When would you be okay with your kids dating? My senior has started showing interest in a junior at school and they started hanging out (in our living room ONLY)…but she turns 18 soon and I am unsure if I am being too strict?
You are being waaaayyyy to strict my goodness!
You need to let your kids grow up, make mistakes, figure shit out, have their heartbroken and then take the lessons from it. Its how they learn. A senior is almost an adult and needs real world experiences.
I thought the kid was like 11, at 17 it’s perfectly fine to date
I personally think 17 is a normal age to start dating
Not sure how much longer you can keep your child from dating, one more year and they are considered adults.
It’s time to pop the bubble and cut the apron strings.
Yeah they didn’t “just start” anything lol sorry but you sound like you are too strict and I’d bet it is really just a you just started being told…
Dude you gotta let your kids have a life. Daring is natural and a part of growing up. They can even do group dates or you can be in the building Ie if you go someplace like Dave and Busters. Are you seriously going to make your daughter wait until she is 18 to date? Too much control is not good and your kid may rebel worse. Smh
Definitely allow her to start dating. My son is almost 17 and I’ve been asking him if he’s going to start dating soon and he just laughs and says nope lol.
That’s a perfect age to start dating. I think you’re doing a good job.
Poor kid! I was about thirteen when I started dating. Mostly the odd kiss and going to the movies together or for a burger. At 18, I’d moved out and was living in College accommodation in the centre of London.
Ummmmmmm cut the cord lady
Lol. As long as they know the risks of intimacy and about consent for all parties, let em date. She’s 18 lol.
Strict parents create sneaky kids
My parents were very strict and only allowed me to start dating at 18. I started dating around 13, sneaking around and going against what my parents said. I was always grounded, but did it anyway. I wish I would’ve been able to be honest with my parents without getting in trouble. Now, I’m 36, and I promised never to do that to my son. Allow her to make the right decisions on her own and guide her. Keep that open line of communication and trust. Keeps her safe and gives you peace of mind.
Almost 18? Not too much you can do to prevent it, I would just encourage a healthy relationship
U can not control another persons heart mom. She can hide things from u or u can be someone she can go to im.sure u wanna be the mom she goes to,her safe place. That & 17 is basically 18 lol.
You are her Mom - you’ve spent the last 18 years equipping her with responsibilities, accountability, trust and respect. Sit her down tell her she can tell you anything, if she ever feels uncomfortable with a person or situation don’t hesitate to call you, if she ever has a question-ask, any problem that seems to big - together you two can work it out, and no matter how old she gets - home is always home.
My 12 year old and his just turned 14 year old girlfriend get supervised dates and school functions and text/call constantly
At 18 you don’t really get a choice anymore.
I think 17 is a good age to give teens a little freedom in that regard. They should in theory be responsible and sensible enough to start navigating simple relationships. I think rather than trying to control it excessively be really open in your expectations, boundaries, and really talk about what’s healthy, what’s not, what’s safe and be someone they’re comfortable going to if they need to talk about anything.