My husband made a female friend online (in Japan) playing Pokémon go. They talk every day and I have seen the messages… while it seems innocent enough I still feel weird about it. Am I overreacting?
A hard no! They could get too attached to the point he may start ignoring you. I wouldn’t like it if my husband did that.
Do you have platonic male friends online? The fact that he is showing you the messages tells me he is being open about it. As long as he isn’t spending more time playing the game and talking to her than he spends with you I don’t see a problem. Now it that changes you need to talk to him and let him know how you feel.
I have numerous male friends online that I met through work. I share with my hubby of 47 years when they share something that might interest him. Some of these men he has met and all are many years younger than I am. Hubby is not one to be jealous or concerned because he knows I am a social person.
She is Japan.
What are you worrying about? You said you’ve seen the messaging and it seems innocent.
Do not be so controlling and suspicious. It is not a good look.
Be glad your husband has a friend with a similar and innocent interest.