you should be asking yourself is does it bother you? And if the answer is yes, why does it actually bother you? You should focus that energy towards something a little more productive.

This is so damn petty. Really? If this is a legit concern, and your bothered by it- you are the issue. I for one HATE when certain food items are mixed or touching another food. Seriously, first world problems :roll_eyes:

My kids do that :joy: and my uncle eats on a divided plate so his food never touches but I guess it’s to each their own. What bothers me is how my husband can eat a cheeseburger in half the time I do lol

Is this real life? :rofl::rofl: Like who cares how he eats it, at least he’s eating it!

No. The way someone eats doesn’t effect my life at all so why would it bother me?

Why do you care how he eats leave the man alone

I’m the same way . Not everybody eats the same.

Why would i care how my husband ate his food? I wouldn’t mix mine either for the record

Yes bc why would I care. Eat however you want as long as you’re not rude or gross.

I can’t stand my food touching (trauma related) I will have 3 bowls in front of me and my plate sometimes. :woman_shrugging: no need to judge how people eat. There’s a lot of people who don’t like their food touching.

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Is this a real question? Theres no way

Your weird. Mind your business and eat your own food

Nope at least he’s eating what I fixed. I believe this is more about you than him and maybe something you need to figure out why it bothers you so bad. He likely has some texture sensitivity and the mixing of textures bothers him or may e that’s just how he grew up eating and prefers each flavor or texture separately.

Nope. My husband doesn’t mix his food either :woman_shrugging:t4: a lot of the time I throw all my stuff in a bowl but when dishing him up I will use a plate to make sure to separate everything like he likes. I’ve honestly never thought of it as an issue.

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Why would that bother you? At least he’s eating

My husband puts beans or fries in a bowl for me so they don’t touch other foods :joy:. If it bothers you it’s probably going to irritate you further down the line… You need to get over it or split up!

Um no idea this a real question?

I have the same problem with me . I refuse to eat food that’s touching . It’s called brumotactillophobia . It’s literally a phobia you can’t help . I don’t know why I do it but I do . I’m sure he don’t like you sitting there in disgust as he eats either but is he bitching . Get over yourself .

Nope . Some people have phobias . I can’t have my food touching it stresses me out . So he still eats your food just not together nothing wrong with that

Why does it matter.? My man will mix his foods. Me. I will not go in-between foods. I will eat one thing and then move to the next. Ive always been like this. And it might be I have the tism probably but who knows. Undiagnosed and not caring

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My husband annoys me when he chews loudly while talking with his mouth open. What order he eats his food or him not mixing his food has literally no affect on anyone around and has nothing to do with me. He’s eating the food you made, why are you complaining? This is crazy level narcissism and a huge red flag. Trying to control how another adult eats food

Ugggh are you serious? No it would not bother me as long as his belly is full in the end then he can eat his meals however he wants. I mean atleast he is eating them so you are doing something right…he is his own person and he can eat his food however he wants to so No it would not bother me at all.

My 16 year old has to use the toddler seperation plates because she can not have food touching even at resturants I make sure to plate her food on a plate I brought.

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Whats bothering is the fact that this is a question.

What does it matter? Everyone eats differently my oldest eats one thing at a time starting with her favorite.

I eat like this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: don’t mix my food nor do I like it when it touches lol. Also I don’t care enough to watch other people eat… thats kinda weird lol

No that would be the least of my worries. If he treats you good then small things like that let it slide. I am the same I don’t like my food touching and my partner could care less

I can’t mix food together either lol. My husband knows all my food needs to be separate and gravies and condiments need to be in separate containers

I eat this way I’m ocd adhd and have sensory issues. I’m over 50 I’ve eaten this way my entire life.

Not my stomach- wouldn’t bother me but I’d be chuckling with every bite. I’d love to see him eat lasagna

My mother (as a child) 1st son and daughter all do this. My partner is not as bad but the kids need separate utensils for each food lol

He probably has ocd or adhd. Just let the guy eat however he wants.

No. He can do what he wants. Do something nice for him and get him a plate with dividers. That’s how my Step Mom does it. No issues.

No. As long as he eats what I put in front of him lol and doesn’t complain too much

Wouldn’t bother me. I eat like that sometimes, and sometimes I don’t. If anything, it’s kinda weird it bothers you so much.

No? Why would it. As long as he is eating and healthy. Some people don’t like to mix food. Could be a sensory thing, a food aversion or simply just a preference

Nope don’t really care how someone eats their food just as long as they eat their food.

My sil does this, she does it because of autism, I don’t see why it would bother you, but if it does, keep it mind it may be something like that.

It’s actually healthier to eat food separately… wish I could do that

He can eat his food in any order he wants. Wouldn’t bother me a bit.

Omg my husband only eats fast food. Count your blessings.

I’ve noticed that my son does this. I used to really bother me before because I couldn’t understand why. But now it’s just part of who he is and it doesn’t bother me anymore. All you have to do is not pay attention to him when he eats :rofl::rofl:

No … Why would I care how the man eats… :joy:

No , why should it bother you how he prefers to eat his food , pay attention to your own , and don’t worry about his

My husband does the same thing.

This wouldn’t bother me as long as he eats it.

Grow up. He could be eating somewhere else with someone else.


That is the weirdest thing to be bothered by just saying

That’s how I eat so nope.
I don’t allow other people’s non-hurtful behavior bother me.

No be great full he’s eating it what difference does it make

Who cares. As long as he likes it I’m good!

No, lol at least he’s eating. :woman_shrugging:

Is this seriously a real question​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: lady I wish that’s all I had to worry about in the world​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

My. Mother in law did that.