I have a family member, by marriage, who is attempting to begin the same business I am in, home daycare. My concern is she has no experience or background in the field, just her own kids and those of family.
There also hasn’t been the best care of her home or children.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you address this with the person? Or just wait and see
Let the parents of the children she cares for make or break her. If she’s doing wrong it will be known. If she is neglectful or abusive you are mandated to report it. It’s not like she can open her doors and welcome children to care for in a day. She has to get certified and licensed. On top of that she will get visits to her home. They will determine if she stays in business or shut it down. Maybe she sees you’re doing a great job and thinks she can have an opportunity to stay home with her own kids while bringing in an income by helping other families like you do.
It takes a lot to start that sort of business…the state license alone is overwhelming…is she attempting to get licensed? She will face a lot of rules regulations and scrutiny.
honestly? everyone says “mind your business” until one of the children gets injured or worse… then it’s “well why didn’t you say anything?!” or “how could you let her do that knowing what you know?!”
If you are just upset she is doing the same home business as you, then get over it.
but if you have actual cause for concern, I would have a talk with her. maybe inform her of the things she will have to provide and whatnot. let her sit in and watch you do it a few times to see if that’s really what she wants to do. and if the care really isn’t up to par and this is just a quick buck for her (meaning she won’t actually do her job in effectively treating or watching the children) then by all means go further and report it.
to be fair if your children aren’t with said relative, you probably should mind your business. I mean you sound like you dislike this relative and just wanna start trouble if she does something wrong those parents will deal with it and said relative will deal with the consequences.
Wait and see… your opinion does not warrant stopping someone from starting their own business.
What does this have to do with u? How is this effecting ur business? MYB
Mind your business. Are there state requirements she needs to meet? If she doesn’t meet them, they’ll deny her, so let her sink or soar on her own.
Can address it and maybe help her out
Her business not yours
I’m with Whitney Collins on this but also there’s a family here in our town that runs an in home daycare. Join forces, instead of making it a capital drama case.
Maybe mind your own business. Let the parents who she will be babysitting their kids make their own opinions.
Just let her do what she has to do and you should mind your own business. You could help her in case she needs help since you say she has no experience.
Leave her alone you do not need a turf war or family taking sides or hearing what everybody thinks about you
Be professional focus on your business make it great.Take your time and really put a good business together not for the money but as a service to God and mankind …
Just read some one saying wait till a child gets hurt etc etc …Where are the regulators what are the regulations
Look in your own pot you have a lot on your plate to make our children happy at your centre.
…No snooping around…
Ever hear the term, “The cream rises to the top.”? Let her take her shot. She’ll either sink or swim and might learn some things in the process.
Hopefully you just made this post because you’re “worried” about the kids. But in all honesty is kind of sounds like your upset because she’s trying to do the same thing you are.
Your opinion does Warren stopping someone from starting their own business when it has kids involved because them kids could get hurt so I would consider maybe asking her to spend the day with you while you have kids that aren’t yours or family that way that she sees what it’s like to do with kids that are completely random and do not know her and how they will act and how she will be able to handle it
Maybe consider helping her out she’s family and you have the experience , better then belittling her.
So why are you bothered with what don’t concern you?
Run your business with your expertise and skills with your clientele!
Time will tell on the other end!
None of your business… Unless she’s recruiting your families… Why are you bothered?
Brawl it out, may the best babysitter win:trophy:!! Girl, just do your thing, and quit worrying about her. Don’t be insecure, just succeed… There will be plenty of baby’s to go around…
you sound bitter and jealous tbh, let her do her own thing.
Mind your business .
It’s none of your business.
I’d say something if you’re concerned about the well-being of kids! You’d feel awful is something happened to a kiddo and you could’ve stopped it from happening. Kids need experienced care takers
Man give it up. Help her out if you think she has no experience (she’s family after all) or mind ya business. Doesn’t really sound like concern for the kids.
Print out rules and regulations for what is needed to start up the business. It could scare her off especially if you have prices too.