Would you let your 17 year old go on a class trip to chicago? Only 8 students were chosen out of the entire junior class and I am unsure how I feel about it. It is a 3 day trip for a culinary class…
Yuppp! If you trust them. Or will learn to trust them in a new way. Thats a huge thing for a 17 year old.
Yes. Itll give them the chance to make memories.
If the teen is responsible enough to behave themselves, yes.
I let my oldest go on a school trip to Italy for 10 days. My junior was also chosen to go with his culinary class to Chicago for 3 days. I am letting him go.
that depends on the teen. are they mature enough and responsible enough that you trust them to make good choices there? and do you trust the care of your child is in good hands?
At 17 yes. Should be old enough to go
Yes why not there’s usually always adult supervision
Yes it’s an opportunity of a lifetime !
Why not let them? I went on several trips in high school - I went to Denver and Boston from Ohio. Those were some of my favorite memories.
Yes that is a good opportunity
I’m sending my 16 year old to Europe for a week on a school trip! This sounds like an amazing opportunity. Of course they should go.
At 17 I am pretty sure I’d say yes
Absolutely!! What an experience!!! They also will have chaperones I’m sure!!!
Yes. In a few months you’ll have no say. He earned this trip. Chicago can be rough. I understand your fears. But he won’t be in the dangerous parts. My 12yo went on a class trip to chgo last month. A few of them got separated from the group. They were scared. But they worked together & are fine. Let him have fun & grow!
I let my 17 year old go on a 2 week tour around Europe with her class.
Yes. Why is it even a question? They’ll be leaving home for uni soon enough.
My 13 year old went on a ski trip for 10 days with her school. We are in London England.
Yes let them go. It is a great opportunity. There will be adult supervision. Why wouldn’t you let them go?
They are about to become legal adults. It’s time to let them explore and see new things! And as an added bonus, not much is coming out of pocket for you! They will be with trusted school officials that don’t have a crap ton of kids to keep an eye on, just the 8 of them. They will be busy with activities and have a great experience. Why not? It’s time to let them start flying! One of the hardest parts of parenting! You raise them to not need you and be independent…
What an awesome opportunity for a young adult
Yep. My 7th grader will be going to Washington next year (8 th grade)
My 12 yr old is going abroad for a week skiing with school x so yes definitely almost an adult age I wouldn’t even question it x
Unfortunately no, I wouldn’t allow them to go. Absolutely nothing to do with the child but unfortunately everything to do with the school.
As someone who was spitefully abandoned by a teacher on a trip they cannot and would not be trusted to ensure the safety of my child. I would still see if there was a way for the child to attend under my own personal supervision.
Memories are amazing. I’d say yes. But why only certain kids and not the entire class ? Seems weird to me. Make sure they have friends that are going and make sure they understand if they leave the group and get lost it’s on them lol
I went on a month long trip to another country when I was 16 and it was the best ever so yes, wonderful experience
Sure that’s a great experience for them. But make sure they have the ability to get out of bad situations and that you have their back if they get a weird vibe. With all the sex trafficking going on they need to have more education on trusting their gut.
Our school did this and the group leader got stabbed while they were there
I let my (then) 15 year old go to New York for 5 days (drama trip) from the Uk so I would say yes if they are a mature 17
Absolutely what an amazing opportunity and an honor to be selected
Yes. Why wouldn’t I?
They earned that spot and deserve the opportunity they worked for.
Sounds like a great opportunity that not many will get. It would be a shame to take that from them!
This is an opportunity to learn and experience new things and see new sights. School-sponsored trips are usually pretty well chaperoned. My 16-year old daughter went on a school-sponsored trip to Spain, Portugal, and Morocco when she was a high school junior. There was lots of teacher/parent supervision, and the kids had a great time.
I went on a weeklong trip in 1996 to DC with my class…I was 14.