Not your problem anymore:woman_shrugging:t2:
Unless it’s in your parenting plan, Nope. You cannot tell him what he can & cannot do on his time & reversed.
You’re one of those women….
My Son loves his Dads new Girlfriend, she’s great with him. I’ve actually developed a friendship with her, and my Fiancé and I go over every other Sunday for family dinner, and the opposite Sunday they come here. It’s scary when your children meet someone new, especially a Female. Not all of them are there to cause drama, ask to meet her first? It may help. I heard a lot of bad things about my ex husbands new girlfriend but I waited to meet her so I could be sure, and they were both very respectful of my wishes.
Would be great if y’all could meet and talk things out first but bottom line is it’s his choice on his weekend
You can have it put in your guys order that your child isn’t allowed around anyone of the opposite sex that isn’t family, we had that in ours
As far as right, when it comes to this you have none unless there is a court order stating the child is not to meet or be around the parties paramours.
But, you do have a right to voice your opinion to the dad.
I personally would say it depends on the age of the child.
You have no rights to dictate what dad does on his time.
If he isn’t committed to a woman in a serious relationship with that woman then she does not need to be around your Daughter. He does not need to have her around when your Daughter is with him because that is supposed to be his time with his Daughter. The Child has already experienced trauma with you & the Father separating & does not need to be more confused by seeing her Dad with a new girlfriend every weekend…out of respect for the Child… Let him see his Girlfriend/s when she isn’t around…
I mean… I wouldn’t want different women in and out of my childrens lives. It’s just like you bringing different men around your child every night so, unless he is planning a future with her, then I would say no. Especially, if you haven’t met them first. It’s toxic asf bringing people in and out of the kids lives… I get shit happens, but if she’s just gonna be a fuck buddy for the night then, hell no it’s not okay. But I guess everyone’s parenting is different then mine
Actually she does. If there are too many new girlfriends coming and going you can Actually bring it up to a lawyer as it can be mentally unhealthy for the said child (almost had to with my ex til he jus signhis rights over cause he knocked up 2 other gis at the same time)
Yes because I’m not petty and it’s going to happen weather you like it or not. Same with when you get a new man.
You sound super jealous eeekkkk let the man live his life trying to control dude and he isn’t with you anymore. Some of y’all enjoy being the bitter baby mama and it shows
Sorry, there’s not a lot you can do about her dad’s girlfriends. You can complain, but it will just start a losing fight. He’s allowed to see who he wants. Unless you can prove she’s some kind of super-criminal type, and even then it would be tough to get a judge to listen to your argument. You’ll just have to go with the flow. Unless he’s parading too many in too short a time, there’s not too much you can do.
I’d say yes as her mother you do have a right to meet the woman that he is seeing because she is going to be around your daughter. But I don’t think you have the way to control and dictate your ex’s life. Now if he has a new woman every week then that’s not okay and your daughter should not be subject to that because that could confuse her at a young age. She might not understand what’s happening. Why is she being introduced to so many women each week that would confuse me. I would meet with her or talk to her there’s nothing wrong with you guys all co-parenting together. There are definitely many ways to talk and work it out and make it work so that everybody’s comfortable.
Unless it’s court ordered where it says they cannot meet SO’s until a certain amount of time then you can’t do anything.
Yes. As long as she treats my kids with love and respect. No bitter baby mama drama over here!
Nothing you can do. It’s his time. What would you do if he tried to tell u what you can and can’t do with your child. If kid isn’t in danger then you have to deal. Don’t be one of those who think you should have say in dad’s house cause you don’t.
As sad as it is , in the courts eyes , you have no say in who he brings around your kids as long as they are not in danger , and that’s goes with meeting the girl too ,
You don’t have a say in how dad spends his time with his daughter. Though it may not be healthy for your daughter to meet multiple women (if that’s the case), it isn’t illegal. And you don’t have “the right” to meet his new GF first. We aren’t entitled to anything. I’d have a conversation with her dad. But that’s all you can do. You didn’t say anything about him being a bad dad, so trust him with the people he chooses to have around his daughter. It’s not easy when couples break up and other men and women are in the child’s life. It’s really hard. But y’all didn’t work out for a reason, and you need to accept there will be other females in her life as there will also be other males in her life. Don’t stress over something you have no control over. And pick your battles with her dad.
Not your business what he does or who he has over as long as you’d child is safe.
Sorry if she isn’t gonna be around for a long time, my child isn’t allowed to meet her. And I don’t care who has an issue with that.
It’s none of your business . Just like who you date is none of his.
I don’t know what kind of dad he is, but I was always better off when some lady was around trying to impress him by being nice to me. Step mom, now, she hated my existence.
You do not control what he does on his time
You don’t have the right to dictate what your ex does. You can however ASK to meet her before your child spends time around her.
When I was growing up, we didn’t know any divorced people. Mama wouldn’t let us spend the night with anybody foe any reason.
in my situation, my husband has say so in what men are around his daughter & he has to either meet them or agree to let them around her. it’s court ordered that no men are allowed around her without his permission but there’s reasons behind that.
i understand being frustrated because of the “flavor of the week” thing, but you also can’t be a bitter baby mama because it’s only going to hurt your daughter in the end.
Some people have time frames, my ex said I couldn’t meet his kids unless we was together for a year. That’s what the mom wanted so he did it
If the relationship isn’t healthy and stable I don’t meet their kids. It’s not fair for them.
After 7 years of dealing with this. And him being through 5 different girls that i know of. You have no choice. Have no rights what he does on his time and who he brings around her. And vice versa. You got to learn to suck it up.
As long as I feel like she’s fit to be around my kids. And I don’t mean that in a petty way but if she’s a good person cool if not stay tf away from my kids.
For me personally it depends on how long they have been together
If it’s court ordered he has to follow it otherwise no you can’t require anything.
Someone I knew had it in their parenting plan that Dad had to be dating the girlfriend for like 6 months and provide the girlfriends info for a background check as well as cover the costs for said background check. And mom had to meet the girlfriend.
THEN their son could be around the gf.
Because he was always meeting women online and going through a lot of them.
She will b ok and it will prob b cool memories for her, different people bring different perspectives
Unless they have certain felonies, you don’t have a say. What you do have a say in is getting a court order that there’s no overnight visitors allowed that they are romantically involved with.
You can’t do anything about it and you have no say. He doesn’t have to let you meet his gf but if you talk to him maybe he will work something out. That’s really your only option. Unless they are harmful to your child or have a history of abuse that may be something to bring up to the courts. But even then it’s up to the judge at that point
You don’t have to right
Just like he doesn’t .
Generally speaking he can’t tell you and you can’t tell him who can be around your daughter. Do you have a court order? In the court order does it say you guys can’t bring your daughter around anyone new for a certain amount of time that you have been together? If not you can try to go back to court to get it in an order, the judge may not do it and it may take some time. If there is no court order and you have custody technically you could not let her visit him. Though that may look bad on you later on.
Nothing to do with you it’s HIS TIME not yours
You unfortunately dont have “a say” in any of that lol understand that you CANT control that others do the only control you have is in how you react, best to learn to not be reactive or youre gonna make yourself miserable
Unless it’s in the court papers there’s nothing you can say. I would ask him nicely to meet her first. I know you want to protect your baby. I was the same way. At first I wished I would of done that with mine. But the judge said if I do it against my ex I have to follow it also. But, I never keep anything from my kids. All my ex and I did was ask each other to meet the other person and see how each other feels.
You can ask your ex if you both could agree not to have anyone around the child that you haven’t known or dated long, not until it’s serious etc.
if he doesn’t agree then I would document how many girls he has in and out and how many times your child met them and how it affected the child and if the Dad didn’t behave well etc
Then you can go to court and get an order. But just know that it will be something you need to abide by as well.
His time. His rules. As long as he’s not putting her in danger. You can’t control what he does when it’s his time with her. And vice versa. No reason for you to meet her.
You do not get to dictate what happens during his visitation time unless the children are in danger.
None of your business…
You really don’t have a say but you can take it to court if that’s something to put into a parenting plan no meeting significant others until serious relationship is established.
There are no rights however you can add it to a court order . I have it in mine for one year before they meet but noone enforces it it was to save the kids from getting in trouble by saying the wrong name as he would switch on the same day.
sure you can meet them, but it doesn’t change anything. His time his choice
You don’t have a say so deal with it.
I think for your child’s sake, having a amicable relationship with your ex is the most important thing. Who he has in his life is none of your business if you trust him as a dad to keep your child safe. If you feel he won’t make the right judgments when it comes to your child then your daughter shouldn’t go in the first place. People are going to come and go throughout her life like family, friends, teachers, etc. it’s a natural flow of life that you can’t hide from her. I think your jealousy may be getting in the way here a bit or maybe you’re thinking your daughter might just like her…which would be a good thing for the peace and harmony of the whole situation. Protect your child by all means but you’re not his keeper so as long as he is a good dad that takes care of her, stay out of his personal business. Looking at his new GF or saying hello isn’t going to prove anything to you. It’s how her dad and this girl treat her is what matters.
I think you should BOTH agree on having some type of standards and requirements on meeting girlfriends or boyfriends. My OPINION would be after dating about 6 months meeting the significant other is okay. It’s not safe to just have her around random females…
It would be weird for you to meet every gf he has. I understand you are protective of your daughter and it feels like instability for these “flavor of the weeks” to come and go, but as your daughter gets older she will understand and see it for what it is. This is out of your control and you have to let it go. I am a control freak so I get how hard this must be for you. His time is his time. As long as your daughter is safe, that is what matters.
Unless you have a court order saying that they can’t be around than nope you have no say what so ever. I suggest that you act like a civil adult and be nice. I would try n met her and see how you feel about her. I went through this with my ex husband and our kids. I actually ended up liking the new girl and now she’s been here over 5 yrs almost. You have to expect that he’s going to move on. Seems like maybe you just haven’t been able to comprehend that yet. Best of luck.
You have zero control over the situation. Gotta stick l suck it up buttercup
you don’t have a say just get used to it.
Sounds like your jealous.
You don’t have any rights over what dad does on his time
As long as she’s safe and happy, then I would mind my business if I were you. Just be polite
So, my dad was the flavor of the week kinda man. Changed girlfriends like underwear… ya feel me? But my dad had sole custody of me. If anything, I hated all but 1 and it taught me how to NOT treat my “step” child if I was ever in a position to have a bonus kiddo. My mom never met all of them but there were a few good ones who would talk to my mom on the phone and reassure her that they weren’t trying to take her place. I think what you should do is talk to your daughter and let her know that if she is uncomfortable at all, she needs to speak up. You don’t want to come off as a “bitter” baby mama. You know he’ll tell them whatever to make themselves seem high and mighty, but stay calm.
You definitely don’t have control on what happens on his time but you would really hope he would show some self respect infront of the kids
If it is on his time then you do not have a say, unless you have it in your custody arrangement, but if you don’t have it in it you most likely cant add it in
Would you be okay with your child’s father dictating your dating life?
You dont have a say. Suck it up and stop being bitter… hes no longer yours. Stay in your lane
I have a rule of 1 year and we all meet first to set boundaries.
Children should not be meeting new partners every week. Its confusing for them and cruel if they like someone and that person disappears from their life and a new person arrives.
Unless its agreed and written into court orders I dont think you have any rights at all over what happens during his time with his child.
If you can’t agree between you then its back to court
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M0re Info.
I believe in a custody arrangement there can be a clause that parents need to be with a new spouse for a certain amount of time before meeting a child and a desperate time before overnights in the same house for both parents
You can’t tell him what he can and can’t do on his time unless he’s putting HIS (because you seem to not realize it is not only YOUR) child in immediate danger.
And as a “flavor of the week” who is now an extremely involved and loving step parent 3.5 years later, fuck yourself while you’re at it.
We had it court ordered that only family could be with my child and the dad.
I think out of respect you should be able to meet her. I don’t think anyone should have to allow their child around a person they don’t know or aren’t comfortable with (as long as they have good reason and aren’t being petty.)
However legally unless it’s in your court paperwork you have no right to say. And even then, you’d still have to take him back to court to even try and enforce it if that clause was in there restricting your child from being around his partner until they’ve been together a certain amount of time.
To me I understand your frustration. But sadly there’s not much you can do. I’d just try and be kind and see if you can meet her at the very least.
I say kids need more time with parents and less with the partners!!!
You likely have no rights here unless it’s in your court order or you can prove maltreatment or danger. I’d just learn to deal with it
You have no say , it’s his life his daughter his girlfriend .
Sweetie, you have none. But if all she is is a flavor then it shouldn’t be around her. When my ex brings his new one’s around I ask him “flavor or special?” That way I know if my child will be hurt when they leave or not. Out of respect he brings the “special” one’s around. Very rarely does he bring the “flavors” around.
Who cares it’s not ur business
Those boundaries need to be a conversation with your child’s other parent, not the internet. There is no set rights, unfortunately.
You don’t get a say in what her father chooses unless she is in danger. Full stop. If he introduces her to other women, that’s his business and his right.
I’m so sick of moms trying to dictate what their exes do when it has nothing to do with their safety.
Just be a good parent and a constant in their life and as they get older they will see who the rotten parent is (if there is one).
You don’t have a say. He can turn around and say he doesn’t want his daughter to be around any new guy you may have. Same same.
You can express how you feel uncomfortable and don’t want your daughter constantly meeting the women he brings around your daughter if they aren’t going to be in her life for a long period of time other then that you don’t have any rights/say because you can’t control who he brings around her unless you have court ordered days that are only with the dad and daughter.
That’s none of your business and out of your control anyway. My son’s dad brought our son around other females right after I left him so I’m speaking from experience. I focused on raising my son and didn’t have the time or desire to date till he was 4.
Check with your lawyer
You don’t have any, it’s his life and he’s allowed to date. Also why wouldn’t u want them to meet? U don’t get to approve his new partner but he does have the right to ensure it will be a good match for your child as well. Grow up and stop being toxic.
If there is a custody order then no. He can do what he wants on his time
You have no say in what goes on during his parenting time and a judge will tell you that. But you seem like that type that doesn’t want dad to do something but when roles are flipped it’s okay.
If it’s court ordered visitation then you have no say what he does or who he has around your child during his time.