Would you let your 5-year-old get their own dog?

Would you let your five year old get their own dog if they are the ones who would be needing to care for it and remember to feed it?


No because that’s ridiculous.

Absolutely not…I couldn’t imagine a 5 year old responsible for another living creature when they are still a big responsibility themselves lol.

Nope unless you’re willing to take on the responsibilities. 5 is not old enough to assume full and total responsibility for a living creature.

No! I’ve had a dog who lived to age 18. Recently my beloved Louie age 15 passed. Way too young. Dogs need numerous walks, exercise. They are a lot of work and responsibility. Way too young and unfair to the dog.


Care for it how?
A dog is a big responsibility for someone so young.

Maybe 15? But 5 is insanely young, unless you plan on being the sole caretaker of the dog.


Probably not. 5 years old is much too young to be responsible for a life.

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NO ! They cannot possibly handle the responsibility.

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No … still to young for all the responsibilities that come with a dog .

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Nope. At the end of the day. You are 100% responsible for the dog. You will be the one to make sure it completely taken care of. Unless your are ok with those task.


Yes :raised_hands: they need their best friend! I adopted a baby puppy and my oldest wouldn’t even help as much as my youngest who is this age loved to step him and do whatever was needed. My son learned patience and responsibility with his furr buddy!


I think you’ve answered your own question. The child is 5


A 5 year old isn’t responsible or mature enough you as the adult are the one responsible


My 6 year old is in charge of giving out dog food and water, and that responsibility is shared with his older brother and sister. Even tho my youngest is the one who remembers before his siblings most the time, i wouldn’t put all the responsibility on just a 5/6 year old. Thats too much. Walking, bathing, feeding and watering, picking up accidents and training. Nope. Maybe get him a dog n a few key tasks but keep in mind you will have to remind him every day to do those tasks and follow up to make sure he does them. It wouldn’t be fair to leave it up to just him. And u take care of the rest.

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It won’t happen it will be all on you.

No. That’s far too much responsibility to expect of a 5 year old.


Expecting a child to be the primary care giver for a pet is mostly not appropriate until around age 12-13.


I would not…animals are A LOT of responsibility for such a small person. My 6 yr old has a cat. She only feeds her. I still clean the box (due to risk of toxoplasmosis). I still have to tell her everyday to do it, and even then she’ll forget.

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They can have their own dog but the parent is responsible to make sure that dog gets taken care of not a 5 year old

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No, unless you are going to help. Having a pet is a big responsibility.

Depends on the child maturity at that age some are able some are a year behind still…

We have a family dog that we’ve had for 10 years since she was 2 months old. My 8 year olds responsibility is to feed her and he still forgets 5 out of 7 days weekly! So then we have to remind him daily or do it. He’s had this responsibility since he was 6 :unamused:. It’s definitely a family responsibility because we all contribute. I can’t imagine just my son doing it all.

Nope. Not expecting someone who cannot solely, independently take care of themselves as yet, take care of another living thing lol

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Your 5 year old cannot take care of themselves and you want to get them a puppy with the expectation that they’re the sole care giver for said puppy?

Are you drunk?

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A 5 year old can’t handle all that. Vet visits, making sure the child feeds the animal, and walks, as well as cleaning up any accidents, falls on the parent. Most 5 year olds still need reminded to brush their teeth.


No I wouldn’t
They have enough on their plate with school and all…
I’d wait till they are older and more mature

No because it will end up your responsibility
Get her a virtual dog and see how that goes

That just sounds ridiculous


Um a 5 year old can’t even remember to use the bathroom sometimes and you want them tk take care of a living animal ?


Expecting a 5 year old to take proper care of an animal is not appropriate.

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When you are ready to have a dog. Any animal you get for a child should have a parent as the back up owner. You think your kid is responsible enough for a dog? Then get a dog. But if your child stops feeding it, cleaning up after it etc, you can’t just get rid of a dog, or better yet you can but you shouldn’t. And you can’t just not feed the dog. So if a kids get a pet, hope you don’t have to take care of it, but have a plan in place incase you do.

I would let the child have a pet but I wouldn’t expect a 5 year old to be the primary carer for said pet. Sure , they can be involved in care and you can teach them how to care for it over time, but it would be ignorant to expect a child to know and respond to the needs of a living thing all by themselves.

Puppies raised properly are sometimes more difficult than toddlers. They need constant attention, potty training, vet visits, shots, training, bathing, food, water, exercise, the list goes on. My dog is almost 16 years old now. Expecting your child to be the caregiver of your dog is like giving a child to a child. No matter how responsible they are, it’s not appropriate. Get them a fish (you’re still gonna have to help them clean the tank)

It doesn’t matter how old they are YOU are the one taking care of you. YOU buy the food. YOU pay vet bills. Children under 10 are not responsible enough for full responsibility of an animal. Especially a five yr old

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No… my 6 year old doesn’t even remember to feed her fish most the time, I have to as well as clean the tank.

Please do not take in a dog in hopes a 5 year old is responsible… this is how dogs end up in the shelter

No, not unless you’re ready as the parent and adult in the situation to care for the dog when your child decides not to do it. Don’t go get a dog and then give it away because your 5yr old didn’t walk it and feed it and clean all its messes…


This can’t be a real question. Absolutely not.


We got a dog and my 6 year old only gets involved to wind him up so he gets sent to his room I’d suggest you wait till they are more mature

Yes, but just know you are still the primary care giver and need to make sure those things are done and if not do them yourself. I have 4 dogs, 3 great danes and a hound and my 7 year old has been taking care of them since around 5 years old. She lets them out/lets them in, feeds them, gives them water etc but over all I make sure they are 100% taken care of. It definitely helps with responsibility!

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Oh that sounds like a fantastic idea since they can barely wipe their own butt…

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The kid gets the dog. YOU do all the work. A 15yo would battle to look after a dog. I used to say the best pet for my teenager would have been a snake that goes into hibernation.

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For me, having animals has helped teach my son responsibility. He’s 7, and cleans the lottery boxes and dog poo from the yard for extra chore money when he wants something.

Absolutely not. A five year old is not old enough for that responsibility. You’ll be the one responsible

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No a 5yo has no real concept of lifetime responsibility. It will be on the adults to take care of the dog. A 5yo is not going to be able to exercise the dog, buy the dog food, take it to the vet, remember to give it it’s preventatives, etc. That’s for the adults.

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I believe all kids should grow up with pets

My 6 year old barely remembers to brush her teeth on her own, are you nuts? A 5 year old is not going to care for an animal by themselves

I would not even get my 5 yr old a plant soooo. No.

Uh no I have a 6 year old and he couldn’t even take care of a hermit crab! They are too young to take care of a animal and they get bored very easily