Would you cancel a birthday party for bad grades?

No I’d get them help. Wtf

Why is the first thought punishment rather than exploring the why?
Kids don’t enjoy failing, especially when they know a punishment is also coming with that F.

Punishment doesn’t work positively anyways but it works even less when theres an underlying reason as to why.

In the grand scheme of things, that F In elementary school history (or whatever it may be) won’t matter much but knowing mom/dad cared more about than celebrating them will.


Birthdays are a celebration of your child’s milestones and life . I would keep school grades and a punishment separate . Sit with him and work together to to find a solution. Earning screen time on weekends if week has gone well. A constant communication with teacher each day on how things are going . A tutor . Find a reasonable punishment for current situation and work towards a positive resolution. Good luck ! Kids are our main job and we are their advocaters . Work with him to find ways he likes to learn . It’s not always books . Out for learning , hikes , brings ways to learn in every aspect of his day as you can.


Nope. We just pull up our socks the day after the party, figure out what went wrong and work on improving.

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Depends if the birthday party is to celebrate their birthday or their grades …:woman_shrugging:

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I would get in touch with teacher and find out why child is struggling. Then go from there. If you’re child is actually trying I would not cancel but if they aren’t doing what they should be then I would.

Why is a 2nd grader flunking…I would talk with her and figure out ways to help her

That would be mean, to a 7/8 year old?? And it isn’t going to help with their grades to do so, so why is that an option? Bully parents.


No, I would not. It sends the wrong message.

No, bad grades or not that baby needs to have his little life celebrated. I was in the same situation with my 2nd grader in December except for some bad behavior instead of bad grades. We celebrated his day and I don’t regret it. Bad grades, bad behavior…eh…love them and show them love anyways.


Definitely not!
I would be more inclined to investigate why a 2nd grader is failing.


Sounds to me like they need help with school, not punished. 2nd grade, really? I wouldn’t dream of taking away a birthday over grades at that age.


Not to one that young no.

Uh no… They’re like 7years old… They need help in school not punishments with taking away their special occasions

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No. Figure out why they are failing there class. What’s going on do they need extra help? Why punish them for something you lacked in helping them

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What the fuck?
NO. That’s a bully tactic when a child is that young

Don’t punish for poor grades. Work together to work through them. You’re gonna have to actually put in the effort to show your child you are a team

That’s extremely harsh for a 2nd grader!

In 2nd grade, kids only have 2 years of school behind them. They’re still at the very base of their learning. As parents, it’s our responsibility to teach our children good study habits and to prioritize so that they can learn to balance their school/homework.

With that said, it may also be that your child is struggling with the material. I would address that possibility before canceling their birthday party.

How much are you contributing to his success at school? Are you helping him study, keeping up with grades, etc. Seems like you would know how the grades will be before the party is scheduled.


No I would not kids look for that and I remember everything that happens to do you know so birthday parties are very important

absolutely not! That would be pretty nasty of the parent just saying

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I would get the child help not punishment.


Y’all the kids need to take responsibility you don’t get rewarded for bad grades period


I wouldn’t cancel the birthday party but I would find another way to punish him appropriately

No I wouldn’t. At that age there could very well be a underline issue such as some sort of learning disability.
Your line of thinking seams cruel, harsh ect…



  1. Is the child struggling with a learning disability?
  2. Why? Is the parents tracking this child’s grades more carefully. The parents need to call the school and get the child more help
    Taking his birthday party is not a good idea.

No. At that age if they have a bad grade then it is because I’m not helping them properly, whether that is helping with homework, providing a tutor, or talking to their teacher about what I can do

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Have the party but ground them from any gifts. Also find out what it is that’s making school work so hard that they are failing

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I wouldn’t do it but I was grounded for something (not grade, prob not doing a chore correctly or something) and my dad took away my 15th bday party. It was traumatizing but showed me how not to be with my own kids :woman_shrugging:

Ummm wth they are in 2nd grade!!! In what world would you punish a 7 year old by taking away their birthday party for that! You should be getting them a Tudor and encouraging them not punishing!


No. There is reason. Do they need help? In the 2nd grade you figure out why.

There In 2nd grade how have they got to failing it?

No but I would likely take any devices or distractions away until they are caught up and putting an effort into their schooling. They may also be struggling with the work so check to see if they need help understand it etc

Better question should be, why hasn’t his work been checked over at home, and they also give out progress reports so if u seen his progress wasn’t the best as his parents yall should’ve contacted the school to see what y’all can do to help him. I’ve done tutoring, flash cards, made games out of school work, asked the teachers for extra credit work. Yes even in lower grades its available.


I actually just threatened my 11 year old with that in Janurary. The reason was he just throws hw in his backpack and forgets about it. He did have his party last weekend once we moved but instead of anything big like having it somewhere fun he could only invite “his boys” lol

Absolutely not I would let the party go ahead and then talk to them afterwards they need encouragement and that would surely make them feel worse

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Imagine struggling to understand things you’re being taught but giving it a go anyway and getting an F…to be punished and not allowed to have a birthday party. This poor kid has no hope :woman_facepalming:


In 2nd grade, you as a parent should be their teacher too. Poor child doesn’t need punished, they need encouragement, help, time!


No my son doesn’t do so great either but he tries that’s not something I would do though…. But everyone parents different

Now my kid doesn’t have bad grades, but I threatened to cancel everything of my sons, birthday Halloween Christmas, all holidays and special day, any of it due to his awful behavior… He’s 7, I haven’t had to do it yet, but I have told him okay no birthday party if it’s close and he will act right… But now with grades, I would take everything especially if they are making all F’s having a party is a privilege you don’t HAVE to throw them one. My daughter made all F’s last year and she lost everything besides her bed clothes and all the work she didn’t do

I’d find out why
I failed citizenship in 2nd grade because I told my teacher that my mom said my crayons and scissors were for me and not to go into the communal box because we can’t afford more

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First of all, Second Graders should not be evaluated using the traditional letter grading system. Their progress should be reported on the basis of mastery of skills.


Canceling a birthday party is not going to remedy it and may cause resentment and withdrawal which will lead to worse grades. Ask yourself… How did it get to this point and what is being done to fix it? Don’t just depend on the school… you have to make sure your child is doing what needs to be done and that things learned at school are reinforced at home. A child’s failure is largely the failure of adults especially if there are no mental deficiencies/illnesses involved.


You have one special day that is yours and I don’t know any kid that doesn’t look forward to their birthday party and then because they don’t do well in school it gets cancelled. Not everyone does well in school and they are in 2nd grade!!!. It is no representation of what they will become later in life. What a terrible way to punish a child or even considering it as a way of punishment. There are far better ways to encourage and work with a child to do better in school.


The kid is in 2nd grade. As a parent, you should be trying to help them not punish them for struggling :woman_facepalming:


Why cancel his party ? Sounds like you and he teacher had to know he was struggling. A child doesn’t just walk in one day with Fs .

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Absolutely not. And one of my kiddos struggles with grades. Bad. Always has. So I’m speaking from 100% experience. But I would be wondering what is going on for a 2nd grader to have F’s. I have NEVER blamed a teacher for my child’s poor performance but something isn’t working. To me, sounds like there is extra support needed at home. Again, just speaking from experience.


I would. They need to learn that they can not be rewarded for bad grades or any other reason that is not appropriate. I have a 13 yr old and when she gets disrespectful I take things away or cancel plans.


Taking away his Birthday :roll_eyes:

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What the actual fkkkk. NO

Imagine struggling in school and then rather than your parent finding out what’s going on, Mom and Dad take away your birthday party rather than encourage and find out whats going on.

I struggled with common core, and I will NEVER punish my child for not understanding.

If your child has been making F’s, why haven’t you addressed the issue with the teacher? I stay in contact with my kids teacher, and the moment she dropped to a C, I got a call that she was struggling to focus. And rather than punish my child, the school and I are working together to find a solution to better help HER. And come to find out, she just needed a little encouragement!!!

It sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to not even have the birthday party. Shame on you!


As a second grader with no behavior issues I would look at learning disorder or maybe he is having a difficult time learning a certain way I would not punish him as a mom I would figure out what is going on and help

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Absolutely not!!! I wish people would stop punishing their young kids for struggling!!! They are human too!! Imagine looking forward to something for MONTHS to only have it taken away bc someone thought you weren’t doing good enough. :pensive:


I wouldn’t cancel their party. Maybe grounded from electronics or playing with friends. Not from a birthday party. A little harsh in my opinion.

No. Maybe you want to consider getting him evaluated for ADD

No, firstly how did you not know this? In second grade kids need reinforcement from home. Homework help, as well as study and learning activities.
Second this happened to my husband at the sane age. He never forgot how much it hurt him his mom Did that.

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Is he trying or just slacking off by not doing assignments or homework? Is he studying or just messing around? If he is slacking and not putting effort into school then I guess take away having fun

Birthdays shouldn’t be canceled for anything other than bad behavior. And really we’re talking about a 2nd grader… not a teen

These comments are ridiculous! Y’all don’t know the situation either. My child started to bring in bad grades, my child brought in bad grades because she was being lazy. I took everything “fun” for A WHILE! If it would have been birthday season, that to would have been up for grabs when said grades came in. You know I wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, I struggled to comprehend school work, but if I made bad grades (anything below a b) I was grounded! Was it fair? Probably not, but guess what?! I started making my grades! I never skipped a beat once I got tired of losing my stuff. What’s right for your child, may not be right for this child and so on and so forth! Stop parent shaming! I say go with your gut, if you think he/she deserves to be punished, punish them! You got this mama!

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2nd grade, you yourself as a parent/guardian should be able.to acknowledge they are having issues and should reach out to the teacher and find out how you can help since learning starts at home.

We all struggle finding out why and helping is part of our parental rules.

Kids are being deprived of so much right now with all things covid related. Let the kid have a party and enjoy themselves for a couple of hours.

Can’t believe there’s parents like this, so poor what else do you punish a 2nd grader for?

Don’t take away his birthday because you failed him.


No. I would still let them have their party.

Absolutely not! Some kids really struggle in school. They don’t work one on one pace with each child. It’s all the kids working at the same pace. Some kids don’t grasp one certain part/parts of a subject. You don’t just take away stuff, or ground kids for bad grades. You print off worksheets they’re struggling in & help them figure out why they dont understand the subject. As parents, it’s your job to help them move forward in life, and by printing off subjects your child isn’t understanding, you can help them alot in school.


No. 2nd grade teacher here…they believe it is a holiday that the world should know about. Take away devices, toys, or whatever it is. Just not the birthday party.

Sure if you want to traumatize them and that be one of the stories they tell about you when they’re older… Don’t take away the party, if anything that could make things worse

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No! Bad behavior yes. Bad grades no.

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With only going off what you’ve said here and not having more information I would say 10000 percent no do not cancel his party because his grades are bad. Struggling with academics and celebrating your kids birthday do not go hand in hand. Now if this is something that you’ve been on top of with him and it’s strictly from him blowing off doing his work that is one thing. But you said it’s not behavior related so I’m guessing this is not the case. You need to talk to his teachers, find out what areas he’s having trouble with and look into getting him extra help in order to succeed in school, not punish him for having a hard time learning.

No .but i would just talk to him and ask if he needs help with anything at school or come up with ways to help his grades and maybe say hey no xyz until your homework is finished and ask him if he needs help with his homework.

yeah if they were much older. not in 2nd grade! :woozy_face:

I wouldn’t cancel cause of grades maybe he needs some extra help in school maybe he’s struggling canceling would only make it worse IMO

2nd grade? Work harder after school?? No reason to be failing in second grade other than the lack of interest to help after school


Talk with his teacher. He needs extra help. Most kids did not do so well when schools were closed due to the pandemic. My 2nd grader was struggling with his grade. But his teacher and myself worked with him and now he’s doing great.

Well since most second graders are behind because the pandemic started in the middle of kindergarten. I wouldn’t put blame on anyone! It’s not the parents fault and teaches are doing their best to catch them up. Sooo since it’s been a hard 2 years for everyone! I would still have the party!!

His in the 2nd grade momma :frowning: I would never cancel a party if he is in the second grade, maybe there is unxer lying issues that needs to be attended to due to his bad grades…


Too young to be punished over grades. Give them the party and help with the understanding of concepts at home.

Nope. Kids learn at different stages.

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No i wouldn’t all kids learn diferent and all grades are diferent id encourage them to do well then its up to them we would still do what we normally do life isn’t all roses no one is perfect

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NO ……

but I would look inward and ask myself, as a parent, how I am helping my 2nd grader, what could be causing my 2nd grader to fall, is there something physically hindering my 2nd graders ability to succeed in school, is something happening in the classroom that is hindering my 2nd graders ability to succeed (can’t see the board, has a learning disability, being bullied), etc?

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2nd grade? Obviously there is something underlying that needs to be addressed. Why is that child failing already? You as a parent should be stepping up and investigating why said child is struggling. That’s sad


Is he getting an F for not trying or does he need help in a particular subject / area ?..for me it depends if the child is not trying they’re best to get good grades then yes I would cancel the party

No I wouldnt. Its their birthday they are still entitled to a birthday no matter what their grades are.

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With covid going on everyone this year would be having low grades all kids are behind my sons got fa and ds in grade one cause he’s missed so much school

I feel like that would be humiliating. Especially if you’ve already stated planning, friends are invited or the child has already mentioned it to friends. I don’t agree with shaming a child for bad grades, maybe find out why - are they uninterested, unfocused, don’t understand etc. Work on that issue instead.


Absolutely not. He’s in second grade for crying out loud. If he’s failing and only in second grade you need to get more involved and communicate with his teacher. Figure out how you can help him. It’s likely that he isn’t understanding something. Get him a tutor or some extra help and encourage him.


He’ll yea. School first

NO !! Grade 2 there most definitely is a reason why .


I would do whatever the hell i wanted because it’s my child.

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That’s the same grade my daughter in and ever since kindergarten she been a honors student she really smart. You need to just help them more second should not be a grading they failing only if they have a learning problem

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I think you need to dig deeper into why they’re getting bad grades. Add/adhd. Not focusing/retaining information. For Christ’s sake it’s 2nd grade. My son is 10 now with straight A’s and in 2nd grade there’s zero excuse for F’s unless the teacher is not helpful or you yourself aren’t helping complete homework. But I also got him tested and diagnosed with ADD. So, sounds like they need to have a birthday party and you need to stay more on top of what’s educationally going on with your baby.


Wtf lol. They’re in 2nd grade🤦🏻‍♀️

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How is this is even a question, they’re still a child, no one’s going to look back at their 2nd card report card like ever… If anything taking away their birthday party will diminish their worth and make whatever the issue is worse.


NO :pensive: maybe youre failing them as a parent! Wtf


My mom would have canceled it. But I had good grades in elementary and middle school. High school was a different story

If ur kid is failing in the second grade, u as a parent need to get more involved. Ur obviously not if u don’t know ur kid is failing. My kid gets one bad grade and I’m on top of why and how we can do better next time.

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No??? 2nd grade? That’s a literal child. Get them into tutoring & don’t be an asshole.

She is still a kid… offer tutor sessions, sit and do some fun study with her, she is young don’t cancel a party due to this. Talk with her teachers and see if they can give you any advice as to why she may be struggling… better yet talk to her too, please don’t just punish her.


Depends. Are the Fs from laziness or from lack of understanding. If my child was simply struggling, no I wouldn’t cancel their birthday. Even if they were being lazy I don’t know if I’d cancel a birthday party. I’d probably find another form of punishment. They are only that age once :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I have a second grade son. You have to think: they got cut short of kindergarten by 3 months because of Covid, last year was a shit show with most being virtual. Some of these kids are behind. My son was struggling and he was trying his best. He now gets help with his reading and goes to after school tutoring. I dont think you should punish them for struggling. Maybe look into getting them help where they are having a hard time. Unless it was a behavioral problem, I wouldn’t cancel the party.

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No I would not, I would see what there is I could do to help my child boost their grades !

At that age, no I wouldn’t cancel for bad grades. But I definitely would be looking deeper into why my child was failing in the first place. You never know what could be going on.