What do I do my husband hates any holiday or celebration. He makes it absolutely horrible for myself and our children. In his mind, he thinks that the holidays should be canceled and other celebrations are just another day. I try to make everything special for our children so they will have positive memories of their childhood. He puts no effort into gift giving or even taking our children out to get gifts for me. I don’t know what to do, for he makes me hate the holidays because all I hear are snide remarks about the things that I am doing.
This is so confusing what’s him liking girls pics got to with him hating holidays??
You may want try ways gain joy back into your life.
Depends on the context of the posts.
He has his own reasons for hating them and you have yours for caring about them.
I’d discuss a compromise of him at least staying out of the way and letting you and the kids live your best lives without his snark.
In return, you promise to stop attempting or wishing him be included.
I think it’s two part question
All you can do is your best ti continue making good memories and ignore his negativity. Though it might be time to accept his limitations. Doesn’t sound like it’s new here doesn’t celebrate so lower your expectations from him. Instead give the kids an opportunity to make a gift. Or take them shopping and turn your back.
Mamas Uncut - go home, you’re drunk.
Huh?? What does the question have to do with the post??
This is confusing…and I agree with your husband holidays are just another day
to some, they are just another day. I know it’s frustrating. if he wants to be excuded, let him. do what makes you happy and ask a family member of yours (or close friend you trust) or take your kids gift shopping for you. don’t involve him and let him see how happy you are doing those things for your kids. if he stuns don’t want in the joy, that’s on him. stay strong and hang in there.
I’m very confused. The question has nothing to do with the paragraph
Again. This post is weird
get rid of him and enjoy life with the kids
What does hating holidays have to do with liking Facebook posts?
Not everyone is a holiday and celebrations kind of person. I’m not. What you described is a lot like me. I wasn’t like that before my dad died in 2010.
I would try to figure out why this is happening, unless it’s always been like that. Depression is a major contributor to this type of behavior.
Confused. You may need to reedit
Folks you need to take control of your lives.
He might have had a hard time with the holidays as a kid. But gift giving doesn’t equal happiness. Find out why he is being a grinch. Get to the heart of the matter. Know that the only person that determines your happiness is you.
This post had a stroke
Is this about the him not liking the holidays or about him liking other girls posts?
My partner doesn’t like to celebrate holidays because he’s always been in jail during them before he met me. Now he puts in a huge effort even though he still hates it. I’d be pissed if he was liking other girls posts though I don’t get what that’s got to do with the holidays
I know my husband is skeptical about holidays in that he is not caught up in social media AT ALL. He thinks its silly sometimes if I go over the top with things (matching PJs, endless trunk or treats, elf on the shelf, overkill of valentines for the kids, etc) bc he kind of looks at it as all for show in a way. And in a way I think that as much as we all do enjoy seeing our kids excited and happy, a lot of us do have in mind “Oooo that will make a great photo op”…and my husband hates that lol
You want to force him to do something he doesnt want to do. But you dont want to be forced to to do something you dont want to do. See where the impass is? If you dont compromise, 1 person wins and 1 person loses. 1 person is happy and 1 person is resentful. Compromise is so important.
How about you take the kids to your parent’s house, or another relative or friend’s who do like to celebrate, and leave him home to do his own thing.
It’s all about the kids, always, all the time. If he’s not about that you need to get the fu…away. Literally if he’s taking away from making them feel special why do you still have him around? Don’t be afraid of keeping him around cause you think you’ll be lonely. It’s better to be happy and strong alone then together and miserable, ya know set an example of what you DESERVE!!!
Was the first question suppose to grab our attention orrr? but personally id choose not to be with someone who makes it horrible.
What your children see is the only life they will think deserve when they are older if your having trouble making the decision if not for yourself but your children and what’s best form them and not Facebook
I can’t concentrate reading these comments
What is this BOGO night?
Is this about your husband liking other girls Facebook pics or the fact that your husband hates holidays?
I’m confused but I’ll wing it. I don’t care who my hubby is friends with, I have no reason to be insecure or jealous. Get over it. Second, this whole holiday thing never came up before you decided to have kids with him? If it bothers you so much, tell him to STFU and stop being an asshole just because he doesn’t like holidays, no reason to be a dick if you and the kids do.
Dump his ass it will be better for you and the kids without him if he’s not cheating physically he is mentally he’s a creep
Bait and switch post. Not sure which one you really want an answer to. I’m just walking away.
So are you mad he’s liking other girls post about celebrating holidays with their kids but he doesn’t celebrate with you ?? LOL
What did I just read? Where does the holidays connect to him liking other girls posts?
Not really sure if I’m stoned (don’t even smoke) but…I feel like this is a schizophrenic question…I don’t even know where to begin…first of all, to answer the FIRST question, liking other girl’s post is a no no, especially if he doesn’t take the time to like mine, second of all, your kids are kids once in a lifetime, there’s no do overs, make ANY memories you can, record them if you can, whether you look like a hot mess or not, photo op or natural, who gives a DAMN!? Just because he wants to be a scrooge during the holidays and EVERY holidays, he can go “bah humbug” himself, leave him out of it, ask him once if he wants to be involved, if he says no, boy bye. I will not waste any opportunity to make my kids laugh, or excited. And if he doesn’t take them to get you gifts, give them a piece of paper, glue, glitter, markers/crayons, LET your kids make you a “made with love” gift. Does it have to be diamonds, flowers, and a 5 dollar card? No? Okay well there ya go, problems fixed.,
Same at my house! I’ve hAd yo tell mine that I don’t give a shit what he likes, we are celebrating birthdays and Xmas and everything else, if he don’t like screw him! Yup, no Xmas presents, birthday presents I don’t care, after awhile you stop expecting it
No. I hate how this is even a thing…
Know that your feelings are valid and they are worth speaking aloud to him. If he doesn’t want to address them, he’s showing you who he is.
Wow and you did not know this before you got married ? He sounds miserable so why did you marry him ?
Thought this started with him liking other girls posts then you went into
Rambling about him
Hating celebrating holidays special events etc …
But… what’s that got to do with him liking others chicks posts, though?
A lot of go to answers for ALOT on here I find is LEAVE… what about the families? What about the statistics that prove that children from broken homes just simply have a harder time with things in school and life? What about finding a way to make it work because that’s what WEDDING VOWS say? Better AND worse? C’mon
Misery loves company. Ignore him and you and the kids have fun and enjoy your traditions. Maybe he’ll join in.
No, I wouldn’t be mad.
We don’t do holidays, birthdays etc in our house as we want our children to know the important things in life rather than marketed society traps. However, we spend alot of time together as a family from camping to outtings & make memories this way. Throughout the year the children get bikes, toys etc if it’s required. Then for birthdays as our 3 littlies will be 5,4 & 1 within weeks of each other, we’ve decided as a big family/friend get together with a shared food idea. Mostly so all can be together & enjoy moments together rather than a focus on the birthdays.
If he makes you this miserable why are you with him? Do you actually love him?
My parents didn’t really get along when we were kids and when they finally split up we said you should have done that ages ago. So from personal experience it’s not always best to stay together for the kids if you aren’t happy leave if you are then seek help and work on the marriage.
I am getting very confused here…first sentence states ‘would you be mad if your man was liking other girls posts on FB?’ Just what does that have to do with him not liking holidays or celebrations???
What a real man you have
My ex used the holidays as an excuse to drink and bitch.
I filed for divorce on December 26th decades ago.
I told him he had ruined Christmas for the kids, my family and friends for the last time.
He had a great childhood and happy Christmases. He just liked to drink and bitch about every thing.
Now hes a very bitter old man with no one. But, everyone in my family is happy and we have really great and loving lives.
He never ruined another holiday.
It sucks but truth is. Some people just don’t like celebrating. You just got to be the bigger person and do the planning and celebrating without his help. Im sure you knew about his lack of celebrating desires before even having kids and getting married and you loved his other qualities enough to marry him anyways. You can’t change him and there’s point in trying. That’s just how he is and you gotta make the best of it. My dad was like your husband for the most part, there was always arguing and fighting on any holiday and my mom would always be the one dealing with present buying, party planning, etc. We kids survived just fine and we all get our mom gifts for holidays cause we know she likes them. Deal with it now, and when your kids are grown adults you’re gonna be the one getting all the gifts, and holiday phone calls, and your husband won’t.
My husband isn’t a fan of the hoidays either I simply go and do stuff with out him for the holidays its his choice he is missing out but I always bring him food back and try to make it a good day all around for the kids after 11 years with him I ask him if he wants to go if not then I bring the kids and we have a good time
Well, two separate issues here.
My husband isn’t a particular fan of holidays either, if it’s one he’s not interested in, he’ll sit it out
(((gasp))) even some women don’t enjoy holidays. Frankly, they can be a lot of work, sometimes they’re prohibitively, ridiculously expensive.
As to the second issue, it’s Facebook, millions of people like posts from the opposite sex. Does that mean they’re cheating? No.
Eh my husband is the same . My advice is baaaaaaahumbug to him. I make it special for my children and he gets to pay for it .
He started liking the holidays when our youngest said dada on Christmas Eve . Maybe you’ll get a Christmas miracle too…
Also he likes gifts just not going out And picking them out for others … think he’s embarrassed to honestly and doesn’t want disapproval or disappointment . So he leaves it to me to pick stuff out … even for myself if I ever happen to think to do that … anyways …Not a holiday or celebration person buuuut he enjoys us being happy no matter what day it is… and maybe your man does too ? you can only be affected by his bad attitude if you lettttttt yourself ! And it’s so true . He expects you to react. So be like <—-
And keep doing what you’re doing . It’s admirable to want to have the “perfect” memories for your children . But what they’re going to remember is the feel of the room… the smiles or frowns on everyone faces … the tone of voice … and that mommy tried
Ummmmmmmmm, well for the holiday part my husband is exactly the same, i love holidays but he has ruined it for me, the first part leave mine does it too.
Maybe not if he was just liking things. Even commenting is ok, as long as it doesn’t cross any boundaries. I would draw the line at private messages. That’s not ok. If I see a girl sending anything, even a chain letter or group message to my husband, they get deleted and unfriended. We’re 19 years married and that needs to be respected.
I’m confused. Question on top would you be mad if your man was liking another girls post?
Answer: no. Unless he was commenting inappropriate things. For second part. That sucks I dont have any advice really. I can relate to your husband not putting effort with gift parts…I honestly think that is a man thing. My husband not the most romantic I buy extra cards for every holiday/birthday put them in a box so he can give cards for holidays/birthdays. haha.
Sad he can’t get into the holiday spirit and I’m sure he makes it suck . just do it without him as if he and his grinchness isnt even around .
Wow sounds like my ex husband and current guy. Just figured all men were like that, apparently not. I have never received a gift on holidays, birthday’s or from my kids ever but yet I do it for the kids and stopped for the guys.
Keep doing what you’re doing to make it special for your kids. They will remember it. He will be the uninvolved.
What in the hell does one have to do with the other (facebook comments and holidays)???
what does hating holidays have to do with liking other girls post:thinking:
No I tell him everything he does I do
That headline man was not accurate to the story lol honestly fuck em… Do it without him make the memories with your children if he wants to be a douche canoe on holidays make him do it by himself dont let no one interfere with your’s and your children’s happiness no matter who it is do you and screw him