Would you be okay with your daughter sharing a room with a boy?

Would you be okay with your 9-year-old daughter sharing a bedroom with your exes new girlfriend (of one month) 10-year-old son?


No I definitely wouldn’t be ok with that.

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Illegal in some states


No, nope, absolutely not

Hell no, I don’t care who he belongs to :joy:

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Not in this lifetime!!

I know in NZ there are laws around it so it might pay to check what your ones are

Not a chance in hell

Hell to the NO. As a matter of fact in some states it’s not allowed


Hell no and it’s illegal in a few states!!

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Ii don’t no where your from, but in WI, at the age of 5 by law they have to be separated.

I’m curious why it’s illegal in some states. Do they consider all male children sexual predators? Or is there a different reason?

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Nope. Also, if cps found out, they would put an end to it.


And in most states it’s illegal. Better hope CPS doesn’t catch wind of it.

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Not a chance in a frozen hell.

I think you have your answer, put a stop to it before the law does.

Yes as long as I know the boy

Thats illegal in Indiana so I would deff look into your state/local laws

GF of a MONTH? And they’re already living together. High standards he has there. :roll_eyes:

It’s illegal here to do that

No way not appropriate at all. Illegal in some states.

If my daughter was visiting for the night or weekend I would have her sleep on the sofa instead.

No and I believe its illegal

Not long term no. Maybe a sleep over, not in the same bed.

No :-1:. Just out of curiosity how old is the daughter older younger? Not appropriate either way.

I don’t know where about a you live but I’m in the uk :uk: and from the age of 10 opposite sex siblings can’t share a room. Even if they could I dont think it’s right.

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No and actually that’s illegal, if your daughter have to spend weekends with his dad and his girlfriend they have to provide privacy and safety to her. She needs her own room, if they can’t afford a extra room she can visit during day time

At 10 different genders have to have separate rooms! If he was 9 it wouldnt be an issue :woman_shrugging:

That’s a NO from me. :raising_hand_woman:

Umm no when they’re 7 if they’re the opposite sexe they should have their own room

Nope, that would be a hard stop for me.

Look up the residency laws in your state, some specify even biological children stop sharing at a certain age.


No fucking way.
Not even for one night!

No they are not allowed by law

In most states you can only legally allow children of the opposite sex to a certain age, I believe it’s under the 5.
So no, I’d call the cops or not let my child go!


Oh hell no! If they can’t accommodate separate bedrooms, they shouldn’t be living together


No big time no. And check state laws it may not be legal because they are not siblings and of the opposite sex

If anyone says yes, they’re disgusting. No.


Hell no. My kid wouldn’t be going unless they could provide her her own space!

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Highly inappropriate no matter how long he has been with new girlfriend. But a month is too soon to even meet


No. At certain ages hormones kick in and both need privacy. Most states have laws stating the age at which children of different genders should have their own rooms

No, girls are going through a lot of changes at this age. They need their privacy.

Hell to the no!! I don’t even know why u ask seriously

Nope. Tell him to give them both a room each and get a sofa bed for them… priorities come first.

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No no no no no. That’s just trouble waiting to happen. My daughter wouldn’t go. Period.


I don’t like the my son 4 this week told me when he was 3.5 that he was sharing a room at his dad’s house with his grandmothers boyfriends daughter who is about a year or so older. I was not okay with that even at young age.

No. My daughter is 7 and my son is 2 months. For now they share a room but as soon as my daughter starts going through changes my son is getting moved

Where I live, siblings of different genders are required to have seperate sleeping spaces by that age.


I know in some states opposite sex siblings can’t share a room after a certain age. Id personally say no…


Nope. As her dad he should be as upset about it too.

Nope and it can actually get the dad in trouble if he allows it depending the state

Hell no :joy:

My ex moved in with a girl he had been dating a month and my daughter slept on a mattress on the floor and bet your ass I threw a big fit about it.

They should NOT even be living together yet. They shouldn’t have to share rooms either. He is too old and they aren’t related. It would be different if they were, but they aren’t.

One month is way to soon for sleep overs in the first place. Or to even meet them. People need to work out if the relationship will last before introducing kids to other partners or kids. It only hurts the child if they bond and the parents break up


If they grew up together and only see each other as siblings and it’s always been a thing and they just don’t have enough rooms I’d say no big deal but in this case no dad doesn’t even know gf or her kid well enough to be trying to make his daughter share a room with him especially at this age


Hell naw!!!:no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4::no_good_woman:t4:

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NOOOOOO… i am not even ok with my step sons mom making him sleep with his sisters or on floor. Kids NEED their own room and own bed. ESP at that age.

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No & depending on where you live it might be illegal. In Michigan opposite gender room sharing is until 5.


Nope. By those ages different genders should be sleeping in different rooms.

Not related. Not happening.

My son is 7 and daughter is nearly 4. As soon as my son starts showing signs of “the change”, they will have separate rooms.


Nope. Im sure she wouldnt be comfortable with it either.

No to curious at that age

God no… his ass can sleep on couch. No way.

No my kids are 2 and 5 they have different rooms . Due to they ain’t allowed to share a room due to the law here .

Nope!! Not happening… my kids have their cousins stay the night and even then one is a boy and he sleeps in a separate room. Not ok at all!!

Some states even require kids to be in separate bedrooms if they are not full of half siblings after the age of 5.


In Florida it’s illegal after a certain age.

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Nope and you should check local law about it


They’re getting to those ages where it shouldn’t be allowed.


I’d be more concerned with why after only a month are they living together? Look in to having it added to your court order that kids cannot be around a significant other unless they have been together for a minimum of 6 months. Just be prepared that you’d have to follow that same rule.

As for sharing a room. Yes. Some states have a law against it. Where I am from they do not. The only law is that each kid has to have a bed or something to sleep on. Doesn’t even have to be in a bedroom. It could be a couch. But kids of opposite sex can share a room as long as they have separate beds.

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No I let my daughter stay the night with my best friend and her two boys cause they’re like best friends but my daughter always sleeps in different beds and bedroom

This exact question was posted in another mom group? I’m wondering if the person is looking for different answers or what?

Forgot to add my daughter is 6 and her boys are 5 and 8

Absolutely not! That’s around the age kids start to really get curious. If they were toddlers maybe but not at this age.

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Nope! Why put either child in that situation

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No not at all that’s how DCFS gets involved


No . Same
Sex yes oppersite sex hell no

Not in my house or my daughter

Absolutely not! Your ex barely knows his new gf yet alone her son!

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Nope! Not fair to either of them!

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Not that old no. My son just turned 4 and my daughter is 2. They share a room right now because we live with family (I sleep in the what was family room converted to a make shift bedroom) but by next year I’m praying we have the means to get into our own place to get them their own room because even now I’m not okay with it but that’s just me.

Absofuckinglutely not and you can get dhs involved


Omg this totally happened to me and I was totally disgusted

That would be a hell no from me.

No… absolutely not.

I read online at the age of 10 they need to be in separate rooms

No way! They aren’t even siblings. Would be different if they grew up all their lives together and see each other as annoying, pain in the butt siblings.

Nope. Plain and simple. Absolutely not.

Pretty sure that isn’t even legal…check your state laws.

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No no no no no and no!

I’m pretty sure it’s not legal in most states. But as a personal choice no

Hell no I would not be ok with that. In my state im pretty sure its illegal. Boy and girls need there own space.

Fuck no some places have laws against it

I would probably be more concerned about my child spending time with a woman that he has only been withfor a month than a child being put in the same situation as my child. They clearly are not thinking of the children at all! These kids are both put in awkward situation and probably just trying to make the best of it.

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No, i find that weird/odd. When we were kids my mom took in one of my sisters friends, who was also a girl, and children and youth freaked the hell out just because my sister and friend liked sharing a room. (She had her own) They made a huge deal about them sharing a room even though they were the same sex & age, so im not even sure if its legal of the opposite sex. Id talk to it with your ex about how you feel.

I wouldn’t have even asked this question! Obviously you knew what everyone was going to say… Do not drop the issue. Fight momma. Absolutely not okay!!!

Theyre way too old to share a room.

Id be careful. My sister was about 3 when she had step siblings living with her and the boy who was about 13 was forcing her to “touch” him… hopefully you know what I mean. He ended up going to juvy, but you just never know. No one found out until he was caught in the act. Smh.

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I’d be concerned with why they are shacking up after a month. I sure as hell wouldn’t be okay with my 9yo sleeping in a room with a 10 yo boy unless they were both boys.

Absolutely not. At that age theres probably a lot of curiosity and anything could happen

Absolutely not, they’re both too old to share a bedroom!