Would you combine diaper bags?

Mamas, I need some help. I have a 15-month-old and due in 4 months with my second. So I will have 18 months and newborn. What have you done for diaper bags? My son’s diaper bag is my life. Not sure if I should just combine or get another one for the new baby.


Buy a backpack its a lifesaver!

I use a backpack for my 2 kids

I have always used a backpack style diaper bag. When I was raising my god daughter and nannying 2 toddlers, I have all their stuff in one bag. It was big enough that I could also put my wallet and stuff in it. Now that I have my own child, I use the same system. All of his supplies and mine are all organized in one bag.

I always have them combined but yes a backpack is awesome

Another backpack mama here as well!

Backpack all the way!

I use one diaper bag for all 3 kids.

Combine! One less thing to forget while running out the door with two babies in tow. Congrats!

I just got a bigger diaper bag. Big backpack one.

18months I’d get a rucksack of his favourite character then you can have the nappy bag free for your baby x

I use a purse. A big purse. But just one is in diapers now so that definitely makes it easier!

I have a combined one for my 3 year old and 12 month old. It’s a backpack style, I keep a second smaller and cheaper backpack style in our vehicle if we take one inside a doctor appointment and my mother in law stays in car with other or if we leave one child with babysitter. I’m due in May with 3rd and will combine that babies stuff with the other kids

My youngest two were sixteen months apart. I just bought a larger diaper bag to accommodate both of their things as well as mine so I wouldn’t have to carry around so many bags. It worked out great.

I use a wetbag for my kids diaper bags. And even then i just keep it in the car vs bringing it out and about.

Big back pack. I have on diaper bag for my 2 year old and 8 month old. Having too bags is too hard to carry and would be way too annoying. Invest in a bigger diaper bag back pack. Put everything in there so much easier and convenient

Just get a larger bag.

I will be combining until my 1 year old is a little older then he can have his own backpack

I use one diaper bag for all 3 of my kids(3,1 & newborn). I used to use a backpack diaper bag but I got tired of having to take everything out to find what I wanted. So I bought this one off Amazon after a lot of research & comparing prices. I absolutely love it, has many pockets & can be worn as a messenger bag or has backpack straps.

Combined. I won’t do a backpack. I dunno why. Just seems weird. My baby bags always seemed like a duffel bag and always had plenty of room when I had my children close in age. I had 3 2005, 2006, and 2008. And I used my bag as a purse too just needed a wallet.

Personally I have 2,

1 back pack , I use this for my purse

1 shoulder bag ( I received this from the hospital) I use this for diapers, wipes, lotions.

My youngest 2 are 17 mos apart and I just used one diaper bag for both

I use the backpack diaper bag. I have 2 that are 18months apart. 21m and 3m and one side is little diapers, other side is big diapers, and big part is the pad, wipes, formula, extra clothes and burp clothes. Then it has 2 outside pouches where I keep my oldests sippy cup and my drink. Then front small pocket has his bottles, and I keep my wallet in it.

Hafmall Diaper Bag Backpack -… Amazon.com: Hafmall Diaper Bag Backpack - Waterproof Multifunctional Large Travel Nappy Bag (Navy Blue Lake Blue) : Baby

Make the big one carry his own bag :joy:

I share bags. Put a divider in it and use one side for the oldest and one side for the youngest or put the oldest things in a gallon size ziplock inside the diaper bag.

Do one large book bag for both

Switch to a toddler sized back pack for your son and normalize him carrying it himself.

My son was less than a year old when we switched to a tiny backpack and he takes it everywhere. Only thing he has in it is probably 6 diapers, wipes, a pair of clothes and the cup he uses for the day. He’s now almost two, and it’s part of his routine.

Then just use a regular diaper bag for the bub. :slight_smile:

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I have a 2 yr old and a 2 month old
I have just the one bag for them both, I’d prefer to just take the one bag with us then having to take 2

Back pack style diaper bag is the best w/ 2 kids so your hands are free

I would use backpack in that situation. Perhaps, a larger size with compartments would accommodate better

My 2 youngest are 15 months apart and I just use one diaper bag for both ( backpack kind)

Diaper bag book bag off amazon $20 and I love it still.

I have 16mo and I don’t carry diaper bag anymore. I keep things in my car and stick a few things I’d need on hand in my purse.
But yeah, totally combine them bc their awkward enough to carry

1 large bag for all.

I use 1 bigger one i have 3 in diapers they are 18 months and 16 months apart

I had one bag for both

My suggestion is to put each child’s clothes in individual Ziploc bags what their names on it it’ll make it easier than having to dig through and find what you need

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I just used a book bag for both, my children are 15 months apart

I would go ahead and combine them into one diaper bag because mama you’re gonna already have your hands full. I always kept a smaller extra diaper bag in my car as back up.

Just combine the bag

I would do two just so I can keep each of their stuff separate. For example if u need to change the newborn u won’t have to check every diaper in the bag until u find a newborn one. Also idk about ur baby but my newborns stuff took up a WHOLE diaper bag himself I wouldn’t have been able to fit another kids stuff in it

Backpack. Saved SOOO much hassle - especially when we went to family’s houses/parties/whatnot!!

Get a backpack. I used a Lassig one. There are a ton to choose from. But with two that young, you need a hands free bag.

Backpack diaper bag with 2 sections

Combine. Makes things less complicated.

Combine and ya I love the backpack idea. I also had back up everything in a tote in my car. Four kids and ran a daycare for over 28 years. Shit happens-constantly lol

I have Irish twins. I used a single back pack for both.

I think the 18th month old don’t need a lot of stuff anymore. Just get a big one which will mostly accommodate the newborn stuff. It would be inconvenient if you carry around 2 diaper bags with a new born & a toddler but that will depend on which you would find more comfortable.

I have a diper bag i leave in the car and one i bring if my car won’t be with you may be able to do that for the older one

My first 2 boys were 17 months apart. I combined the diaper bag. I put sippy cup and bottles in the side pockets outfits diapers in middle wipes and wet wash cloth in Ziploc bag in the front pocket

Same bag just well organized.

I got a bag designed for twins when I had my girls 15 months apart.
Loads of space, changing mats are the same size, I used the same wipes, only difference was two different size spare clothes (just baby grows and a vest to save on space) and two different size nappies. A juice cup and a boob (if you would consider bfing, it saves so much space!)

Put the oldests things in a gallon ziplock inside the diaper bag I have several kids and always did this it’s easier to carry one bag and one kid than it is 2

My kids were 18 months apart and I had one bag…your arms will be full enough with the babies

Double zipper backpacks that have multiple compartments so you can seperate stuff

I use a bookbag as my diper bag I had a two-year and a newborn

Combine. Otherwise you’ll have 2 bags and 2 babies. That’s a lot.

Used book bag that included my purse.

I’d combine.
But when my oldest was Around that age, I got her a little book bag for her to carry her few diapers and wipes :woman_shrugging: when my second was born, she was in diapers for about 2 months and I just threw some of hers in the diaper bag with that baby’s


I have 1 bag, my son is about to be 3, my daughter is 1, and pregnant with number 3. Mama you’re going to have so much to carry and be busy with those babies, you don’t want to be lugging around 2 bags. I have a Juju Bee BFF (I’ll probably have to get the bigger backpack) and it’s fits both of their stuff and we cloth diaper. My son always has to have extra extras because he’s potty training, everything fits great! Just have to have a bag that’s big enough.

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I’ve combined but still have one for the oldest too, as sometimes dad takes him out solo. Bit toldder doesn’t have much these days

I had two girls 15 months apart and used one bag. It was also my purse. I couldn’t juggle two babies and multiple pieces of luggage. :grimacing:


Combine, I keep an extra change of clothes for each kid in my car to lighten my diaper bag


I’ve always had two in diapers. Combining everything into one organized bag is so much easier. You probably don’t want to carry two bags with two babies. It’d be so much to handle.

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I have 2 different bags cause I have a boy and a girl but sometimes it’s just easier to use 1 depending on the outings. Overnighters I use 2 but day things…1. It’s less of a hassle doing it both ways if you do a lot with them.

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At first we used two because our daughter has a queen sized blanket that’s her security blanket & we’d shove it in her bag with pull ups & a change of clothes… our son was a newborn so he had a ton of things to always have packed. Fast forward 9 months and now she is potty trained & is learning that its okay to leave “blankie” at home sometimes or even leave “her” in the truck when going in places and our son obviously needs a bag still due to only being 11 months old lol. Soooo much easier with only one bag :woman_facepalming::grimacing:

I have one combined and then I have my oldest her own, just for when family watches her.

Combine. My twins were just two when my youngest was born and I used one bag for all


Back pack! Always back pack! And when the oldest is ready, get them a little backpack to start carrying their own stuff :+1:. Mine are currently 6,5, and 3


Buy backpack and combined them that’s what I did

I have 1 bag and 3 kids. 3 sets of extra clothes diapers and wipes for 2 plus bottles and formula and my stuff

GIRL…COMBINE! Are you serious?! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Combine, and diaper backpacks are life :tipping_hand_woman:t4:


Combine. To many bags to much to keep up with

I got a backpack diaper bag when I was pregnant with our second. It was big enough to separate the two kids stuff and have it organized. I didn’t want to have to drag around 2 bags.

Just get a bigger one

Mine are 20months apart and am currently using a beautiful big bag and separate it so they each have a side each.
I find it easier as I only have to carry the one bag. :slight_smile: Good luck with Ur journey x

I’ve used one for a 2 year old and newborn. I just put a decorated cardboard divider in the middle so I knew which side was which.

I have twins. Combine everything girl. It’ll make your life easier.

I combine with my 2 which at the time were 17 months and a newborn but now I have a 3 year old 1 year old and 1 due in March im combine to the booking diaper bag this time!!

I jeep a larger bag very well stocked in my car and a smaller one combined for essentials only

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I combine bags with my two

Combine. Don’t become a packhorse

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I had to look it up and i think I found the perfect bag for 2 kids


Mine are 18 months apart and I use a diaper book bag. I put her diapers and extra clothes on 1 side and his on the other. I breastfeed so I don’t have to worry with formula and all.

Combine. My babies were those ages also. You’ll have 2. You don’t need to lug around anything more. You will never regret how close they are in age. I went on to have a 3rd again that close. Wanted 6. It was great in school and everything else that way. Congratulations.

i needed this answered too