Would you be mad if your boyfriend said this about this ex?

would you be mad if you got sent a screenshot of your boyfriend talking crap about his ex saying she’s crazy then also adding she had good…“kitty” on a public facebook post…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be mad if your boyfriend said this about this ex?

sounds like he needs to grow up.
his a man child. talking like that shows his maturity levels. that would be my concern


Hmmm I’m trying to relate I may joke around and say “he was clueless but at least he was good at one thing” and because my husband knows I’m committed to him would not even flinch

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Pretty disrespectful


He’s vulgar especially to put that on Facebook or any social media.


Yep! I would be mad. It’s disrespectful and immature.


That’s definitely one of those situations where it depends on your personality. I get how it would rub you wrong, but I also get having a crazy ex that was at least decent in bed lmao. Would I go back to that crazy ex? Hell no. Do I think they were better than my husband? No, and comparing isn’t fair anyway.

So basically talk to him about it and see where his mind is at. He probably likes to laugh about it like that, and that just isn’t your sense of humor. Which is ok! Y’all gotta at least understand each other though so you know when to not take things personally. Some things are small, and for me this is small.


Eewww guys like that Gross me out🤢


That’s just weird and gross to put on a public social media platform. Everyone can see when you comment on stuff, so everyone can see that.

That would personally bother me, just because of how immature that sounds. Idk, some people may not care, it would kind of bother me. That just sounds disrespectful in my opinion because it’s public.


Yea NO. I’m an ex and 1 I wouldn’t want it put on social nor would I want the present to feel anything other than YOU ARE AMAZING TOO

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Nobody needs to share that kind of thing publicly. He can be stupid and say that stuff hanging out with friends or something but if I caught my man saying that I would be pissed off to the max

I’m sure you can come up with a “good kitty” reference using the “I’d like a fancy feast instead I get kibbles and bits”

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Nasty and disrespectful


That’s not a man, but a little teenager.


Yeah, I’d probably dump that loser :joy: that’s what he says about his ex what does he say about you when you’re not around? Sounds like a real catch, not


I’d leave. No telling what he tells people about you, by the way. Yuck!


Honestly, if he treated me well, I probably wouldn’t care

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People say things… often crude and rude things without thinking it through.

Look at some of the things “said” on this FB page by men and women.

Wouldn’t bother me much.

But I would say it was kind of crude and did not show him in a good light.

I’d go batshit crazy at him,disrespectful

You are dating a child.


I would be more concerned in what he will say about you if yous break up,childish boy by the sounds of it

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What was the whole context? If he would have said… “Ex was batshit crazy, but in my defense, the sex was good.” Would it have been ok. And if yall have never been in that kind of toxic relationship consider yourselves lucky.

Keep an eye on that. Not only could he also talk crap about you but saying her :smiley_cat: is good could also be him wanting it again.


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Yeah def a no from me. Is be like what in the entire $uck?!

Who cares, get over it

Whatever he ain’t with her no more so the kitty must not have mattered to much

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Looks like his ex won here, she dropped the loser.


Eh, sounds like it’s like his ex dodged a bullet. Maybe you should start thinking about doing the same.

Thats disrespectful all round to you and to her. I’d be concerned that he talks about any woman this way

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He has no issue with embarrassing you and disrespecting you on social media. Leave


Whenever someone says “my ex is crazy” it typically means she stopped putting up with his bs and left his loser @ss. They throw in the cat for the seal of the deal that they are true d bags.

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She only seems crazy, because he made her that way.

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I think it would bother me if my boyfriend was bitter enough about an ex to insult them publicly or try to humiliate them by talking about their sex life publicly. He’s in a new relationship and shouldn’t feel the need to go out of his way to hurt this other person. If he hangs onto exes in this way, you can bet that if you ever break up, he’ll be talking about you this way too.

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