Would You Let Your Child Ride a Public Bus to Another State Alone?

This question was submitted to our community via our Facebook page and/or our Answers forum. Responses are also taken from the community. If you have your own parenting or relationship question you would like answers to, submit on Facebook or Answers.


"Would you allow your sixteen year old daughter ride the bus to another state alone? Asking for a friend."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Is there any stops? Is it like a greyhound? Does she have to get off the bus at any point? Would a parent be there to meet her?"

"Possibly…every child is different"

"It depends how n how mature the 16 year old is, and I would discuss with the bus driver to make sure they could just make sure she was dropped off where and with who she is supposed to be getting picked up by."

"If she is 16 years old, she will be an adult in less than 2 years. So Yes, if she is of normal intelligence and has a history of making sound decisions."

"Depends on if there are stops in between and how she handles things, if she is responsible, and if she would have a way to contact someone if she needed to."

"Why not? She is 16, not 6. If she is a responsible teenager, she can do it. As long as she knows not to go anywhere with strangers."

"I left home at 16. Idk I think it depends on the kid lol"

"Depends on the 16 year old, some are more mature then others. I would if I was confident that they were able to do it by themselves."

"Yes. The posts here about “the way the world is now”. “human trafficking” etc; are valid concerns but we have to raise our children with a sense of being able to take care of themselves. If she’s mature enough to go to the mall with friends unsupervised, she should be mature enough for a bus ride. Best to sit up front, near the driver."

"At sixteen, yes I would! I’d ask her to stay in contact with me as far as any stops made, delays, and when She arrives."

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