Would you cancel a birthday party for bad grades?

I think the child needs more support at school with a tutoring, or if you can do it privately at home from a student would be a great advantage. Probably, the child feels bad already for failing at school. Taking the birthday party from them is not only humiliating but heartbreaking. I had a tutor at school after classes with the other kids. I didn’t like to spend that extra time. However, it was important in order for me to recover my grades.

that is very sad that who are even thinking that :frowning:

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Probably if you’re the Hitler household

You find an alternative, such as limit video games until he gets caught up or sit down and talk with the school and come up with a plan to help. You don’t take a way his birthday…


Definitely not. 2nd grade? I’d explore why the graded are bad first.


No. But everything else in life would be on hold. Not so much for bad grades but definitely bad behavior. Look into tutoring and sitting and talking to find out the behavior issues

I went to my first graders parent teacher conference yesterday and he is a little behind as well. But my son isn’t applying himself. His teacher bragged on how smart he is and how he knows the material but some days he comes in and is like nope not doing anything. So I dont blame you like everyone else thats being so judgemental. Its your child though you make that decision my sons b-day party is cancelled this year because he just got suspended in the 1st grade and people can say whatever they want IDC its my child. My mom was hard on getting good grades growing up and acting right in school and not only would she have taken my b-day party away I wouldn’t be attending any either. Everyone parents differently and i feel if I let him slide enough now when he gets older it could be worse. To each its own though opinions are like assholes everyone has one​:joy::joy::joy:

Find out why they are failing. Our oldest has SEVERE classroom and test anxiety and can’t raise her hand in class if she doesn’t understand because of it. Not saying thats the case, but kids are mean and feeling “stupid” because you don’t understand something so not saying anything is very common. Help them understand if you can or get with teachers or tutors. Don’t cancel party though, if they were older and purposefully failing sure, but not 6-7 year old, good luck!

Do they even get Fs in second grade? :joy: this just sounds ridiculous

I’d be wondering why his grades are so bad🤔 And why weren’t you aware of his grades being that bad wayyyy before a party came about


No way, not 2nd grade. Call the school no child should be doing poorly in school without the school taking notice and action to help that child succeed. Please do not punish your child for their struggles with learning


You do not cancel birthdays or life …for bad grades…we are living thru a pandemic…thier lil brains are confused…especially if they don’t go to school everyday…give them extra help …find them a tutor…don’t punish them by canceling their birthday…wud you like that???


There’s obviously a struggle that needs to be handled. Canceling a birthday party isn’t it. Talk to the teacher, and school counselor. Don’t punish the child because they are struggling :woman_facepalming:

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Figure out why child is failing & help the child


Heck no. They’re too little! Look into why they’re struggling at school, they may need help! Don’t punish for that :frowning:

I wouldn’t give them a party. Not until they started doing better in school. We prioritize school in this house. Same as work.

No maybe they have a learning problem

Absolutely not. I would want to send the message that the grades are disappointing, not the child themselves. And that is the age to explore why the grades are bad and help them learn what resources they have to improve the grades in the future.

No, I would get them some help!!! WTF is wrong with you??? You need help too!


No!!! Have the birthday party! He’s a little one.

I would find out why they are failing. I would take or take some time away from their games. But I wouldn’t take away their birthday party

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No. He’s in 2nd grade, so he’s only 7 or 8. But it’s important to work with his teacher to determine what’s wrong. Is he submitting his work? Does he understand the material? Does he have a cognitive disability, such as dyslexia or ADHD? Does he need tutoring? How’s his reading? I met a parent whose 2nd grader couldn’t read because she had severe, undiagnosed far-sightedness. Alternatively, he could be bored. He might need a more challenging curriculum. If your child attends public school, the school can and should evaluate them for everything a teacher suspects except far-sightedness. Note that the district might not want to pay, but they are required to under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If your child has an undiagnosed disability, you must become their best advocate. It can be an uphill battle both ways through the snow.

Birthday parties are done for love, not for achievement.


No, you don’t cancel their birthday. They are in grade 2, why are they getting F’s?! Do they not do their homework? Are they special needs?! None of these even matter, as it’s their birthday and should be celebrated, bad grades or not!

They won’t ever have this bday again. Keep that in mind. Grades can be fixed.

No. This is sad. I hope they still get a party.

Your child is in second grade and failing? Do your job as a parent and help them.
Punishing them and Cancelling things like birthday parties is not the answer.


F’s in 2nd grade?!?!? That young they still need tons of help from mom and dad. If their grades are that poor it’s the parent’s fault! Don’t cancel their birthday, they need a parent to over see their homework and assignments.


Definitely get to the bottom of why the kid is failing. Idk about all school systems but I have 2 apps, one is for grades and shows assignments/grades. If I see an F I ask her ASAP what happened? Sometimes she just forgot to do the assignment, other times she can re-do it and get a better grade. I’m always on top of it! She’s been on the honor roll since probably 5th grade. But if she started failing we’d be trying to figure out why. Not wait until “grade cards” come out, which we do not get those anymore. It’s all on the app.

They’re still a child, a child whose in 2nd grade, a child who looks forward to their birthday every year because it focuses on them and having fun. No, I would not punish my child that way, for me that is just cruel, they only get a birthday once a year, those bad grades can be fixed a child’s broken heart would take time to fix. Find out why the child is having bad grades and fix that issue first. Taking away a birthday party will only end up making your child resent them in the end, take away toys or screen time but never the birthday. Happened to my brother’s and I as kids and has happened to my nephew and it’s never pretty.

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Noo…they are 8?! Get your child some help. My daughter has struggled in school horribly since shut downs. We now have a tutor and it’s helping soo much. Online learning wasn’t for everyone. I font know if that’s the issue here but I still wouldn’t take away their party

Absolutely not. Why would this even be a thought. Birthdays are a celebration of the person. Canceling a birthday party for a child is the same as telling them you wish they were never born in my opinion.
Also, I’m second grade YOU should be helping them or getting them qualified help if you can’t understand the material yourself. Step up.


2nd grade and failing? Where are the ADULTS??


In a heartbeat. Bad grades= No extras in my home.

I would ask the teacher what was going on in class to merit the grade. Is the child unwilling to do the class work and homework, or are they struggling to understand the work? If they are struggling you can’t punish them for that. It’s not intentional or purposeful. Your child needs a tutor or to be evaluated for learning disorders, and given support. Not to be disciplined.

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A birthday is to celebrate your child, not their accomplishments. Nor does a 2nd grader understand fully, maybe the low grades are a sign that you as a parent need to seek them extra help in learning such as a tutor or an IEP program with the school. This punishment doesn’t fit.


At that age there has to be a why. Why aren’t they understanding is something else going on in their brain that isn’t letting them succeed get with the teacher and get the why then help him higher his or her grades

Have the party, if you deny him or her the party because of grades in early school years that just might cause him to hate school for the duration, try to find out the reason for the bad grades and work on a solution, after the child is very young

I meant after all the child is still very young

My Youngest is 4tg grade and has struggled terrible after the past two years but they have done everything to give him extra help in school and he’s getting so much better. I wouldnt tell my son he was failing at that age they are already struggling my son tries really hard too so it’s not his fault. If he wasn’t trying and had attitude that would be different. But the school has been great w help. I wouldn’t take a 2nd graders party away

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If she’s not doing the work or is lazy about it, definitely. But if she’s having trouble grasping information, then it’s worth looking into further.

Yes…have done it. Will do it again. But also had to get in there and help work out the kinks. Parenting 101. Set rules and be consistent. Parent with love. She is now a Freshman in college - made the Dean’s Honor Roll…#Proud Mommy

Failing in the second grade?? Nah mama. You need to help them. Get together with the teacher and see what they’re struggling in and why. Get them a tutor.
Don’t cancel their birthday. Every child deserves to have a birthday party. A birthday party is to celebrate that child coming into this world. It has nothing to do with grades.


Absolutely Not!!!

I would have that child’s birthday party failing or not that child is 8 and they are only little once

AND as far as grades go help that child bring his grades up because the parents are the child’s first teacher and once that child goes to school it isn’t up to the teacher to your child everything it is all the parents job to help them as well

But you may need to have a meeting with your childs teacher to see what is going on with your child’s grades and see What ya’ll can do to help that child with grades

But please don’t take a birthday party away and that’s a celebration for that child


No! How spiteful can you get

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Honestly. Find the root of the problem. They’re too young g to be punished for that imo


Listen 1st & 2nd grade is a huge learning curve my son did not start getting it together till 4th grade … he needs supports


Absolutely not! I would contact his/her teachers request a conference and find out why my second grader is struggling and make a plan to help them succeed. 2nd grade shouldn’t have f’s there’s obviously something going on? You need to conference with his team at school, the principal, the teacher, his whole team and figure out why that is happening and what is the next step to help your child do better. Advocate for your child don’t condemn them.


No!!! Help them! Have you had a conference with teacher? Need more info here. They are in 2nd grade!!! They are little!!


Nope, not all kids are straight A students. I was and it drives me insane that my son isn’t, but I know he’s trying his best. He goes to tutoring, he does his homework, he’s a good kid, it just takes him longer to learn than the 1 week they spend doing a lesson. Bs & C’s are his best work and he won’t get punished for that.

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Second grade?! Oh my god, please throw that poor babe a birthday party. They’re what, 8, 9? They have plenty of time to worry about grades. And I guarantee you mom and dad cancelling their 2nd grade bday party because of “bad grades” is going to cause a lot more long term damage :pleading_face:

Like legit, this just makes me so sad for that poor child. I don’t even remember my school having lettered grades that young, just meets/exceeds/doesn’t meet expectations.

I just…idk. There’s a whole big world out here ready to beat that child down, why add to it for no reason? :confused:


they still deserve a birthday party even if they’re really bad at school


:roll_eyes: you wanna cancel a 2nd graders birthday over grades? That you obviously arent helping with. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! Your child was failing long before the birthday party. Stop being Mommy dearest and figure out why your child is struggling in school. Smh


Please tell us you’re joking :roll_eyes::woozy_face::woman_facepalming:


That’s a really terrible idea to cancel the party. Not ok.

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That’s pretty messed up

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Uh… support the child instead of punish?

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I would be more worried about why my 2nd grader is failing when they have a parent to help them with school work rather than canceling a birthday party.


That is a life celebration. Other things can be used to advance grades but not a “once a year” celebration. That is too extreme. Especially for a Second grader.


Conference with the teacher.


No…let them have their party. It comes once a year.


Honestly it depends on WHY you child is failing. I would have a hard time cancelling a birthday party, however if it was a matter of non-compliance (refusing to do the work) and not a matter of not comprehending the work, there would be other “punishments” (no TV, electronics,etc.).

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That’s a memory that’ll last a lifetime (photos etc) these grades will pass…
And honestly may only
End up being an average student, and that’s ok.
He may be a different type of learner-more hands on than lectured to.
So many variables.
And we all know variables change.
School expectation on what they’re learning is so advanced! It honestly made me too hard or he may be just getting into the swing/introduced to xyz

Don’t cancel his birthday party.:partying_face::smirk:

You can make threats (so he’ll get his attitude right) but if the work is hard it’s just hard.

Let me ask you this…he didn’t just start slipping into “F’s”, his progress report reflected either the same or headed that way…it’s almost (3rd) quarter.
Are you guys (parents/siblings) spending the time to help at home? Or is his homework all left up to him?
Bc if he truly doesn’t understand in class then he doesn’t understand the homework either⚠️

Make library time on the weekends, nice and quiet where he can focus, where he’s not stimulated with everything else going on (noise, cooking, tv, bath time, siblings running a muck etc)
Decompress him. Decompress time.
One on one time-no phones just focus

Hope this helps​:crossed_fingers:t5::sparkling_heart:


No! They don’t deserve to be punished by not getting to celebrate their bday with their friends and family. You can push it back if grounded or something, but don’t cancel it.

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this is a joke right?

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It’s a horrible idea like seriously they deserve a birthday party help more with their school work

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Wow! 2nd grade, let’s cancel your next b-day party as a shitty parent for even considering that!

No way……and honestly if a second grader is failing school that’s nearly just as much on the parents/teacher. There should be a conference/conversation about what is going on and what can be done to HELP the child.


Absolutely NOT!!
work with your child!
Conference with teacher!
Get a tutor!!
This whole post reflects more about you than your 2nd grade child!!!

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I wouldn’t cancel, because them only being in 2nd grade and failing also reflects on you. What are the real reasons they are getting bad grades? Explore that before punishing your child for something that may not even be their fault. (Learning disability, bullying etc)


No I wouldn’t. I’d be making sure everything is going ok with them emotionally or if theres new distractions at school or if they’re not understanding the concept if this is a new thing for them. If this is not new my son is in 2nd grade and struggling bad. Hes also seeing psych and has an undiagnosed learning disability they’re working on figuring out. It’s not always simply them refusing

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… or find out why they are struggling in school. Sit down with the teacher, ask them how you can help your child :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Absolutely not. What if, God forbid, it was their last one for some reason…

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I’d run away from home if my mom was that STRICT with me.

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The failing is your fault when they are that little. Why should he be punished? You need to be more on top of things.

2nd grade and you are wanting to take away a birthday party over grades!? Sheesh.

No. Why would u? Just cause they get low grades doesn’t mean they not done their best

Nope, birthdays are to celebrate life, not a reward for doing well in school. I would consider other disciplines, but I say that if bad grades are due to lack of trying. If your kiddo is trying and struggling, that’s a whole different ball game. Then supports need to be put in place.

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Wtf, NO!!
2ND grade come on now. Hes little still figure out why hes failing an fix it just dont assume stuff!

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They are in second grade….this is when they are learning……everything. Shouldn’t be punished for not knowing/understanding stuff. Work with them and have the teacher work with them.

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Low grades means you need to step in and help your child more not take a birthday party away.


I would absolutely not cancel the party!! It should be a wonderful day.

What kind of discussions have you had with his teachers in the past in prior grades? What does his teacher. What does your child say about his days at school?

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No he needs help with school work , dont take his birthday away.

Wow omg. Only 2nd grade and can’t have a birthday party because their grades not being where they are supposed to be . That’s harsh in my opinion. A birthday is once a year. Why not celebrate them and make memories to look back on? You still have the rest of the year to be worried about her grades.

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Not every one get good grades

I’d still have a bday party

Is this a joke!!? Absolutely do not take their birthday party away from them for bad grades maybe they are struggling, look into a tutor rather then take away their celebration of life !! Birthdays are a big deal!! Hell im 31 and I still make a big deal about my birthday. Can’t believe this was even something you’ve considered.


2nd grade? Jesus Christ so what they got an F… just because they got that grade dose not mean they are not trying their best


Holidays and birthdays are not tied to grades in my house. For grades my kids get paid or owe, but there is always consideration as to whether the grade they got is the best they could achieve.

YES! These types of things are privileges. The only job children have to do is go to school and be average (c or above). If they can’t put forth the effort why waste my time, money and effort. Acknowledge their birthday and keep it pushing.

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Um nope, why take away a birthday party due to failing , as a parent yourself you should be sitting down with your child and trying to help him out with work or be having a long Convo with his teacher about getting him into some extra clothes or staying over to get some extra help to get some work turned in.
But definitely wouldn’t take a birthday away due to him failing a 2nd grade class !

No! It’s their birthday!

The party is to celebrate his birth, that has nothing to do with grades. Have the party and the next day discuss grades and consequences if they don’t get better. He is still valuable as your son celebrating his birth should not be a punishment.

Depends if it means last minute change of plan- cost wise - or if so you control what your baby gets - gifts - toys stuff like that - you keep until they bring there grades up - but I got to ask - F’s in 2nd grade isn’t right. Something is wrong -

2nd grade and failing that is on you.

Seems theres way too much punishment and not enough positive reinforcement/encouragement these days …imo.
No…Iwouldnt cancel a party. Id concentrate on helping my child do better or accept the fact they are doing their best and will probably go to tradeschool instead of college…you know how much a tradesman earns these days? . Not every child is academic

In our home grades come first
Tv electronic times get taken away first
Then if things don’t change extra curricular things sports gymnastics get taken away
I have never had it go further than the tv electronics
I think it is good you are prioritizing grades but make sure you are doing everything you can to help your child succeed
We hired a private tutor and have him in two interventions at school

No. Especially not at that age

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I stead of taking his party away step up and go to his school and get him the help he needs


I would not cancel birthday party, think of why you celebrate that!:heart: because of their birth not their grades that’s just my opinion However I would take away things that they really love at home and instead of doing those chosen things they can work on subjects they are having a hard time in and they can earn them back with good grades or better grades which ever you decide​:heart: also there are many reasons a child could be struggling might be out of their control Just be in tune with your child I know when my daughter situation she cannot control the fact that she is struggling she has underlining medical conditions but if I wasn’t in tune to listening to her and researching and talking with doctors it could easily be overlooked with the fact that she’s getting bad grades instead of in fact struggling and wanting to do better herself

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No, with my children I leave punishments separate from their birthdays. They still deserve to be celebrated and happy on their special day. Also, maybe the child just needs more help with their schooling instead of punished.


What you need to focus on is why your kid is getting F’s in second grade. Give them a party that’s got no bearing on that. But as I said, you need to focus on your kid while they’re failing second grade. Get in contact with that teacher and find out what’s going on. Maybe your child needs some help contact the school district.

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