Would you allow your toddler to play alone?

Curiosity question. If you could see the whole back porch from the living room and kitchen, that’s connected to the house by a sliding glass and screen door and the whole porch is “fenced in” including a gate, would you let your toddler play on the porch on nice days? Or is that a no go for you? I heard someone talking about it the other day and wanted to see what others thought

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No, toddlers should always be supervised. I would not let my kids outside by themselves. This worlds to crazy and it takes one second to look away and something bad could happen

How old is your child? because everyone has a different age idea of a toddler. toddlers are still in the habit of putting things in their mouth and I would be too worried about my kid choking on something because I’m not watching her. That was my experience with my daughter till she was 4 and understood to not put random things in her mouth, she could not be left alone for this reason. Also the height of the fence makes a difference too. If someone can reach over and grab the child then that’s a big NOPE

Yep, of course! I used to wash up while my little played in the sandpit outside the kitchen door at 12mo. Children need to feel capable and trusted to build resilience and skills.

If the porch is fenced in/enclosed in someway, yeah - I’d leave the back door open and let them play as long as I could see/hear them.

Nope. Toddlers need supervision and anything could happen. If something did happen then to me that is because of neglect. Don’t have kids if you don’t want to parent :woman_shrugging:t3: