Would you be mad about this?

So…were you upset that he didn’t invite you? Was there another woman there? Without more detail I’m not certain what the issue is

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I’m so confused does he really need to tell you everything like that?

I have a special needs child. Husband works 4am-3pm 6 days a week. He lives with me and helps me with our son because I am studying atm. I would be pissed having a child so high risk and someone going to a festival not giving a hoot about what’s going on around us right now. I think she does have the right to be pissed that he didn’t tell her, honestly I would be too, but at the end of the day it’s up to you to see if this is worth arguing about with him.


If you havent figured out after 11 years and no commitment that you wont be getting one…Im not sure how any of us can help you. He isnt your partner. Hes your buddy.


Well idk how it didn’t come up especially since you’ve been together so long I’d think you talk all throughout the day like couples do. I’d be a little peeved that I didn’t get invited but it’s not a huge deal (unless he was there with another female…)

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So he was at your house the day after the festival and didn’t tell you he attended the festival the night before. Gotcha. A little sketchy, but honestly nothing to freak out about.

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Are you upset he didn’t tell you because of covid? Or just upset cause he just didn’t bother to tell you?

Me personally I wouldn’t care in the end if he went or not.

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Doesn’t sound like you have a partner :thinking:


Together 11 years….you don’t live together……and you’re upset they didn’t tell you that they went somewhere? Do you provide an itinerary of your daily activities? I don’t understand what the issue is? There’s no background of the dynamic of the relationship….so I guess me along with a few others fail to see the issue


I’d sure be wondering why it was never brought up.


You have a problem with it or this post wouldn’t exist

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Honestly looks more like this is just hunting for drama.

Apparently you was not invited. He did not want you with him. Maybe he wanted time to his self. Do something on your own with out him and don’t tell him. Pay back

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I wouldn’t be mad at all just curious. I’d say hey babe why’d you come over the other day?

You’re been a partner for 11years and this is what you are worried abt?


11 years and no commitment? :grimacing: i don’t think it’s any of your buisness what they do at this point. Not to be mean but …


My partner of 6 years bought a truck recently and didn’t tell me. We live together with children, but we have our own money. So I do get what you’re saying. I wasn’t mad because it’s none of my business, I just thought it was weird it didn’t come up in conversation. He might’ve just wanted to go with his friends and didn’t wanna hurt your feelings?


Last month nute decision? Don’t assume

Lol your upset about a festival not upset about the 11yr old relationship and yall don’t even share a room let alone a house? You may want to rethink where the problem is…


If my partner wasn’t living with me and we didn’t have plans to meet up…his time would be his own …I guess he might have mentioned it in passing but I wouldnt be bothered if he didn’t. Id be too busy living my own life when he wasn’t with me

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Would he normally tell you this kinda stuff?

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Was it asked what he did the day/night before? If not no harm no foul.

Honestly no one really cares get a life


Your entire relationship is the problem.


You don’t live together so he doesn’t need to give you account of everything he does,


Do you normally tell each other that sort of thing? If you usually do and you think partner was purposely keeping a secret, the secret keeping is an issue. If you don’t normally tell each other those things or you think it was an oversight or they just genuinely didn’t think it was a big deal, then I’d let it go.

It may be important to discuss more concrete boundaries so you two are on the same page.

After 11 years and you don’t live together? I don’t know the type of relationship you have but if you don’t have a good communication line or share everything that means something, maybe you don’t have the relationship you thought? I know everyone has their own relationship boundaries and what they share but I would think they would want to share that?!? Maybe I’m wrong.


Wouldn’t care less to be honest I’d be more concerned about not living together after that amount of time together


No wonder why you live separate :joy: do you smother him


I’m confused were you mad he was at your house? You found out he at your house by fb messenger? Does he have keys did he have another woman there did he wait for you to get home


Kind of sounds like he is just not that’s into you or you aren’t that into each other…or this is the relationship you both want…see it’s confusing… In any sense, if this had always been this way then it shouldn’t make you mad 11 years along.


We need more info on this lol


Why does he have to tell you about his whereabouts?

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You said NO PROBLEM .So why are you making it a " problem"?


11 years and dont live together?


You’re not married, you don’t live together and you’re mad he didn’t tell you where he was? Sorry but I don’t really see the problem.


11 years and not living together? Then no. He didn’t need to tell you. Doesn’t sound super serious after 11 years


Partner after eleven years? Who has commitment issues?


Ehh, thats a little weird. Would make me think he was hiding something.


And…what exactly is the issue…are you his mother…wife…warden…no…exactly…its sad when people legit think that they are owed an explanation for everything their partner does…if i were him id run…your red flag is flying high as f*ck right now.Girl get a m.f grip​:person_facepalming::rofl:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be mad about this?

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I think I’m more worried about the lack of reading comprehension from these people that left comments. :woozy_face:

To the OP- 11 years and you don’t have open communication in your relationship, I think it’s time to re-evaluate the relationship.


I respect couples that live apart. Sometimes that helps make a partnership stronger. I don’t think it’s a big deal that he didn’t tell her unless she wanted to go and he went without her. Maybe he has a group of super fun friends he goes to certain types of events with and figured the OP wouldn’t be interested. Partners don’t have to do everything together and as long as he wasn’t on a date with someone else it’s NBD in my book.


My SO and I have lived separately together. We struggled with trust issues so I absolutely wanted to know when and where he was going and vice versa. We were working on building trust. Once we established good trust in each other (let’s be honest you should always trust your partner unless they give you a reason not to) then no… he didn’t need to tell me where he was going. As long as he lets me know at some point during his nights out he’s safe. He wants to tell me about his nights, we have worked very hard to get to a good place.
But if it’s something that’s bothering you then talk to him. If it comes from a place of no trust then you guys got some work to do. Unless he hasn’t given you a reason to not trust him… then I think you have some work to do.
But communication is key. And if you find your getting frustrated and it’s turning to an argument call a time out so you both can cool down. Try to see his side as well. All to much we only focus on me me me and never really think of the other persons perspective.

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I’m guessing being together 11 years and not being married or living together is a mutual decision for whatever reason. I’m really not sure why you’re bothered that he didn’t tell you the next day(maybe he didn’t see it as a big deal) Do you tell him every time you go somewhere? If you’re insecure about something you need to discuss it with him.


I would wonder why he didnt mention it. I dont think its about her feeling he should tell her his every step but i would find it odd you wouldnt mention you was at a festival the day before. They are in relationship, wouldnt you share that with a partner? I went, it was shit/great whatever. Just ask him what he did yesterday? See what he says. If he says he went to the festival, “oh ok you didnt mention it?” “Was it any good?” In the sweetest tones. If he lies. Show him the pic then show him the door.


It’s not like it was a movie he went to without you, it was a festival, which probably means it was planned for weeks. I think it’s very odd not to mention anything anytime you have been together and especially after. I would honestly talk to him about it and let him know how you feel. Communication is key. As for everybody commenting on you two not living together; fuck em. There are no rules for how you want YOUR relationship to be and I don’t believe you asked anybody’s opinion on that.


So I guess ima be a bit different here… I’m assuming you weren’t home when he was there and did he actually get in your house or wa she more of that ‘creepy stalker’ outside of it lol. Although it is weird y’all been together for 11 years but there’s a significant amount of people who do that and are just perfectly fine with it everyone’s different people shouldn’t be so quick to judge. Why would he be at your house without telling you and without you being there. How long was he there? Was there anyone else with him? What made your neighbor take the picture and send it to you? Can’t find out crucial information without asking questions. As for everything I’ve shared/ asked with you, have you talked to him yet? And is your relationship of good enough quality to confront him about it, because I would definitely be talking to him after finding out all the other info from others around at that time.

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That’s not a partner just a friend with benefits

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If he doesn’t live with you why does he have to tell you everything he does? Same for you do you tell him everything you do? I see it if you are truly committed why aren’t you under the same roof?


Soooooooooo what’s your point ?


If he wants to know where your going and where you’ll be yet,don’t mention anything to you about where he’s going,or anything the day after,be wary of this as it don’t end well,I was very trusting and naive and lesson learned

If you don’t live together its none of your business… He doesn’t need to let you know where he goes and you don’t have to report to him your business…

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It’s a bit weird he didn’t mention it. If it was me I would have talked about the festival to whoever I saw the next day whether I was in a relationship with them or not and irrespective of if we lived together or didn’t. So yes it does feel like there is something being hidden otherwise surely he wouldn’t have been able to resist mentioning a band he enjoyed or a person he ran into? :woman_shrugging:

I always support my guy going out with his friends. I know his friends can be bad news, but I’m not in a relationship with them. I don’t need to trust them. I only need to trust my man. But one would think that would be something he would have mentioned when you ask him how he’s been. :thinking:
I would probably make it a point to say something like “I didn’t know you went to the festival…Was it fun? Did you see any good bands there? All while being happy for him that he had a good time and made a few new memories.

If u don’t live together after 11 years blah blah repeat post …seen this twice now in one year…exact same post…clearly this group needs to repost to keep attention and likes…seen number of posts on here more than once exact same words…what a load of shit from a site some people r actually relying on for help

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Hell yeah I would be mad it’s fine to do things on your own but when you have to find out through other sources !!! and generally if you’ve been together 11 years you might want to bring your significant other ? if it all possible I think there’s more going on
Being upfront transparent is a must & For everybody freaking out that you don’t live together sometimes it works out better that way

I’d be more worried about being together 11 years and not living together. He honestly doesn’t have to tell you his every move.


If you’ve been together for 11 years and still don’t live together- a picture on Facebook is the least of your worries :rofl:


I still have no clue what the situation is, I’m confused


No. You guys aren’t even living together. He shouldn’t have to tell you everywhere he goes and everything he does… Not like you asked him and he lied about it?

Tried to stay cool :sunglasses:

Yup! I would… why didn’t he tell you? Because he’s hiding something that’s why …

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I’m confused why he was at your house and didn’t tell you. Like while you were working ? It sounds like maybe trust is an issue of concern, considering you don’t live together and considering you are concerned about him being at your place when you aren’t ?

Until there is a ring on that finger and couples that live apart basically can do what they want. But he should have at least mentioned that he went

Where was the OP, did he do something to hurt her by being at their house ? I feel like the info we need is missing to properly respond. Whatever set up they have is their business, the issue is, what is the issue :joy:

I have so many questions…who else was at your house that would take his photo and send it to you?

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Ummm im not seeing the problem. So he went to a festival…ok…you dont live together so i feel like its only fair that he has a life outside of you… so do you tell him everything you do and everywhere you go?

No lol. I wouldn’t be mad. Because after 11 years you should be more secure. I’m not even gonna touch the not living together thing.

Ok… if you say it’s no problem, then why is it all of a sudden an issue? That seems like you’re reaching for a problem to end it imo

Just in conversation, What did you do today?

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Well if y’all don’t live together then I don’t see a problem.

Perhaps you have been set up by the messenger.

…I have no advice. Just questions.

The amount of insecure women on here is insane​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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No i wouldn’t be mad

And? Does he need to get your permission to exist? To breathe? Fart? Turn around? Are you his partner or jail warden? If you aren’t even living together after 11 years it doesn’t sound like a very serious relationship. Maybe if you worked on your controlling issues you’d have more of a relationship with him. It’s not a big deal, not even a deal at all he went and did something fun without you, you don’t sound like much fun to bring to a festival anyway.


If yall ain’t living together after 11 years something ain’t right.


You aren’t married or attached at the hip, he should be free to go wherever he pleases. And together 11 years, not married or living together? You may want to rethink your relationship & work on your insecurities.

I’d be more worried about why y’all not at least living together

Why did someone have to message you to find out, aren’t you guys friends on FBook to see yourself? If not that’s a red flag. I wouldn’t be mad unless there was another female involved and he didn’t say anything bc he is hiding something.

Let him have his time. He doesn’t need to tell you everything he does.

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Once a side chick always a side chick. :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

How was this approved as a question to post?

not a festival!!! :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::woozy_face:

He may be a she. Just saying.

People cry for different reason but crying doesn’t solve a problem I cried for days and weeks when I lost my mother and my husband left me because we were truly in love I did all I could but he didn’t come back luckily I met a very good and powerful woman Dr bathsheba who helped me brought back my husband and now he treats me like a queen with all i have heard about her and with my experience with her she is truly a wonderful and powerful woman for anyone who need her help Email: priestbathshebahelp@gmail. Com
WhatsApp phone number +447823705502

Sounds like y’all are just friends

What’s the problem ?

I’d be livid the fact it’s tour house he’s your man he should be respectful and want to tell u where he’s going for a whole day and talk about it afterwards with u, he should of invited u of other woman are there. Its a festival wbag do u think happens when a man ain’t with his gf at them places so many thoughts to deal with. If he just told u in the first place there no need to doubt but he didn’t so I’d be fuming lol


Why this just sounds stupid. People have a right to go out without their partners.

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No lol I wouldn’t be mad.

I dont think it’s annoyed her that he went to festival…I think it more cause he has saw her since and didn’t mention it…he doesn’t need permission but how no mention it when he saw her nxt…like did he no have any stories to tell afterwards? Any festival I’ve been at…there is always hunners of mad sesh stories to go along with it sooo how’s he no told her??? Coz he’s a skank an cheating?

Because of COVID and having a high risk child yes I’d be upset


since you are making an issue out of it then maybe it’s time to end the relationship


he doesn’t live with you but should tell you where he is??? I’m not seeing why he should report to you since you’re not married or live together

11year and you giys dont live together🙏


He’s hiding more than a festival girl, sorry.

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Damn 11 years together and you don’t live together?! That’s not a relationship lol he can be with whoever cause you never know who’s at his place when you’re not there

I’d find it a little weird but mad? No. Maybe it just wasn’t as fun as he thought so wasn’t much to talk about?