Would you be okay with your daughter sharing a room with a boy?

Pretty sure they’re not allowed to after age 5.

No not at all she deserves her own space and to get a good nights sleep

Nah. Not if they arent siblings. Even though its not illegal for them to share a room id have a kid in the living room sleep. They can take turns being in the living room.

Nope and where I live it is illegal. After the age of one even brother and sister cant share a room.

Its illegal in Texas once kids turn 4 i believe


It’s illegal in NY if the kids are older than 4

No. They are not siblings raised together. How do you know what the other child has been exposed to in life…maybe nothing but how could u know for sure. Kids are nearly hitting puberty also…They are gonna want privacy! Its common sense really.

Ummmm is this seriously even questionable??? Wth :woman_facepalming:

No… not at all. Hes not even family.

No. I’d take him to court for a parenting time restriction or contact CPS. I believe it’s illegal for non-siblings to share a room. That’s what I was told.

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Do you want to be a Grandma?


Not a goddamn chance

No, that is too old.

No!!! Recipe for disaster. U no nothing about this child!!! Err on the side of caution. Kids no to much too early due to TV, movies, and the internet.

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Dcfs has guidelines for room sharing—- 6 and under (both) is that guideline. Over that and there’s a risk of authorities becoming involved , and they have to be RELATED legally

Nope.isnt that illegal since they arnt sibling raised together?? Absolutley not to them sharing a room

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Thats a haaaaard no. Even if they were blood!

No but if it’s all they can afford then leave them be at least she isnt sleeping outside

Ahh nope. Hard fuck nope there.

This scenario Hell no!.. If they are siblings raised together id say other wise

I do not care what. My answer would be no h_ _ _ No.
I take crap off people. But I’ll pull skin off for any of my kids.

It’s actually against the law in most states


Nope not a chance. When I lived on my parents property the little boy down the street was already looking up the skirts and shorts and a locking himself with the little girls in the shed. And we’re talking six and seven-year-olds. We’re talkin about a little seven-year-old boy he knew what sex was what a woman’s menstrual cycle was what the pad and tampon was used for and how. Everything it made me feel so uncomfortable. also I think my next door neighbor is having an issue with her son trying to get in her daughter’s bedroom to do bad things. My husband said in families that happens. Another thing usually Child Services has guidelines on that. Honestly children will experiment with each other if you know where I’m going with that. That happened to my girlfriend with her cousin. They wound up completely and positively separating everybody into separate homes! So it is definitely something to think about not doing lol and I’m not trying to be rude or anything I’m just giving my experiences that’s all.

Nooooo!! My 3 year old daughter doesn’t even share a room with my 8mo son. We only have a 2 bdr and he sleeps in my room and she has her own room.

Not a chance in h3ll I would be okay with that.

That’s super illegal in my state and would be more than enough to get DCS involved.

Nope. Not ok. Their not even related! My son has his own room and my girls have to share

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Hell no. What kind of father would allow this? I have never agreed with opposite genders sharing the same bedroom (especially this close in age) whether blood related or not. Sounds like dad needs a reality check and to slow down with his daughter in regards to his relationship. I didn’t allow my daughter to meet anyone I dated for a few months much less 1 month in sharing a bedroom with that person’s child .

If was was her brother yes but not new girlfriends son

Mmmm i think at a certain age its not okay but I mean sometimes living situations you gotta do what you gotta do just gotta have a real talk also I don’t think if their related matters just because its family doesn’t mean that something inappropriate wouldn’t happen… I wouldn’t trust anybody not even blood that is the sad reality :100:

Idk why but it’s always been a no (if we didn’t have enough rooms the boys slept on the couch) even now I have 1 boy and 3 girls sorry girls you all sharing my son gets his own room

Nope, inappropriate age to be sharing a room with the opposite sex and especially one that’s not family.

No. I think that’s even against the law.

No way not at all.
You have no idea what his mum or he is like and they didn’t grow up as siblings so I would be fully against it. To be honest I wouldn’t even do that with my own kids at that age!
However you can’t control what he does in his own house…

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Nope. And no judge would be okay with that either. The fact they arent siblings and haven’t grown up with one another its inappropriate.

If they were both my children and blood brother and sister I would consider it based on their relationship and our living situation.

This situation, absolutely not. I would not make my daughter share a room with a boy she doesn’t even hardly know.

That’s illegal!!!, My child definitely would not go back until that is fixed, kids now days seem to know much more than we did growing up. Always protect your baby. Not saying anything will happen but there is always a chance and I would make that small chance into no chance at all to protect my child.


Definitely not! Both kids should have some privacy. It’s not just sharing a room to sleep, but what about dressing or having a friend over.

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I’m gonna go with no. Even at 4 I had it specifically put in our agreement that she was to have her own room. At the time that was meant not sharing a room with dad and his gf. They subsequently had 3 boys and I’d prefer they not share a room being of opposite sex

Absolutely not! Don’t agree with that at all… I have 4 girls and 2 stepsons and we have 3 girls in one room the baby with us, so my stepsons have there own room even though they are only here at weekends, and the room is empty all week, they are 7 and 8 my girls are 11, 6, 5 and 10 months… wouldn’t dream of making them share! Our youngest daughter is the boys half sibling and still wouldn’t have her share… kids need there own privacy…kids ain’t kids for long these days! X

At that age no. I don’t feel comfortable with it at all I personally know someone that has a 12 year old boy in the same room as a 9 year old girl they aren’t related. And to me a boy at 12 years old should not be sleeping in the same room as a girl whether she be 4 or 9 related or not

I’m 43 and I used to shared a room with my brother annoying as hell but I survived my parents couldn’t afford more then a 2 bedroom apartment we both turn out to be a decent human being


No girls at that age need there own space, this is a big no when it comes to blended families.


There are laws against this. I’d find out what your state law says and no overnights until she has her own space


I don’t care the gender…hell no. Children should not share a room with anyone, other than siblings raised together.


There is a reason as to why it is illegal for children of opposite genders sharing a room after the age of 5, even if they’re blood related siblings.


Hellllll NO! With a brother , sure. But nope , you don’t know that little boy or his background . You don’t know what he knows about sex or what he’s been exposed too in other homes. Better safe than sorry.

Nope. Imo girls especially but all kids that age need their privacy. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with her sharing a room with a non blood relative BUT I also dont know the whole situation so it’s kinda impossible to tell other people what is best for THEIR kid ya know

I would say no. I know space can be tight, but a girl shouldn’t share a room with a boy passed the age of 8 or 9 I would say. Especially a child she doesn’t know from her dad’s gf of 1 month. Hell no.

Not even a little bit. This is a very sad story waiting to happen. The adults in this situation ought to know better than this.

I’m not even comfortable with my daughter sharing a room with her older brothers.

Best way to decide… Can you live with the decision to go along with it IF anything happens? If your answer is Yes then by all means ok. If your answer is No then halt it in its tracks before it starts.

While we can’t prevent everything… we def can make decisions that are in the BEST interest of our children.

They are getting to an age where they are curious. While it might be 100% innocent, why set them up for a situation that might be beyond their maturity level(s)?

It depends on their maturity. Has the daughter/son hit puberty?
I mean there are factors for me.
Also how new is this gf?
Those would all be factors on how comfortable I would be with this situation.

Absolutely not! They are not siblings. Go to court!

Yeah, no. They are not siblings and even if they were, boys and girls should have privacy at that age.

Not at all too close in age and at that age they are too old and should Benin’s heir own room unless it is there biological sibling

Oh hell no! Thats a great way to start a life of sexual abuse…! And legally once the oldest child in the room is 5 years old (according to CPS) they can no longer share a room with any child (even full siblings) of the opposite sex… theres no way I would allow this if it were me.

This is insane. Are people really still thinking that boys only like girls? Or that girls even like boys all the time? Or does this come from the incredibly incorrect idea that boys/men are the only ones who abuse & it’s always poor little girls as victims? Either way, you’re wrong & gross. Like one child won’t abuse another one because of their genitals. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: If you think that, you don’t understand abuse & you definitely don’t understand abusers who are children. Jesus.

no. at that age they are both just began to explore their bodies.

Here’s the thing…how does your daughter feel about it? Definitely advocate for your daughter if she doesn’t want it.

No, I would be uncomfortable with that. Very.

No this isn’t ok. Not in my eyes and not in the eyes of social services.

Uh, NO! And I don’t know where you are located but child services here doesn’t allow it either.

It’s illegal in our state (Kansas) and most other states. After they turn 3 they cants share with a boy if they aren’t blood.

Nope. In IL after age 5 they legally have to have their own rooms.

No way, EVER‼Boys and girls should have separate sleeping areas

No. That’s too old to share a room with the opposite sex, even a biological sibling.

No,even if they are siblings once they reach the age of 5 i want them to have separate beds to sleep

Been in this exact same position but they were 7 and 5. They’re too curious at that age. Dont do it

Not only would I personally not be ok with that, it is, I believe, illegal. At least It is in Nebraska.

No I wouldn’t. Girls need their privacy and their own space.

Absolutely not and it’s illegal in most states.

No , not at all . One month is not even ling enough to be living together anyway .

In some states, that’s illegal.

Nope. I wouldn’t care if they were dating a month or several years. No way .

No …not at all! I think CPS might even get involved in that one :thinking: Don’t do it

I would not like it but I guess it depends on size of room and if there is any seperate space in it vs a box room where they have no private space.

Noooooope. Not that I don’t trust my daughter because I fully do but it isn’t always adults who molest or hurt children sometimes it’s other children. I personally know someone whose 5 year old was molested by another 5 year old at school. You cant just blindly trust children because sometimes those children have gone through some things or seen things they shouldn’t have and will then re-enact that on another child. & if your child’s dad has only been with his new girlfriend for one month, he has no idea who she is really or how her child is. Nope, no way.

For the short term yes. X

No, they should be split by gender.

Blended homes are tough! Just because he is a boy doesn’t mean he is out to do things to your daughter. Have a conversation with dad. Ultimately though its his house and his rules. You dont have to agree with what goes on at his house on his parenting time. Your approval isnt needed. Just as his isnt needed at your home on your time. Unless the child has said something to give you a reason to be concerned try talking to dad.

Its illegal for a reason.

Absolutely not. Not even up for debate. Hard no.

it’s a hard no for me.

Nope. No. Definitely not.

No it would not be ok.

that’s not even a question

Very simple, no additional info needed. NO

Nope! And according to cps, not allowed!!

This is a dumb question. You already know this answer.

Nope. By law this is extremely inappropriate. Either have your daughter have her own room OR she don’t go to your ex’s house over nights. That’s legitimately scary to me. A friend of mine has a son who’s ONLY THREE and ended up getting molested by his step brother and the mom doesn’t care.

Yall act like this is some flowers in the attic type of stuff

Thats a big N-O, Ghostwriter.

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All wrong dont do it

Hell to the no!!!

Nope absolutely no :100:

Not a fucking chance.

No!!! Would anyone be comfortable sharing a room with someone you don’t know of the opposite sex? Tell your ex to get his shit together!!!

Fuck maturity hell no