Would you be okay with your boyfriend joining the military?

Would you be okay if your boyfriend of 6 months joined the military? I told him that I did not want him to go and that he clearly doesnt want to be with me since he is trying so hard to leave…am I wrong??


Just because he wants to join the military, doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be with you or that he’s running away from you. Military life can be hard, but it can be a great career choice as well. I’ve seen people turn their lives around for the better thanks to the military. Maybe it’s his life long dream.


People don’t usually just wake up and decide to join the military. This is most likely something he was already planning on doing before he met you, and has nothing to do with you.


People can make it work. If it’s his choice to join snd his dream no wouldn’t stop him. He’ll resent you. But if you don’t see that in your life it won’t work so best to leave, atleast only 6month not yrs.


You’re being selfish and childish.

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You’re a very selfish person. You don’t deserve him quite honestly. He can do WHATEVER he wants to and you need to stop trying to guilt trip him.


100% you are wrong! This is NOT your choice. Seriously grow up. Decide what you want out of life and make that choice, because this choice is 100% his and only his!


Selfish, childish, manipulative. Yep, that’s you. 

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U are SOOO wrong! I hope he leaves u for good!


Sounds like you need to grow up some before being committed to someone in the service.


Yes you are wrong , selfish and a lot of other things that I will save becasue I do not want to go to FB jail .

Mine was in the army when I met him…It was sometimes rough.He was in the for 10 years. He got out on his own choice…I would not tell him he couldn’t do something .I’d be like you want to do that I support you.


Oh sweetheart
You are obviously very young, insecure and immature so im not goibg to be too harsh with you but yes you suck and ultimatums never work in any scenario

It’s career choice. The pros out weigh the cons.

Ur selfish and entitled… it’s not place to tell him what he can and can’t do in this type thing…he deserves better

Well this is a choice in career for him. And you guys haven’t been together that long so I can see him not making a decision based on the relationship. However if this is something that you don’t see a future with. If you don’t want to be with someone who is in the military that’s your right and you can decide to end things.

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Only with him for 6 months it’s his choice


Uhhhhhh it’s a very good career choice and you have only been together 6 months. You’re not supporting what he wants. Nope this one ain’t gonna work out

If that’s what my partner wanted to then I’d let him go chase his dreams. You sound very selfish of you’re not willing to let him go. Maybe you should just leave him


6 months isn’t very long. You don’t get a say in his life decisions. You could tell him you’re not interested in a long distance relationship & break it off. But trying to dictate wether he joins or not is not your lane.


Is this legit!!?? I am a military spouse. Yes if you don’t support him then he isn’t going to stay with you. He needs a strong military spouse to support him. Yes being in the military is not easy or for the faint of heart.


As a combat veteran, myself, it always amazes me when one or the other flips out over this.
I worked at MEPS for a long time and this played out over and over. Guy joins. GF freaks out. Girl ends up cheating anyway. Guy has his heart broken over a chick he was too good for. Yes, I said it.
You aren’t married. He is allowed to choose a path for himself and his future. If it isn’t for you, that’s fine. Move on.
But you don’t get to act like a child and guilt trip him over his decision.
I hope he picks a great MOS while you find a good therapist.

His career is much more important than a 6 month relationship. Sounds like you have different paths in life and now may be a good time to go your separate ways. He doesn’t owe you anything and he will find someone who supports his choice and can cope with him being in the military. You will find someone who can be there with you. Military life isn’t for everyone and that’s alright but you certainly shouldn’t be dictating what he can and cannot do with his life just as no one should tell you how to live yours.


Ultimately it’s his choice. You can either find a way to make it work or let him go. But you cannot force a person to give up their career or whats important to them.


You are 100% wrong, not all things are about you. 6 months is nothing and trying to hold someone back isn’t healthy. I think maybe you should be supporting and encouraging someone’s goals. If they aren’t for you, let him go.


If my son’s girlfriend told him “no” about joining the military, I’d tell him to find another girlfriend. My son has talked about joining the military and I fully support that. It’s his life. He has to make something of himself, girlfriend or not. I will not let a girlfriend determine his future!


No, I’ve done it for almost 9 years. And I love it.

Why do women suppress their boyfriends instead of helping them, supporting them? That’s very immature, how old are you?


I hope he goes and uses the time to break free from you. If you’re this possessive and selfish after 6 months, I can only imagine how much worse you’ll get if he ever puts a ring on that thing.

You really have no say it especially since you have only been together for 6 months. You’re not his Mom; you don’t get to tell him what he can and can’t do. Honestly he would be better off without you. GROW UP!!!

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He wants something more for him self and if you loved him you would support him sometimes it’s not just about you in relationship it’s about both - :two_hearts:


My son’s joining the military in just a few short months when he is old enough. I’m terrified about it tbh, however it ultimately is his decision and have tried to keep from showing my concerns too much. I want him to weigh out his decision, but absolutely don’t want him to stay only bc I’m scared or I’m going to miss him. That is what we call selfish. Anyone in the military needs a strong support system back home. If that is not you, please move on.


You sound like a control freak. Let him join . That’s great that he wants to join the military. He doesn’t deserve you

My now fiance left for boot camp less than 2 months after we met/started dating, yes it sucked but I’ve never been more proud of who he is or tried to tell him not to pursue what he wanted to do

It would definitely be very hard to be away from your partner but that’s pretty selfish to tell him that he clearly doesn’t want to be with you.


I admire someone who is willing to fight for their country. You should be proud instead of being a baby about it.

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That’s not your life to make his decision. That’s so wrong

You’re only his girlfriend of 6 months. You get no say in what he does.

You’re not his wife. And, with that attitude and control issues you don’t deserve to be.


Just because he wants to leave and go to the military doesn’t mean that he doesn’t wanna be with you if he didn’t wanna be with you he would just break up. He wants to go serve his country and if he is brave enough you need to let this man go and you should be proud of him. Yes it will be rough but if yaws love is strong enough and the trust is there you will be together when he comes home. So t be selfish and only think of yourself.


My husband is military. He just joined when we started dating, yes it sucks that they are gone alot. But at the same time their is alot of pros to it, for us; we have cheaper housing, amazing benefits, they get alot of time off, and you get the opertunity to travel with different postings. My husband and I have been together for 10 years, and have 3 children together. Again it’s not always easy, but it’s definitely manageable

Neither of you are wrong, you’re just not right for each other.
I understand where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t want to be a military wife. It’s hard, your husband will be gone a lot & possibly be deployed at some point. While I think it’s a honorable career, that isn’t the life for me. If that’s how you’re feeling, and this is the career path he’s choosing, than the 2 of you are not a match.

Wow. You’ve been together 6 months and think you have a say in his future? Check yourself. He can do whatever he wants.

It’s his career. His life. His choice. You’ve been tg for 6 months. Not years, no longer term commitment, no kids. You have no say. Thank him for his service, and let him be

I would see you as a major red flag thinking you can control someone else and their career path. Especially only 6 months in.

You’ve only been around for 6 months yet you’re pulling this manipulation? It isn’t about you. He deserves better.

You are wrong. That is HIS life. Not yours. He’s not your husband.

Yes you are wrong. Joining the military is by no means a way to leave a girl. There are plenty of other options that don’t including signing yourself up to be government property for X amount of years and the risk of injury or death. The military is either more like a career choice or a life path. 6months is not enough time for you to have a say in anything he does. Grow up or go find a man who can hold your hand while you work through the obvious insecurity and abandonment issues you have going.

It’s a Great opportunity if he wants to join he should my husband is a recruiter hit me up

If you aren’t military spouse material that’s ok. Let him go so he can follow his dreams and you follow yours. Not everyone is in each others lives forever!