Would it make me bitter to request my ex has no contact without daughter after what he did to her?

Protect your daughter, he lost his rights when he hurt her !

That’s not bitterness; that’s protecting yours. Go after that little bitch!

A cyst could have caused the break. Weakening the bone.

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Fuck no, he should be able to explain what happened. It take a serious amount of pressure to break a femur even in a child so no. I’d ask no contact.

Hell no. Fight for her. I wouldn’t trust him with a plant.


Only supervised visits if she wants them.

Look a girl I work with that same thing happened to her with her ex husband took them almost a year to figure out she had a bone disease an they were real fragile it was real bad on that baby 5 mouths old but the good thing was the baby just needed a lot of vitamins minerals calcium and some shots you really should have them check her or you could be next to get charged an the baby is the most Important part of the whole situation to make sure she’s healthy and safe

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How would it make you bitter? It’s virtually impossible to break a baby’s bones, especially the femur. I wouldn’t even allow supervised visits.

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Hell no you wouldn’t be acting bitter. Keeping your daughter away is for her safety.

Restraining Order now.

I personally would go for no contact…the femur is the hardest bone in the human body to break no matter how old you are. That’s insane. As long as you consistently push for it as what’s best for your daughter and her best interest when in court, on social media, or in any conversation with anyone(including family), then it doesnt matter if its out bbn of spite or anger. He would be lucky to be walking if it were me.

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Cut. Ties no. Visits. What. Country. You. In? HE. Got. It. To. Easy. Your. Court mentally. Unstable

I’m on your side. I think that broken bone wld be a deal breaker. Exactly what is a supervised visitation? 30 minutes to see if he,s affectionate? SOB can put on a show for that long. Do you have any legal help? What state are you in? I don’t think Illinois wld be OK with that

I’d cut him off, protect your baby momma. That should be a no-go when your daughters old enough to ask questions and at an appropriate age I would have a sit down as to why you did what you did for her safety. When she’s old enough she can reach out if she wants too.

I mean don’t say just no… say no because he broke my daughters femur bone and as you said the court rules he was extreme abusive… just because he is appealing it doesn’t you stop saying no

What does this have to do with “my favourite holiday”
Take it to a parenting page


Do whats best for your daughter. Get full custody and a restraining order… there is nothing wrong with protecting your kids even if its means from the person who is meant to love them!!!.


Keep her away from him at all costs. Doesn’t make you bitter, makes you a protective parent.


Doesn’t sound like a favorite holiday to me


I wouldn’t let him. That dont make u bitter. U gotra do whats best for ur daughter.

Maybe ask a child advocate or attorney.

Trust your gut instinct.

You should be bitter if you do not do it, you owe it to your child to protect her, especially to a known offender

Isnt this site suposed to be about Holidays? Why all this drama all the time?


ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME !!! You’re worried about feeling bitter !! They’d still be looking for his body if that were my child


But I also think you’re on the wrong page

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I mean that would be like taking an abuser back in your life