Would you rather go to college or have another baby?

Would you rather go to college and further your career or have another baby?! I don’t think I would be able to handle both financially or mentally. But I also want one more baby but I also want to further my career options. I have 2 other kids. A 9 year old and 7 year old.


Go to college and then have another baby ? Or have a baby and then go to college in a few years? Do both and take all online classes. :woman_shrugging:t3:.
Only you know which one you want more and how much you can handle.

I I I obviously your already a single mother…how 'bout grow up get your :poop: together, quit having babies with no dad in the picture…my opinion only based on the information given.

Are you able to save for your children’s college education? Would your degree help you get a high paying job or would it be a B.A. in English or History that are a dime a dozen and not particularly lucrative?

Why do you want more children? Could you be content with the two you have? What does your partner think?

Put together budgets and see how both compare. Could you support yourself if you got divorced? Nobody wants that, but sometimes it happens. Could you deal with three kids on your own the times you would have them?

Do you have emergency money stashed away or are you living paycheck to paycheck? What happens if you total your vehicle? Your basement floods? You need a new roof or new refrigerator?

You have two kids at this stage. Best would be to further your career now and build your future. After graduation you can have your last baby :sunflower: set your goals and work towards it.

Go to college, further your career and get a job so that you can have a secure and firm financial foundation, that will later allow for you to support the baby you want. You get both that way.