Would it make me bitter to request my ex has no contact without daughter after what he did to her?

Hi, so I would just like some opinions of other Mommas. I would like to start with I’m currently going through a nasty divorce with my daughter’s father. Well, in the midst of all this at four months old, he broke our daughter’s femur bone and can’t explain how it happened to mind you. She was four months old. I had no knowledge of what he had done because she was in his care at the time I was not home. We have been to Family Court, and he has been found guilty of severe child abuse and neglect but is now appealing the decision. He was awarded supervised visitation. My question is, if I request no contact, instead, would that make me bitter and be more harmful to my daughter? He has not done anything for her in a year and a half and has seen her supervised three times for 2 hours each time. I feel like he shouldn’t be given a chance to cause her any more pain, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional.


I wouldn’t allow him anywhere near her. 4 month olds don’t break bones


When it comes to something like this. It’s protecting your child. Regardless if it can be seen as bitter or if you happen to also be bitter which quite frankly you have a right to be. I wouldn’t allow him anywhere near the child.

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WOW! I cant believe the courts didnt terminate his rights then & there.
I would NOT EVER send my child back, not even with supervision. I personally would use every dollar to make sure he never had a chance to see her again…Just my personal thoughts.


You MUST protect your child!!


Bitter?.. No. Keeping your daughter’s best interest in mind?.. Yes!


No not bitter at all. That man harmed your child… I’d never allow him to be unsupervised for freaking sure… like if they ever tried to allow that then I’d be like NOPE


I would fight for her life. Keep her as far away as possible. She doesn’t need him and someday when she grows up she will be proud of you for doing whags right for her. Keep her safe, that is your priority as her mother.

Screw him. He shouldn’t even be granted visitation at all.


I wouldn’t let him near my child…


NO!!! not bitter!!! Fight for your girl.

No contact protect your daughter

Nooooope. He’d be nowhere near my kids, EVER.

Keep her away from him! That’s not bitterness that’s protecting your daughter. I’m sorry this happened to her.

i dont understand how a person that has been found guilty of child abuse wd be allowed to have contact with ANY child EVER! he should be in jail! ur not bitter, ur protecting ur child which is what a good mother will do. im done with these idiot judges allowing contact after that only to have nothing to say after that same child is dead!


Absolutely not! He lost any rights to your child after what he did! You keep your child safe mama!

I agree with you. Take the rights away and get full custody.

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Im sorry but he wouldn’t be no where my child… supervised or not…

If he was awarded supervised visits then that’s what you have to do. Not complying may cause you to lose custody and him to get custody.

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Protect your baby

No contact should of been put in place when the incident occurred

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Not Bitter At ALL…you need to protect her!!! Hes a monster with a rage inside,he cant control!! Importantly, keep all Court documents
…(the broken bone info) in a SAFE location…lock box at bank…or metal box at home…an if the need arises, its prove of his actions an POLICE can help you!!

I agree, do not trust him

No contact with her, the court’s need to protect her. That poor little baby so sad.

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4 months old and did that to her? Imagine would he would do to her later on in life. He needs to stay away!


Supervised only! He may run with the child and do worse you owe him nothing. Protect your little girl.

Absolutely not!! Hes abusive. Protect that baby.

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It’s your job as a mother to protect her from anybody no matter who it is. Fight to keep her away from him.

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Protect your daughter from this monster how on earth do you break a 4 month old bones! Fight for full sole custody he shouldn’t have no contact he done that to himself not your fault

Do not trust him. He has no right to see your baby. He lost everything when he hurt her like that.

Go about it the right way and through the court system but definitely keep her safe and away from him. The femur is one of the hardest bones to break and to do that to a 4 month old is atrocious!

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He should be in jail! I would get supervised visits to be with a court appointed supervisor at the very least, they are trained to deal with all situations and will not tolerate any harmful behaviour on his part, this includes emotional, also if he shows them he is unfit, he will not be able to see her ordered by the court, as these court appointed supervisors report back what they see. Not sure a judge would say no contact, as she has a right to know her dad, it’s not up to you to take that away from her.


Unfortunately you have to follow orders… but I’d be doing everything in my power to protect my baby. I’d fight for no contact especially if he was found guilty of child abuse.
Whoever granted him supervised visits is completely out of their mind…

It’s not bitter of you to want to protect your child…
If you wanted to keep your child away from the father solely because of you guys going through a divorce then yes that would be unreasonable/bitter… but you have reasons to not want her to be in her fathers care. Keep fighting until you get what you need in order to protect your child

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Aggressively pursue no contact. The courts always fail these babies who are harmed, don’t trust them.

This has happened multiple times to my special needs daycare boy I watch. His father has bitten him out of anger and punch him so hard in his leg, it broke it!! Momma had to fight DHS and court system. Dad even has DV charges and has served time before for violence.
Fight it!! Do not allow him around!!!

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Why is it even a question


Damn, femur break. Do what you gotta do to protect your baby.

He doesn’t deserve any time with her if he even tried… Time to cut ties and tell him bye bye… Sounds like a massive piece of shit

You are not bitter. Protect your child at all costs.


He would never ever see my baby again.


NOT AT ALL!! He should NOT be allowed anywhere near her😡

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No contact it’s your job to protect that baby better safe than sorry x

Please do no contact he is a monster

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The femur is the hardest bone in the body to break. That should say enough.


He obviously hurt ur child so no thats not bitter at all, baby deserve so much better then him, its ur job to protect your child follow you’re instincts, keep baby far away from him I say

Are you waiting for him to permanently damage her or kill her? He should be in jail forever already.

No do it he needs to lose right to all visitation and may rights to be around children in future

You’re asking if a known child abuser should be kept away from your child because you’re worried about how he will feel?

I’d do all you can to keep her away from him. He should be prosecuted!

He hasn’t done anything to her because he’s been supervised. He would never see my child again.


I think supervised visits would be more than fair.

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I’d be in jail for breaking both of his femurs 🤷
In all seriousness though, it’s not being bitter. It sounds like he may not care enough to come to visitations anyway.
Follow the court order for now (so you don’t get in trouble), but request no contact.


Since he was found guilty, I would get a good lawyer & try to terminate his rights.

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100% would do everything I could to NOT ALLOW him near her EVER again!!!

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Your not bitter he should not have any type of contact ever better her be safe than you be sorry take care & think carefully x

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If my childs father physically harmed them, they would never see my child again without a fight.


He dont need to see her

Please dont put your baby in danger. This is an obvious decision

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Absolutely not! Protect your baby at all costs. Fight the appeal. I’d be in jail for sure.

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Never give visitation unless supervised if any at all…Been through the abuse until that evil looked at my children wrong and slammed our daughter into her bed and tried to kill the baby… I took my babies and left :100: Nothing else to be said.

No not bitter at all. I dont understand why the court found him guilty why they didnt put him behind bars


Go by your gut feeling, I my self would not allow him to visit the baby period.!!!

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Document everything. When he exercises his visitation, or he doesn’t. If he’s court ordered to pay child support and isn’t, take him back. After missing visits for a few months, file to have visitation reduced or taken away permanently. If they reduce it, make sure to demand continued supervision.


Umm from what you’re saying, if it were me personally, I would not let him have contact with her


Nope. Not bitter i would do the same

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Fuck no, get a retraining order. Don’t let his family get her either idc

No no no no no no!! Get full custody mama!!! He is dangerous!!!

They would have to bury me under the jail before I sent her to see him again!

Do you really need to ask that question???
It is definitely more harmful for her to be around him !!!
Who cares what anyone thinks about your decision.
It is your responsibility to protect your daughter.

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Easy…NO! The Femur is a very hard bone to break and the fact that this pathetic piece of crap can’t even explain how it happened is beyond disturbing. I would do everything in power to keep him out of her life. We as parents are to protect our children, and Father or not…he abused her and did it probably out of spite of the divorce. Thank God she is young enough to not remember this, so look at this as a fresh start to move on and keep him away.

That would not make you bitter, it would make you protective. He’s already abused her once…

Absolutely no contact!

It’s actually really difficult to “accidentally” break babies bones. It would be an absolute no from me, I’m actually really surprised he was awarded any visitation at all.

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Nope… he wouldn’t be around my baby

I can’t believe they did that!! Do you have a lawyer?

He is a threat to the child

WTH!!! Shouldn’t even be questioned. No unsupervised visits!

Full custody right now do not Wait for the sake of your child I know but at this point it would be better for you to take action against him

You do not need to be looked at as well as not being able to provide great care for her .use the law on him Now

No way in hell would someone be around my kid if their leg was broken in their care. A 4 month old doesn’t just break their leg

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No contact. Your daughter needs you to stand up for her.


Thank you everyone for your input this is my current situation…I do have a lawyer and because he is appealing the decision I wanted to go for No contact I know my decision and what needs to be done but I was asking for input on whether me asking for that would make me look bitter to the courts not him I don’t care what he feels…and the reason he isn’t in jail is because we have only been to Family court the next step will be criminal court if all goes well there will be no contact and he will get what he deserves and serve his time in jail…my first priority is my Daughter and has been since Day 1

Urs going to be a hard long fight but your daughters health and love cones first you can talk to her about it when she’s old enough to understand protect her from this man, my best thoughts are with you xx

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I would ask the court for no contact. That isnt bitter, its protecting your baby which is the natural instinct for a mother.


Fuck that it takes A LOT of power to break a bone of a babies. He did it. No contact ever

No get your child away from that man NOW! Doesn’t matter what it makes you look like you need to protect what is yours.


Oh sheesh…id def no contacr until he sees anger managment and therapy. A therapist should determin if hes a danger to ppl

I have 3 kid none have ever had a broken bone cause of their father and if they did he’d never ever see them again my child’s safety comes first over ever thing!!!

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Get a lawyer and go for it!!

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Should not have visits after abuse like that to a baby. Fight for no visitation. Who knows what he’ll do next.


Doesnt a broken femur and abuse, tell you what to do.

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Why would they even allow supervised


Go for full custody of your daughter NOW before its too late

I cant believe hes legally allowed to be around her! No it doesn’t make you bitter. But if it does who cares!? He broke your 4 month olds femur! Do not let your child be around him! Obviously hes dangerous

Gosh no your doing what you supposed to and protecting her kiddos to you for sticking with it a lot of moms so badly want dad there they push pass the abuse I’m glad your doing what’s best! She’s lucky to have such a protective mom

No, because of his past and that he was found guilty of that I would definitely not let him be around your child.

I would do whatever it takes to remove him from your child. Honey start praying and get every body to pray. God can do miracles.

No he abused your daughter. Your feelings are justified in my opinion.

I feel like the court would have based everything on the supervised decision. Do u know why it was approved or was it because there was no proof he done something to her? He wouldnt legally allowed to be near her if the court states anything otherwise. Maybe hire a lawyer?

Not bitter just doing what u have to do to protect your child

You’re protecting your daughter. Whoever is calling you bitter…obviously doesn’t know wtf happened or doesnt care. Either way…request no contact at all.

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Supervised visitations only