Would you be mad if your husband forgot your anniversary?

In the days of smartphones and alarms in your calendar there is no reason anyone should be missing important dates lol. I say this because that’s how I remember lol. Message him Happy Anniversary, dinner and dessert are in the fridge goodnight.

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You should talk to him about it, because it matters to you and it’s better to be honest, so he knows. Otherwise, he’s left to assume that you don’t care once he does realize that he forgot about it. He probably won’t make an effort to remember next time if he doesn’t know it’s important to you. Also, be specific of your expectations: do you expect flowers, a nice dinner out, or just the fact that he acknowledges it? Being it’s only your 3rd one, you guys are still learning about each other when it comes to these things.

I would be upset bug time

One of the many reasons I’d never marry again.

It is very common. Just go do something nice for yourself. And when he asks why you are leaving the house just say it’s my Anniversary and I appreciate me so I’m taking me to dinner and for a massage. Most men don’t care about dates in time so they don’t put in the effort. You being upset only hurts you because he doesn’t care so reroute that energy.


My secret to preventing this from happening is use your anniversary date as passwords or bank card pin. My husband wants to use the bank card he has to put in our anniversary date lol… It has worked for us for the past 14 years.

Wait did you tell him happy anniversary or are you expecting him to say it first?

Nah enjoy the quite time and go to sleep early

Sad that most of you think those days aren’t important. Try having a spouse in the military who is gone most of the time and you’ll understand.

He has for 42 years whats new.Cant even remember the day or year.

Message him and say “I’m heading to bed, I love you, PS Happy Anniversary” and see either how fast he gets home or wake up to breakfast in bed and flowers in the morning​:rofl::rofl: my boyfriend can barely remember his age sometimes.

So…do I understand you correctly…that you perhaps haven’t said “Happy Anniversary, Honey.” or anything…just waiting on him to make a move? In all the years of my marriage, my husband had a card next to his breakfast plate and we exchanged gifts at that time. He forgot our 8th anniversary and the look on his face was absolutely more memorable than any card. I was not hurt, because to err is human. He apologized over and over and took me for a wonderful dinner the following weekend. He passed away 2 months ago and that forgotten anniversary will always be fond memory.


Anniversaries aren’t a big deal for me but we’re all different, I guess :joy:

Ray remembered once and you know what, it didn’t matter. What mattered is how he treated me everyday.

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